Do you eat pussy because you want to? Or because she asks you to? Which one are you Sup Forums?
Do you eat pussy because you want to? Or because she asks you to? Which one are you Sup Forums?
Slurp slurp slurp
I like it tbh
Makes you feel empowering
Love it makes me feel good when I can tell she's also loving it
If you don't love eating pussy you aren't a real man.
Eating pussy is extremely gay
i like it, but gf thinks it's gross cuz she no like her own cunt lol
Just mumble nohomo while you're going down on her and it's fine
I feel sorry for your boyfriend.
Yes sir only eating ass from now on
Cause I want to
tell that to ancient romans, for them it was less gay to fuck a boy in the ass than to lick a cunt, just to say its all a matter of perspective
As long as the balls didn't touch it wasn't gay
In russian prison eating pussy means that you're a fag, because you stick your dick in there and so that means that you tasted a dick if you licked a pussy.
By that logic it's more niggerish to be white than it is to be an actual nigger. It's all a matter of perspective.
You don't lick every pussy. Only the bitches you really care about. You should never lick a ho's pussy, take the advice or leave it. Not every pussy should be licked but every bitch better suck a good dick.
ancient romans literally used women only to procreate, kek
they all were a hardcore faggots and after the another battle they did a gay orgy right on the battlefield on the corpses of their enemies
Don't mumble it, write it on her clit with you tongue.
incel basement dwelling teenager detected
It’s okay for what it is, but if i was served it in a restaurant i’d punch the cheif in the face.
i do not eat felines (dubs)
In Soviet Russia >eating pussy means that you're a fag.
I like sucking dick cause it makes my partner feel good.
I like eating pussy cause it makes my partner feel good.
I just like making people feel good.
Did it once because I wanted to.
She told me she didn't like it, and rather has me streching her holes. Well I'm not gonna complain about that.
Enjoy your hpv and throat cancer you queers
This is approved whole heartedly
i eat my dogs pussy because i like doing it a lot. And she likes it too.
I find if you put a little suction in the clit, and then tongue clean the tip like its marble. Is it gay if youve been with a chick with a clit big enough to jack it like a dick? She had kids. She was crazy...and so was she.
Fuck that...he spot probably have biological potholes on your tongue. Nasty bastard. Congrats. I was reckless with my tongue to back in the day. That was before women became walking Chernobylshinas.
Yes yes...but thats why you dont swallow and you get outta there before the tide comes in.
Bro I eat my girls ousts like I’m a freed Jew from a concentration camp at Golden Corral. Fuck I love it so much. I just hate when my jaw and or tongue get cramped or fatigued.
That Latina pussy is seriously the greatest thing ever. I love when her juices get all over my face I try not to wash my upper lip for a bit cause I get to then savor that sweet smell. FUCK I wanna go down on her so badly rn
Main reason I don’t like hook ups that much is cause I’m not really gonna go down on some rando but a committed relationship I’ll slurp that shit every chance I can get
Isn’t kissing a chick gay too? If she sucked someone off then you’re basically kissing a dick
only eating a straight mans ass or kissing a straight man wouldn’t be gay since it never had a dick in or around it kek
Depends on the pussy. I will spend hours willingly on a good pussy, but will do everything I can to avoid a bad one.
As a perpetual incel, I eat pussy whenever I can because I'll do whatever I can to get as close to pussy as I can for as long as I can. I've convinced myself that girls will let you go back for more if you voluntarily lick it.
thats kinda alpha tbh
ill take a giant clit over one that is completely hidden... shit aint fun, problem is most feminine girls have these micro clits
Kek those typos cause I was just so pumped to talk about eating pussy
the trick is to eat it like you like it
If you feel a need to empower women, you are still a sexist. You are also a pussy.
>Do you eat pussy because you want to? Or because she asks you to? Which one are you Sup Forums?
im fucking insane for eating pussy. i must please and gratify her. i owe her everything. i owe her my life. if i can make a little mew cum 3-10x a day then i have made my birth justified
shes a god
omg her ass is even tastier holy fucking SHIT SAPIOSEXUAL PATRICIANS WHERE WE AT A Y Y O
I don't like eating pussy, but I like playing a woman's body like a musical instrument.
When I do the things she likes, she makes certain sounds and moves a certain way.
Do that a few times consistently, and you can pretty much do whatever you want to after that.
Get them addicted to you and you have power over them.
