Wheel of time TV series

Apparently Sony is producing it,



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>it's an Olver hides in a hole pissing himself as he blows the Horn episode

I'm sure this will end up well. Doesn't WoT need way more cgi than GoT?

Per the Darrell K. Sweet artwork, shadowspawn are just men in animal helmets, and muggles can only see the effects of weaves when applicable, so I think it could be done

This kind of stuff can't work as a tv show or movie. Maybe a very long running animated show, but animation is dead.

I don't think it will ever be made.

The rights have been bandied about since the 90s and no one ever makes anything with it with the exception of that shitty faux pilot made with the sole intention of fulfilling requirements necessary to hang on to the rights.

I really don't think this will ever be made.

despite it being shit i love the wheel of time and this is a horrible idea an animated series is the only thing that may work especially if they reworked some of the hack shit jordan put in.

100% this

no, they do even less than in got.

yea, even without all the cgi/animation needed...the casting is a huge issue

Most of the men in the series are like 6' 5" and above, and most of the women are 4' 11"

For example....Lan is bigger than rand, and is probably 6' 5", meanwhile Moraine is tiny

At last
We see each other plain

It would have been so much fun seeing Rand beat Galad like the bitch he was. Gawyn was always gunning for it be would have gotten so thoroughly embarrassed it would have just been sad.

Also: the events of the series take place over a period of only a few years, despite having 14 books and the characters are teenagers.

How is this adapted without changing the actors?

Galad sonning Valda in the KoD prologue was surprisingly satisfying.

Gawyn is Elayne-tier, I hope he doesn't exist in the series

The shit with the one power and rands inner monologue both of which are crucial to the plot would be impossible to do correctly in live action

That too.
Sure, I dont hate Galad like I do Gawyn. Its just that Galad pretty much acted like he was the baddest thing walking, when he actually was like 5th best swordsman alive.

other thoughts...Rand is a polygamist. Mat gets femdomed. Egyene spends some time as a masochist. Some of these things will be difficult to incorporate in a way that is understandable to people unfamiliar with the story/world.

Also, there is like to be a big femenist outcry, since the women int he world seem to be and act like they are superior to men...but in reality they are not, and this is demonstrated many times in many ways.

In One Power, strongest women are weaker than the strongest men etc etc. Not that women arent strong, but they ARE NOT equal.

>In One Power, strongest women are weaker than the strongest men
Men can't link without a woman -- that's a huge deficiency. Robert Jordan was a clever fellow

Also for the record, in the Third Age, male channelers are either KOS or get their magic nuts cut off on detection.

I think 3rd wave feminists might like this series.

yes but rand and every important male channeler btfo literally every single female one in terms of power taim logain rand and the forsaken are above every single female in the series

Oh I wasnt implying there wasnt balances built into the magic system. But just on he measure of raw strength, men are stronger than women. Rand got out of a circle of linked women trying to hold him, for example

Apparently it's a really good series but so many things about the first book annoy me that I've never had the motivation to continue.

There is this one part where Moiraine turns giant though, so that's pretty cool.

Graendal outsmarted Rand even though she didn't end well.

Semirhage got the jump on Rand and he only got out of it via hax. Then she got the jump on him again and he only got out of it via hax.

Egwene soloed Taim with Vora's sa'angreal.

Rand killed 100,000+ trollocs and shadowspawn without taxing himself

Rand modified weather which is normally impossible unassisted

It is implied he channeled ALL the One Power during the Cleansing

It is implied he held ALL of Saiden during his epiphany on Dragonmount

Also, outsmarting someone has nothing to do with strength in the power

Taim was a bitch, nu-forsaken were significantly weaker than originals. Note she needed a sa'angreal to best him and wasnt even that strong.

>toned down violence and gore
>no nudity
>trying to make it medieval the books are squarely in the Renaissance/Reformation based on clothing, economics, architecture, and government

Rand is the most powerful ta'veren ever and ta'veren get to modify the plot of the books they are in to suit them so a couple Forsaken chicks getting over on him is pretty impressive.

Rand doing extreme shit is not impressive because the Wheel weaves to help him accomplish set outcomes


Automatically garbage

The Wheel never modified anything to do with his channeling. That all came from him/Lews Therin. The ta'veren shit helped out when he was negotiating or needing something. His impressive feats of Power were all 100% him, not the Pattern

The Age Lace determined who this guy would be, what his circumstances would be, how powerful he would be, who he would meet, what he would learn, etc. Rand's nature and nurture were both fucking fixed. He's privileged as fuck. He's the Dragon Reborn.

I've needed a new book series to get into as I'm done with Witcher and name of the wind. Is wheel of time good? What's the general plot?

Try The Chronicles of Amber instead.

