Cant sleep and bored as hell

Cant sleep and bored as hell...

Let's kill some time and do an AMA

Currently 12:45am here in los angeles and I can hear the pitter patter of the rain and the tippy taps of my dogs nails on the floor as she dreams

Pic of muh dogs. The GS is the one currently doing the tapping

Attached: 20190416.jpg (1080x1076, 643K)

Do they bang u

No I have no sexual interest in my dogs


Can i see pic of bottom of ur feet

thank god!!!

whenever i see someone post a pic of their dog on Sup Forums i assume they fuck it. this place i messed up.

some super-autist is gonna find out where you live based on the model of refrigerator you have, and fuck your dogs.

never post personal info here.

Eh a lot of people are normal and dont wanna fuck their dogs

Dude I ain't moving to satisfy your fetish.

Do you hear the shit literally hitting the street?

You're a bit over the top user lol

I've been here since 2004 and have posted my face, general location, pets names....a lot of info and I've been fine...

The shit as in the rain or are you talking about literal shit? Lol

People shit in the streets in LA.

Oh yea I'm not around that area to witness all that thankfully.

The actual city Is about a 10-15 minute minute drive for me.

>Currently 12:45am here in los angeles and I can hear the pitter patter of the rain and the tippy taps of my dogs nails on the floor as she dreams
Cool dogs.

Thanks user. They're currently the only babies I got till my real baby arrives so they're on limited attention time lol

Congrats on your new baby.

found you. sleep tight, bicth.

Thanks. Get to find out the gender next week and I'm antsy as fuck

I will user.
I'm ready for ya


Wish i had the following dogs altogether :
German Shep
Belgian Shep

Is that why u can't sleep?

some super-autist would get wrecked I'm sure.

Have also posted personal info without consequences.

Also there is nothing anonymous about this site.

Except that harmful anonymice get drowned.

all those dogs are extremely sexy and i want to fuck them, especially the husky

Attached: ac44b1afd2de896de0ab88892dff953c.jpg (388x364, 45K)

Those dogs look sweet