The mind of a fucking child....
The mind of a fucking child
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Takes one to know one.
Donny Pisspants is upset again? Who'd have thought.
Would you like to defend this clown, or just go fart out your mouth?
no one can understand you with that dick in your mouth, faggot.
Article 2 of the case of campaign finance violations was the use of campaign funds to keep this picture off the internet. Only cost cohen $95,000.
hahahahaha classic
>unironically crying about a tweet on an anonymous internet forum
the right is fucking wack yo
Just because he has a baby dick and acts like a baby and looks like a giant baby doesn't mean he's a baby.
if this something new and weird to you?
god i fucking love this president sometimes
bitch please im just stating the obvious.
>da comrade, president is best
Still ur president kek
If it was yours it would be much easier to talk with it in my mouth.
the last gasp of a cult member in the throes of cognitive dissonance.
i mean c'mon dude, even if you dislike him, you cant argue that he makes this shit entertaining as FUCK, you feel me?
You wouldn’t change your mind anyways.
da south rising again oh no's
We'd be able to find out if you could remove that orange microdick from your gaping cumhole for more than 5 seconds.
How's it taste, traitor? Like spray-paint and flop sweat, no doubt.
Politics and entertainment should be mutually exclusive.
>I can't defend him
>every cultist right now
>kow towing to this impotent fuckstick.
What a fucking clown. Just truly a pathetic excuse of a human being.
This is a picture of a French slave getting her head shaved for fucking Nazis.
I disagree strongly.
When things are boring, people tune them out. They don't take the time to learn about the issues that actually impact them on a day-to-day basis. When you give them a reason to, however, if not just SOME of those people will be incentivized enough to educate themselves and maybe learn something they otherwise wouldn't have taken the time to learn.
>defend this clown, or just go fart out your mouth?
user, I think you know that they're quite capable of doing both at the same time.
I can't imagine still supporting this fat sack of cat shit.
Did Obama join the army and bigamously marry a redneck?
Cucked fucking trump supporters. Can you imagine letting your wife cuck you so bad on your fuckin' wedding day?
>Can you imagine letting your wife cuck you so bad on your fuckin' wedding day?
There's a bunch of Sup Forumsacks who'd get off on it.
You arent learning anything from infotainment
This isnt national geographic, its pure propaganda
Hoes mad
63 million people voted for this assclown
I will never be able to wrap my head around that fact
>I can't defend my cult daddy
You're misconstruing my point entirely. People aren't supposed to learn from the propaganda. But the theatrics and hyperbolic atmosphere can serve to draw people in so that they might take an interest in the subject they would have otherwise ignored.
The thread of a fucking faggot....
>this picture is blue
what else needs to be said?
cultist faggots
im just disappointing in the key frame work on that gif.
Im no fan of Trump but he did do the right thing trying to expose Bidens corruption, too bad he did it in such a shitty way.
Better than having a black as a president
Shut the fuck up you fucking dipshit cultist.
So you respond like a child? Nice get.
Everyone should pay attention to this.
It's clear, explicit propaganda presented almost verbatim of RSUTI briefs.
Kill yourself Ivan.
Why do you want people paying attention to your cousins work, Sergei?
Oh look, he's back.
You're either a russian or you're retarded.
Which is it?
Why do you think only your comrades get on Sup Forums?
So both. Got it.
This isnt facebook. No need to post your pics.
NOU wasn't a valid response in 3rd grade, it isn't one now, Ivan. You need to work on your American phrasing.
Trump worshipers are really backed into a corner here.
Fatty fatty turdbrains.
So you think we'd be better off with Killary?
Trump killed more people in 2 years with drone strikes than Obama did in 8. Trump is literally attempting to start a war RIGHT NOW.
Are you actually fucking retarded?
yes absolutely, because hillary would have continued a number of economically viable Obama-era policies. Trump just exploded the deficit to above a trillion dollars.
Don't even care if it's fake, it's beautiful.
> Literally attempting to star a war RIGHT NOW
Which is why when he had a chance to retaliate to American bases being attacked and a civilian plane being shot down he did nothing right?
You people are fucking idiots, there's a reason the world laughs at you.
Wait, you believe that the DOJ wasn't notified of the base assault? Because that'd be real fuckin' stupid of you.
>civilian plane
A mistake, and one caused by American military intervention without notification of Congress.
Imagine being such a fucking cultist you actually defend this nutless orange moron.
Trump committed an extra-judicial assassination without Congressional-approval or notification, with no imminent threat.
The base bombing WAS the retaliation, you simple faggot.
Fuck yeah!!! Woooow!!! That will teach you!!! In your face!! Don’t you be messin’ with no ‘Murica, ya hear?? Woooow!!!
The mental gymnastics of Trumptards never fail to astound me.
The world is laughing at Trump, always have and always will.
Yep. This is what happens when Trump makes a speech that isn't in front of his brainless worshipers.
Nope, still not tired of winning.
You can't identify a child as an adult? Weird! They're the little stupid ones running around that smell like pencils and peanut butter.
>unironically crying about crying about a tweet crying on an anonymous internet forum
Imagine being such a failure that you can't even achieve financial success in the Trump economy
An SnP index fund would've netted you 30% bruv.
Man where are all the 'not being impeached' fags today? They seemed so sure of themselves! I wonder if they'll move the goalposts again?
Remember when you said he wouldn't be impeached and you were wrong? :) You have a startling record of being wrong 100% of the time
Can we have the civil war already? We're never going to get along again.
Keep cryin losers. Your tears are delicious
We can get along. Trump supporters just need to admit their mistake and stop being in damage control all the time.
4 more years
Pence must be stoked.
>bitch please
obvious russian troll farm, stop replying to these fags, it’s the only real way they influence elections