WoT doesn't need any new readers right now


The Chronicles of Amber, by Roger Zelazny

Is it just me or did the dialogue read like an animu des su kah neh?

Sanderson dialogue did.

Robert Jordan's dialogue was impeccable.

I'm only 3 books into the series, but I'm enjoying it. It's pretty slow though.

I'm asking about the plot of WoT.

You said you needed a new book series to get into. I recommended The Chronicles of Amber.

Our exchange should be over.

Why do you not want other people reading a book series you like?

I love The Chronicles of Amber.

Why do you not want people to read wheel of time?

WoT has enough readers right now. If you or any other Witcher fans, or Poles, are looking for a new series I'd suggest Roger Zelazny's The Chronicles of Amber. It's really quite good.

Even if they were seriously planning to make a TV show it wouldn't end well. Which is alright, these garbage books deserve a garbage show.

>WoT has enough readers right now.

WTF does that mean? How does that affect anything?

>enough readers right now

You're a hipster aren't ya? Just tell me what it's about

>Apparently Sony

Why are you so dead set against reading The Chronicles of Amber?

I'm not going to read either, I'm a different person than /this dude. I just want to know why you think WoT is "full". Is this a sekrit cloob thing

Wait, why aren't you going to read Roger Zelazny's The Chronicles of Amber? It's a great series.

Sony isn't going to survive long enough to produce anything. This is a ploy to show off their IP for potential buyers.

There's always audiobooks for the illiterate, first section is good stuff.

>it's a Perrin trying to get back his kidnapped bitch wife for three fucking books doing nothing episode

In hindsight, I wish they'd cut out Perrin's part entirely. He was only ever interesting during the early wolfbrother parts. Once he came across Fail, the hook-nosed harpy, every single one of his pov chapters became a chore. Holy fuck, I already lose interest in the series just thinking about the "must save muh Faile from Shaidos" storyline. Or the bowl movements of the wind side arc, where the womenfolk were at their worst.

Sony will ruin it

>it's a freezing nude Faile gets warmed by Rolan the Aiel slapping her ass episode

I know this is going to sound very pleb but wheel of time is boring as fuck. It's low-rent Tolkein-lite only somehow twice as generic and three times as dull. Entire books go by without anything happening.

Sup Forums is going to shittalk this but try Gentlemen Bastards. At least the characters are engaging.

>name of the wind
No, don't read WoT. What you're looking for is The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind. First book is called Wizard's First Rule.

desu, the only book with nothing happening is book 10, which the author himself confesses might have been a mistake (books 8-9-10-11 could have been merged with proper editing into say just 2 books)
other books really have stuff happening, until the "calm before the final fight", as armies and heroes move into their positions (books 10-12), then shit really hits the fan

Honestly, they could just end the series at book 3. Do a decent amount of rewriting to make it work and end it when Rand fucks shit up that sword magic thing. Could easily go 4-5 seasons on books 1-3 and leave it at that. It's how Jordan intended it anyway, only 3 books to begin with too I think the way a lot of things only fully begin to open up after book 3 that is.

Fuck its been 15 years since I read that shit now...

The ending of the series was one of the first things Jordan thought of when writing it, 3 was never meant to be the end.

sanderson recapped the few things you need to know from all those filler books. rand lose hand cleanse saydeen and they got a wind bowl, pretty much it.

They better keep the harem, just for the sheer butthurt from both the SJWs and right wing religous retards. Fuck me I can see it the scene when they become sisters and all 3 bond him and how assblasted everyone would be after. ALSO MIN/TUAN ARE OBJECTIVELY BEST GIRLS NO OTHERS NEED APPLY.


How many tropes will there be on average in each episode?

I hope the trollocs don't look too fake.

he didn't do a great job with the map, it all just kind of blend together in one shit pot.



>Mountains of Dhoom

well, the thing is, back in 1989 when Jordan tried to get published, he had to make his books as close to Tolkien as tolerable in order to get published at all, following the usual "high fantasy"-recipe.
It's mostly noticeable in book 1, though later Jordan is deviating more and more the from recipe.

Ay yo hol' up
*adjusts skirts*
So you sayin
We some kinda
*tugs braid*
One power channeler?

>Apparently Sony is producing it
Rest in peace.

>it's a Rand finds a Mercedes logo from the age of legends episode

I want to see how normies react to 14 seasons of build up for Padan Fain only to have him tossed aside in a paragraph.

that was Nynaeve you dip

>it's a Nynaeve does some impossible feat again whilst babysitting Elayne episode

To be honest Im sceptical. I used to love the book as a kid and I guess I would like to see a tv show adaption. But something tells me the tone of the series will be similar to Young Hercules. Especially since Sony produce it.

If you say so user, it's been a while since I read them.

