I feel like the majority of people who complain about "SJWs" ruining comics with gay and minority characters don't even read comics and just get them secondhand by watching Ya Boi Zack and other casualgate channels. I'm eighteen now, but a couple years back I went through a pretty hardcore right wing phase and did stuff like complain about Jane Foster as Thor and Kamala Khan without actually reading the books. Now that I'm actually a big comics fan this stuff bothers me less.
I feel like the majority of people who complain about "SJWs" ruining comics with gay and minority characters don't even...
>I feel like
Opinion discarded.
Begone zoomzoom
Who fucking cares, we don't need more of this shit, fuck off
It's not SJWs ruining comics, it's shitty writers. There's always shitty writers. People just get angrier with them because they don't agree with that writer's political stances. As for that image, I never like the idea of calling out your core demographic because "older readers" are still the ones buying the most comics. Kate Leth even complained how her fans weren't buying her comics back when she was on Hellcat. But that comic was shit so I'm glad it failed.
I'm not going to say anything except to wait for the day when you guys complain that they're "turning their back on the diversity they've fostered" and then you'll be in the same position as the people you spat at.
>It's not SJWs ruining comics, it's shitty writers. There's always shitty writers.
I've heard this excuse before, but I don't think you chalk it up as a general "shitty writers" issue when absolutely 100% of the shitty writers the big two hire are all specifically SJWs.
I'm going to ignore the obvious bait but just dropping by to say that it's pretty funny how they included Kamala in there even though, by virtue of being a good written character, she doesn't "bewilder" older audiences.
He's got some point, given how some of those shitty writers weren't SJWs at first. (Mark Waid and Bendis)
inb4 wojak posters with hyper-sarcastic screaming about whose opinions are important.
i hate when you see the same fucking picture in every thread.
>inb4 wojak posters with hyper-sarcastic screaming about whose opinions are important.
>i hate when you see the same fucking picture in every thread.
actualy it would be the opposite
the ones screaming for "muh diversity" don't fucking read comics. They mostly don't watch the movies.
It's pretty much "reeee needs less White people!!! reeee we got less White people onto other problematic things!"
You seriously can't look at a panel this obnoxious and not get why people hate modern comics? Like seriously? It's the perfect example of an out of touch company trying to be hip while saying it's the fault of haters.
I'm betting you didn't even read Hellcat.
>You seriously can't look at a panel this obnoxious and not get why people hate modern comics?
I'm supposed to look at a panel of one comic and decide to apply this to literally everything that's coming out?
That's retarded
You're the one who brought it to the table. Don't be a bitch now when it gets tossed in your face. This is exactly why people don't like these characters. Because instead of striving to improve them they just double down on their bullshit and say it's the readers fault for not "GETTING THEM" and that the people they want to buy their product are wrong. They're using irony and the blame game as an excuse for their shit books and shittier sales.
>You're the one who brought it to the table
No I'm not.
I'm not OP, I'm just pointing out how retarded your logic is.
>This is exactly why people don't like these characters
Most people who bitch about these characters, have never read them.
Everyone who bitches about Moon Girl have never read a page of her comic, and hate her squarely on the fact she's the "smartest" which is something that her own comic disputes.
Or Squirrel Girl who I see people bitch about and it always comes down to people not liking the art her book and not anything about the actual character.
And then there are characters like Kamala who is well received but people keep trying to lump her in with shit character like Miles and Riri
the stupid part is that people claiming "boomers Btfo" don't have a single valid piece of data to back it up. the popularity of those cringy new girls characters is especially not proven to exist, or driven by the young girl demographics at all.
You're actually a complete fucking idiot for assuming that is literally the only comic panel that the other poster has ever seen in his life.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
What is wrong with you?
I literally never said that.
>I'm eighteen now, but a couple years back I went through a pretty hardcore right wing phase and did stuff like complain about Jane Foster as Thor and Kamala Khan without actually reading the books. Now that I'm actually a big comics fan this stuff bothers me less.
!(gr8 b8 m8)
I'm not even giving you a (you). Or a bump. Faggot.
