This busty indian has open DM’s and will flirt with guys who support Bernie
This busty indian has open DM’s and will flirt with guys who support Bernie
As a Tom Steyer supporter nothing lost. she looks like one of those masculine italian chicks
She’s a major slut
with acne scars deep enough to fuck.
What the fuck is a Steyer supporter
If she's a major slut is there nudes ?
Im sure she sent some
Kinda like a Bernie supporter, but had a course in macro econ in high school.
But you don't have any
Please dont tell me im supposed to be impressed
Sadly noo
So what's the point of all this then?
quite the opposite in fact, but the bar is pretty low.
>busty Indian
She related to Warren?
>busty Indian
>a cup size tits
You’ve set your own bar low. Surround yourself with better people, do better yourself.
You say her dms are open, where is the contact information for these aforementioned dms there faggoty OP?
Oh hey lads its @TwinklingTania on twitter, god speed
Thats right. Her DM policy
Well considering you were too much of a sperg at the start of this thread, someone had to post it