Perrin torturing the Aiel could be amazing if they did it right.

i know its a meme that basically all female characters are carbon copies of eachother when it comes to their personality

But how true is that?

Not really true desu, Berelain and Min are nothing alike for example. They all share mannerisms though.

I think if you look at the main women like Moiraine, Min, Aviendha, Egwene, Nynaeve etc; they're as varied as the men

superficially "true", that is they often appear condescending "I know best" attitude, until they don't.
Some of them end up admitting they did mistakes, some of them start working together with men to achieve something greater and some of them adapt to changing times and realize the world is changing.

A lot of Aes Sedai could be described as Ivory Tower intellectuals who look down upon the "plebs" who cannot channel. (they actually sit in their white tower thinking about how things should be instead of actually acting)

Moiraine is different (actually leaves the tower in an attempt to find the Dragon and protect him)
Nynaeve is different (absolutely loyal, tolerable towards the end and better than any other Aes Sedai)
Min is different, actually only cares about Rand, rest be damned

Also not every woman in the series is an Aes Sedai nor a channeler, just look at characters like Fortuona, Aiel Wise Ones, Sea Folk people, Egeanin, Siuan when she loses ability to channel...

If you read all the 14 books and think all the women are same, maybe you didn't really read the books at all. That's like claiming all the 3 boys are same or that all the Forsaken have same motives.

Is this some generic Tolkien clone? What's the gimmick? Has nudity,little more blood than usual?

Gil Galad?

>you will never join the Children of the Light

i'd welcum some incest too.

The gimmick is basically that its really long with fuckloads of characters.
And spankings.


is that what happened to him? fuck, glad I gave up on that shit

book 14:
Padan Fain approaches Shayol Ghul, wiping everything close enough to his gigantic cloud of Mashadar smog of death and despair
Attempts to kill Mat
Mat "dies"
and suddenly rises
"Pssht, you gave me Mashadar vaccination in book 1, I'm immune"
*stabs Fain into back with an Ashandarei*

Then again, Mat was incarnation of "fortune" and good luck, ends up killing the living avatar of death, despair and "misfortune" in a lucky "fortunate" hit thanks to having gained a lucky vaccination 2-3 years previously. Goes home to bang his wife "Fortuona" - it's all like pottery!

>*Travels behind you*
>"Knife to meet you, Fain"
>*tips wide brimmed hat*

>record scratches
>"You are probably wondering why I have only one arm, carry a glass sword and walk with two well dressed women in smooth silken skirts into the Pit of Doom"
>"Lets go back in time a bit..."
>screen flips to Mierin boring through the fabric of reality in the search for alternative energy
>"Woah, not that far"
>flips to Lews Therin creating Dragonmount
>"Okay lets go with that..."

>Rand and Ishy are the only two who break the 4th wall
>They fight over what to show and who the hero is

i find distressing that I'm sure normies would like better this way for the laughs, and that I wouldn't mind it at all

>time is cyclical
>the series starts at the end


(and Faile and Chiad)
Come on guys it's like 90 replies in and nobody did this yet?

I JUST HOPE, the trollocs don't look too fake.

The best way to think of it is gender swapped Mad Men. The world is default matriarchal, so women think of men as idiots.

oh god, just as BANE posting is slowly dying out, we get to BAIN posting... noooooooooooo

that actually makes sense in a weird way if you consider the whole "nature of reality" to be a story told from either Dragons or Antidragons PoV, as they drift outside of reality of existence trying to influence the script of the fabric of the Wheel... would be a "wtf" for normie viewers, but maybe understandable for WoT readers

Women will love the shit out of the series anyway if they get all the clothes right.

Also, the women acting all superior makes it feminist even if they're fucking useless.

>White tower good
>Black tower evil


bad guy is called "Dark One"
uh oh

male channelers on average stronger than female channelers

also what was it, average Aes Sedai novice might handle 2-3 weaves simultaneously, our wonder girls can maybe handle 4-6 from the beginning due to being awesome, and Rand thinks doing a dozen is pretty normal, not to mention in later books probably weaving a hundred weaves simultaneously at Maradon

White Tower or Tar Valon with "ivory tower" "intellectuals" talking shit about men could be an euphemism, except Jordan made that up in the 90s before many modern SJWs had even been born.

Holy shit that pissed the fucking hell out of me. If at least a minority of the ashamed were rescued I'd be fine, but nope, Rand handed the bad guys a massive weapon and ignored cries for help.
Also annoying is Demand red's identity being an asspull because people guessed the original so early, Egwene dying like a chump, and Elayne's brothers turning into Krillin and Yamcha.

Game of Thrones lite that will attempt to capture that audience. Main character will be black. At least one of the three will be female. Main character will probably be gay too.


Meant Asha man. Fucking phone.