But they aren't popular with anyone. Sales are terrible and the marketing is a disaster.
>I went through a pretty hardcore right wing phase and did stuff like complain about Jane Foster as Thor and Kamala Khan without actually reading the books
So because you were a 16 year old who jumped on a troll bandwagon you assume the majority of criticism was coming from 16 year old trolls jumping on a bandwagon? Yeah, ok, I'm not surprised you think that. Did you spend any time at a LCS actually talking to anybody outside your own age range? If you haven't, please consider doing so. And don't just go online, discourse with actual people is different than discourse over the internet.
Personally, as a 32 year old who's been a fan of this shit hobby since I was 8, the marvel legacy push was unique in my lifetime for a variety of reasons. There have been legacy characters pushed before and replacing established titles with "new" and "hip with the kids" characters is by no means a new idea but the concentrated effort with which the whole roster was forced en masse and the way any criticism was explained away as politically motivated was different. I always thought the rule of thumb in business was "the customer is always right" and for the first time I had content creators actively trying to denigrate me for choosing to no longer buy their product. It wasn't just 16 year old trolls who don't like the sjw push, it's a lot of people of all ages who find themselves having to defend their tastes.
>I'm supposed to look at a panel of one comic and decide to apply this to literally everything that's coming out?
That's literally what you said.
Anyone with at least a half functioning brain knows what an "example" is.
>it-it's a big boy ethos, you don't get it
o im laffin
>I'm eighteen now, but a couple years back I went through a pretty hardcore right wing phase
zoomzoom zoomer
That's what I said in response to this.
>You seriously can't look at a panel this obnoxious and not get why people hate modern comics?
And I'm questioning why I should look at one panel and apply it to everything that's out, because that's what he's saying I should do you retard
If you can't see why that single panel is terrible, you won't be able see why any other panel is terrible either, so keep consooming product and get excited for next product.
Mark Waid isn't shit, he might've written duds like Champions which still had good moments in it but he's a perfectly decent writer, who also has written great stuff recently like Doctor Strange and History of the Marvel Universe.
Well of course, he doesn't see it as terrible. Because he thinks it's good. You're the bad guy who should GTFO of comics if you think that panel is in any way an example of the shit comics published on Marvel because they can't do any wrong!
>Mark Waid isn't shit
Did you forget your wojack or something? If you're going to retort at least give more than just repeating my own words back to me.
>so keep consooming product and get excited for next product.
Oh look the unpredictable nerd crew reply, what are the odds!
Nice moving goalpost you got there.
Can't even stick to a topic.
For one I never said the panel wasn't terrible, because it is the entire "Gwenpool strikes back" miniseries is shit.
But if you were anything other than a complete retard you'd be getting that I'm saying that why I should look at one panel from one comic and apply it to everything that's out now? Because that logic is retard.
You're either a moron or a samefag.
The see a the youtube video when somebody was calling Kamala Khan a psychopath and SJW propaganda about Muslims.
Well, judging by what's being published right now, I can't see anything that I'd actually want to read , given how they either look awful of have awful stories (especially the recent Star Wars comics have been pretty abysmal with the poorly traced art and being based on the sequel trilogy). Given how recent media folks on Sup Forums actively despise the people who actually make them the most money while chasing the people who praise them but give them nothing in return, I'm content with just lurking.
no lies detected
>see a the youtube video
hi mario
It's an example of why people hate modern comics, and quite frankly very far from the worst of the last decade.
We're both on Sup Forums, which means we've both read the same garbage that's posted here every week.
So if you're trying to claim "OH WOW, HOW CAN I JUDGE THE ENTIRE INDUSTRY BY THIS ONE PANEL?!?", then you're clearly being a disingenuous faggot for pretending this single panel is somehow an isolated incident of cringey faggotry.
I love Kamala Khan
So far you've done nothing but move goalposts and intentionally miss the point of what I'm saying.
If you wanna be a fag who says there's nothing good being published, go ahead be that kind of fag but it just proves you're a moron who wants to throw under the same hood.
