What is wrong with these kids?
What is wrong with these kids?
exposure to the internet at an early age.
One's a bong, one's a nog, and one has a bone thing.
Ugly Jew and dirty nog
Ive got a bone thing too.
If you're picking up what I'm putting down.
they've been overhyped to the stratosphere just like the show they're on, which has no hope to ever be good again because it will never live up to the expectations people now have.
they'll be on tmz's 'memba them list in 2 years
They look like muppets. I half expect to see Jim Henson's hands up their asses if the camera was to pan down.
They also are all juxtaposed to traditional roles, even the black kid, the girl has short hair and boyish features, the boy has long hair and effeminate features. The black kid is nearly gay flamboyant, practically a negro-liberace.
Parents have fucked them up eternally by selling them to Hollywood
Seriously Hollywood parents and Sports parents always live vicariously through their kids because they are complete utter failures.
I was bowling one day with my family and I was watching this old fat guy yelling at his kid because he wasn't closing all his frames and the guy saw me notice and asked, "You got a problem buddy?"
I replied, "Just wondering when you're going to show him how its done, pal."
they are pretty punchable
The obligatory co-stars
Millie's parents are like that. Gaten's parents are fairly normal. They live in suburban New Jersey and have no plans to relocate. Gaten did theatre in school, and given his strong singing talent proximity to NYC, he got scouted pretty early on and ended up in a Broadway show. Stranger Things also kind of happened as a fluke. His agent submitted him for the pilot and expected nothing from it and he ended up getting called in. Now the mom and dad take turns flying him back and forth to and from Atlanta to do the show, but there is no real push to make things bigger. The seem like decent people, to be honest. I don't know anything about Caleb, but he's a NY based Broadway kid too, so it's probably not too different. New York and LA are two completely different worlds.
Millie's parents would never sell her out. They're just doing what is best for her. No one would take advantage of a preteen girl.
really makes you think
What is the giant cone thing for?
They ooze the Reddit generation.
>ywn be part of the secret society that gets in on this shit
Seven of truth
They're Reddits adopted special needs kids
Oh dear....
Lighting probably
From left to right:
Spray tan, actually a robot, drunk.
>ywn destroy rhis society