Why are conservatives so triggered by this?

Why are conservatives so triggered by this?

Attached: transrights-humanrights.png (1200x1200, 64K)

uh oh

Attached: f634500b554adf1a82a98113745daa8d.png (574x604, 435K)

Those people need help, and by that I mean, help into a volcano.

Why are trannies so triggered by biology ?


the only volcano you're ever going to be on top of is the one you let loose into the toilet after the 50th consecutive crunchwrap supreme, you fucking slob.

Because it's not true desu

Go back to your circlejerk hellhole, redditfag

it's because the idea of giving children treatment to affect their endocrine system is abhorrent

7th grade biology is not integrally the same as college-grade biology