Then why is the writing on Comicsgate books like Jawbreakers just as bad?
This thread is about to turn into a shitshow and I predict the guy who constantly talks about Captain Marvel and the leotards will show up to dump his folder full of outrage bait and years old panels, so I'll just say this and bail out:
OP is right about the thing with people who don't even read these comics and assume them to be shit right off the bat simply because they are atypical looking, as they have a chip on their shoulder about all that stuff; but also there's an understatement regarding Ya Boi Zack and similar outrage YouTubers as they have a reach that I wasn't aware of. The other day I was looking for Marz's Silver Surfer to find a specific issue, and the very first result was this shit. This also happens with other series and writers, if you look some other series or character the very first result will be some imbecile screeching about it, and it sucks that some newcomer will find this shit by a guy who barely knows about comics and get the wrong impression of the series due to a political slant.
I mean no shit. Everyone just reposts that one image of panels from like 2015.
But people not reading comics and getting all their information from out of context pages on reddit and Sup Forums while pretending to be big comics fans is nothing new, it's plagued Sup Forums for at least ten years, it's just the past 4 or so that it's become all bitching about "politics".
You're also pissing into the ocean by posting this here.
It's about time we all agree social media was a mistake.
everything on the market is a product for consumption user
Some people consider any police brutality against minorities or any group of white people shown as bad people like lynch mobs as at anti-police and anti-white.
because contrary to what user would have you believe, this isn't actually about the writing. it's about the politics
>We're both on Sup Forums, which means we've both read the same garbage that's posted here every week.
That's an extremely generous assumption, a lot of the people there who allegedly read comics only come to bitch about specific things and aren't aware of recent things. There's a GOTG preview thread right now full of people asking over and over why it was relaunched because they weren't around months ago when it was announced that a new writer would take over. And every storytime has people asking the tl;dr of entire arcs because they can't be arsed to read; and if you suggest them to do that, the answer usually is "why would I do that when it's all shit?"
So no, Sup Forums in general does NOT read comics and usually go off by superficial traits to disregard things, but that doesn't stop them from criticizing them as if they were experts.
The majority of people who complain about LGBT characters in comics just do it for attention or to shitpost. Or they're Sup Forums.
Normal people don't give a shit.
A good writer can make almost anything good. Look at Pak and what he did with Weapon H, the poster child for "bad idea, great execution." If you focus on the politics and not realize that the writer is shit then you're not paying attention. However, there's Waid who's SJW writing is easily his worst and it's obvious he forgot how to write teen characters but he's shown on his Strange run that he's still a good writer. Just try to understand the writer better and not focus on one thing about them. The most important thing is if they're capable of writing a good story.
Evil bedbugs.
And yet not a single person actually giving us a GOOD reason we should read current western comics again.
Not that this is an endorsement for Comicsgate since their comics are just as bad. Lately though, None of you want to make anything fun or interesting again. Nope, you asssholes prefer to be catty bitches not unlike the YABook community. "don't do this, don't do that, can't draw this, can't draw that" day after day after day.
Those hipsters they're pandering to now, don't even buy the comics. They just pirate shit on readcomiconline.to.
Just pick any Twitter shithead with hot takes, browse their twitter, they usually ask their fellow shitheads where to read the latest problematic comicbook for free.
His Strange run isn't good, though. It's mediocre at best, and the only reason it's "better than the current average" is because of how hilariously awful everything else coming out is.
itt: people way too attached to the media they consume
>Those hipsters they're pandering to now, don't even buy the comics.
You're out of your mind if you think most people don't do this, when RCO has a huge traffic as it is. Pretending it's just them is pretty disingenuous, when that dumbass Cates was screeching a couple months ago about pirates and how he didn't want to hear fans telling him that they read it for free. As far as I know, Venom isn't a "pandering book".
tumblr, you have overstayed your welcome, please leave.
>those bugged out eyes and creepy ass smile
This is your example on how she isn’t a psychopath? Should of just posted a giantess pic to get these retards to believe you
>mediocre at best
You didn't read it. It's not just "better than what came before" (which isn't bad in itself), it's actually comparable to Volume 2 and 3... Which I'm sure you haven't read either.
