>ITT: Actors you don't "get"
ITT: Actors you don't "get"
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She was the worst of all the kids in Stranger Things
>posts a netflix who
Pedo thread will get 200 replies. Also she looks 38
This. Her autism was obnoxious.
and that's saying something because they are all fucking terrible even by child actor standards
That's remarkably untrue.
But honestly, I've never seen her this way before, this makes me understand now why people might think she's ugly.
I will murder your mother in her goddamn sleep.
Fuck off back to you know where not him the show sucks as does the acting. Go watch game of thrones too ya bitch.
With patrician grammar like that, I reckon you must be a senator's daughter.
I'd like to "get" her, if you know what I mean ;)
Objectively wrong.
The dindu was easily the worst.
He's going to have a very big jewish nose when he is older.
>Also she looks 38
The lines around her eyes are advanced for her age.
I get
I thought she was good enough in Stranger Things. Then I heard her talk in interviews and stuff. She's the definition of a precocious child and with a name like "Bobby Brown" you know her parents are hipsters or pseudo intellectual yuppies
>2010 /tv GoT threads
>most focusing on Bran
Yes, I know why but still.
You realize it was because he's hot as fuck, right?
why is he so inferior to isaac hempstead wright
wait till you see her in godzilla 2
This. Never got the Bran love. He was pretty blah as boyfus go. Same with OP's Finn Wolfhard obsession. Very ugly boy
Isaac Hempstead Wrong is like 30 and looks like Rachel Maddow. Froggo is still prime boyo, and he's much more active on social media than Isaac ever was. He's always got new rares coming out, and he will even talk to you on twitch. Being a Froggofriend is much comfier than being a Branbro.
please stop lying to yourself
though i agree finn is ugly as a turd
Fuck off Mazouzpedo. You are the worst person on all of Sup Forums.
>his sweet babby pics.
Now he's all grown and kissing girls ironically because he's obviously as flammingly gay as the day is long. Time flies.
why does it make me laugh so hard when i enter one of these stranger things pedo bait threads to see the fags derail it every single time
rachel maddow is CUTE
saw it mazouspedo phoneposter
Congrats Sup Forums, this is the gayest shit I've seen today, and I work in porn
Yeah I forgot to crop that.
David > Bran >>>>>>>>>> Finn
thanks for your input whore with 0 skills applicable to a real job that contributes to society
what sort of biological warfare aftermath disaster is that?
Wait, like in gay porn specifically? Because why would that even be applicable otherwise?
She looks like a absolute bitch.
ITT: Bunch of 30 year old virgins complain about child actors more successful than them being only 14.
You do that a lot.
I'm neither 30 nor a virgin
But yeah I'm pretty jelly, not gonna lie
To be fair, he is the most authentic batman we've seen on screen.
How many times do you think Isaac popped an unintentional boner while riding in the harness on set? He was like 13-15 in those seasons. Hormones would have been all over the place.
>white knighting for a barely famous actress in an obscure thread
how bad did this scene mentally scar him
All memeing aside, I doubt he was actually present on set with nude Kristian at the same time. Nude scenes and child scenes are both taken very seriously on a professional film set, because there is a buttload of liability involved. I don't think there is necessarily a SAG rule saying a child actor cannot be present for a nude scene, but it seems like the kind of thing they would avoid if at all possible.
no he was there
Reminder that GRRM wrote this episode
is young tg?
Goodness. Well... Uh. That's interesting and completely unnecessary.
>is you tg?
Wat? Like, transgender? Yes. Yes xie is.
Do you think that's what turned him gay?
No, tap water turned him gay. This was just icing on the cake.
Pic related. It's the cake
Why does Hollywood have such a massive hardon for her?
something really needs to be done about the tap water over in bongland, if its not turning bonglets gay its making them look like finn wolfhard
I never saw too much of her, and that montage they showed at the golden globes was not at all impressive. Not a fan of trump but I agree she's overrated
Who wouldn't be somewhat jealous over preteen kids landing major acting roles by being randomly discovered? Why couldn't *I* be Dafne Keen and work in the company of Hugh and based Sir Patrick?
Cute froggo
underated post
I bet if you faceapp it be Sara Paulson tier uggo
Millie looks like elizabeth perkin in the woman version
He's probably a good actor but the show doesn't interest me that strongly.
not them and not a virgin
just saying child actors are all sorts of fucked up when they mature after media overexposure
and their "success" can disappear the second they grow up to be awkward lanky or otherwise unattractive to mainstream audiences
What is there to not get? Anons want to rape her