Exactly. A bunch of beta fags in this thread.
they just losers
no sex rebreed or even a right to life (inside their heads a lie, they will never realise)
>used to date this fat girl
>she had a cute face but was obese
>she would be very sexual and I had low self-esteem at the time, was young and inexperienced
>tried eating her pussy
>fucking gross
>had to shove my nose into her fupa to be able to stand it
>she would always ask me to do it and I'd never want to
>thought this is what pussy was like and couldn't understand why anyone would do it willingly
>one time she spread her legs and there was big shit streak on her ass, couldn't wipe properly because of being fat I guess
>finally broke up after years
>had much more self worth
>started dating attractive girls
>turns out eating pussy is actually really good
>addicted to it
>even eat the whole asshole
>don't know why I greentexted this
>don't know why I greentexted this
You did good don't worry.
plz call 911 on yourself
If you're hetero and dont like eating pussy, you're a fucking beta
Dont let the balls touch.
>Ancient romans
>Literally 2000 years later
You have the big gay.
My ex didn't even like it that much because of poor self esteem. Still pushed to do it.
Didnt they find out that eating pussy causes cancer?
you're a fuckin fag if you put your mouth on a vagina
its gross and it stinks. it's like sucking a dick by proxy. don't (you) me.
Both tbh if she asks I'm down, if she doesn't ask but she's still down then I'm doing it anyways
big brain moment, they will come for you now
Pussy is it's own food group. Eat out often is my motto.
Everything causes cancer.
If you're concerned, get the HPV vaccine first.
Both, I'm good at it and it gets her super wet.
the vaccine will give you autism. plus basically everyone gets warts anyway, it's natural and normal.
not with female dogs, because they aren't cheating whores like human woomen.
pic related, would fuck
>the vaccine will give you autism
lol no it won't
Vince Vaughn
I would probably get off on it, but I can't get a gf because I'm a amoral psychopath whos idea of fun is making fun of kids on the internet.
Oh, it's that racist Trumptard supporter who used to have a career in films.
You can’t read for shit
Holy fuck, that reading comprehension
I do it because I like it.
Recently got pretty decent at it with the whole g-spot and clit licking. Very nice. I like hearing her say” what are you doing to me?” She never had someone eat her out like I do. Most of the girls I’ve dated didn’t have anyone eat them out as much as I do. Luckily she likes to suck my dick to. We’re even. Good thread
If her face touches your crotch, you better be ready to reciprocate. Don't be a fag.
I love eating pussy but my face ain't getting anywhere near that thing without a monogamous relationship and a full STD screening. Anyone who eats pussy of a hook-up is an idiot.
(Unless you paid for the beej)
I enjoy muchin' on my lady's snizz and pooter. Her squeaks and squeals while I've got my tongue stuffed in her poot are adorable
Latina pussy eater checkin In. Can confirm those sultry juices are amazing. There’s some spice to it. My girl loves
When I go down on here, I’ve gotten a lot better too. If you trust your partner munching on muff is great l
Depends on the pussy.... looks good, smells good.. I'll eat it for an hour
I love it. The smell. The taste. The effort. Its all win.
only a handful of men actually have such a power over women
Femanon here,
I honestly don't like having a guy eat me out. The idea of a man lowering himself to me in some way is a turn-off. It makes me less attracted to the idea of him.
>or GTFO
This was horny cute. Lucky gf!
Hot. Hot hot hot
Ughhhh, please let me see breasts... please just one pic... I'm desperate I'm begging
If the guy is good at it or likes it, it's super fun! Only had one bf that was bad but what he lacked in skill he made up for in enthusiasm
same here
I used to go down on my ex every other day, because I love that shit. But some girls just aren't into it.
>Try suck clit.
Both. Depends on my sex drive. I'll eat pussy until she just wants the dick, sometimes I just don't feel like it.
I love eating pussy, but only when in a relationship. When I was in the Army, I hooked up alot, one night stands. Often taking a girl back to the room from the bar. We would make out, and I would get a blowjob. After these girls would say, my turn. I'd look at them with a puzzled face and say my turn what. They would say, go down on me, eat my pussy. Lol I'd tell them I don't know you, I'm not eating your pussy. They would be like but I went down on you.. and I'd be like, that was you.. lol good times
You sound like a douche
I would eat pussy 24/7 if it was physically possible
I'm gay
based and chad pilled
Ancient Romans did NOT fuck young boys. That would condition the boy into being weak and feminine. They just fondled the genitalia as a show of affection and adored them Platonically.
>hs gf finally lets me eat it
>it smells
>she doesn’t like it asks me to stop
>ugh thank god
>finally eat a clean pussy couple years later
Young girls don’t clean their shit properly. Eating pussy is the best.
I love it, but only when she doesnt smell like hot garbage
Fucking love it!
Romans were homophobes and even fucking a slave man was looked down at, retard.