Do you know what goalpost moving actually is?
Yep attributing everyone you disagree with as a boogeyman, totally not the same as SJWs at all, you sure showed them
let go of that baggage you're carrying user, you'll be happier for it
> I went through a pretty hardcore right wing phase and
No you didn't. Stop lying.
>those bugged out eyes and creepy ass smile
That reminds me when shitposter would post pictures of people like G. Willow Wilson making funny faces as proof they are mentally ill.
>The majority of people who complain about LGBT characters in comics just do it for attention or to shitpost
That's just the majority of people who complain, period. You have to wonder about somebody standing on a (digital) soapbox crying their eyes out and whether or not they're being disengenous. I feel like the racial/lgbtq angle is low hanging fruit that even the laziest attention seeker can pluck with little effort and the sjw's feed the negativity because it helps their argument to have somebody representing the "oppressors" they point at.
An snake eating it's own tale and bitching about the taste
And so what if there's a trans character? If the storys still good, who gives a fuck?
it always makes me laugh when people defend garbage
I think you got the colors there reversed on your image
>tranny character
>good story
In your dreams, namefag
different user, but those aren't psychopathic traits
Not him but all that pepe/wojack/meme shit is just a phase to me, from an outsider view (since I was never into it). I assume many of you will grow out of it eventually, past the 20's... Can't imagine someone older unironically posting that garbage deep in their adulthood along with zany, low key racist shit just to stir outrage.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Go back to Sup Forums
are you giving tips?
>posting pepe and memes means you're right wing
the absolute state of society
Shut the fuck up tripfaggot.
lol kay
I love it when retards are arguing about fictional characters.
Yeah. The tip of my dick lmao
I don’t know where you live user but nobody I meet or see in day to day life looks like that
remember when we use to complain about the 90s comics, with rob leifield and his shitty art, about how story was pushed a side for art and 10 wolverine clones from image, were being edgy was the menu of the day, i miss those days cause at least comics sold, were creative and actual made it to mainstream media
not true, some of them are from facebook
I'm not quite talking about those and I guess I should specify, there's the very obvious type of posting that involves those characters with the sole purpose of pushing back against anything not white and traditional, coming from young guys. It's a very obvious pattern, partly fueled by the fact that it's easy to rile people up that way but deep down a lot of them believe it, else they wouldn't be so dismissal of it without even checking if they're right or not.
Not that user but I remember how I was this close to getting caught up in all the anti-SJW hysteria back in 2012 but the argument of when it was appropriate to racebend white characters. The general Sup Forumsnsensus was that it's never appropriate and actually an insult to people of color to do so and that's when I realize these people were just against having any non-white characters in.
We didn't know how good we had it.
>I feel like the majority of people who complain about "SJWs" ruining comics with gay and minority characters don't even read comics and just get them secondhand by watching Ya Boi Zack and other casualgate channels. I'm eighteen now, but a couple years back I went through a pretty hardcore right wing phase and did stuff like complain about Jane Foster as Thor and Kamala Khan without actually reading the books. Now that I'm actually a big comics fan this stuff bothers me less.
>Yep attributing everyone you disagree with as a boogeyman, totally not the same as SJWs at all, you sure showed them
Yeah, because it's a cartoon drawing.
>the only possible way to have a non-white character in your comic is to take a white one and put them in blackface
>nobody i know is a comic book character who can morph their body cartoonishly
no fooling?
I don’t think so. Somebody as relatable as kamala khan is real to me
>backpedals across the universe
Bye bye friendo
>black panther, ms marvel, power man, blade
yer so against non white characters
>posting right wing memes means you're probably right wing
maybe yes
Are we talking about the character or the writer?
>inb4 wojak posters with hyper-sarcastic screaming about whose opinions are important.
>i hate when you see the same fucking picture in every thread.
Duh I'm just a lonely man who posts wojack pics all day long with no originality.
sterling rebuttal