Are we really seeing media pushing a sort of race-mixing agenda?
I think of the upcoming movie The Circle and how obvious this shit is starting to become.
Then you have pic related too.
Are we really seeing media pushing a sort of race-mixing agenda?
I think of the upcoming movie The Circle and how obvious this shit is starting to become.
Then you have pic related too.
Other urls found in this thread:
this ad is definitive of the oft talked about race mixing propaganda here on Sup Forums, it undeniably encompasses its themes, and I find it to be truly insidious that somebody would construct such a commercial
>a day in the life of a paranoid sperg
ok, op. good luck with that.
even shows the feet
god they know what cucks like
>lol dude you are just imaging that image you uploaded
>those giraffe statues aren't real bro ur dreaming lol
Fuck off
Sup Forums the ad
Racemixing has always been popular. What you're seeing is a taboo being lifted.
Just turn your brain off
What would the endgame be to pushing this apparent agenda though?
do you want the big enchilada senpai?
the white race is past it's sell by date so it's quickly being thrown away.
This ad was really, really weird. Putting aside the racemixing, they're basically celebrating a woman cheating on her husband. And wtf is up with the giraffes?
>Racemixing has always been popular.
Not really. I'm mixed-race and I've only ever met a few other people like me (including other mixes, like half-white/half-asians and half-white/half-mestizo mexican). IIRC there are about 5 million of us in the US even though interrcial marriage has been legal for decades and it reached majority approval in national polls more than 20 years ago.
Are they making a fucking comedy with cuckholding as the central theme? Oh my fucking god that's brilliant.
Now unless you can elaborate as to why you believe that the white race should be exterminated I am going to disregard your post.
its a soda pop commercial
Just the basic gestalt, if you would.
Well obviously, but how does this help them achieve it?
Girl is getting whoever she wants, what's your excuse?
Tell us yours first
By diluting the white race with shitskin DNA to the point where they can be controlled like the rest from the ethnostate of Israel
>Not really. I'm mixed-race
You're a retarded millenial monomaniac. Look at history, it's always been a thing.
>You're a retarded millenial monomaniac
What is a monomaniac?
>Look at history, it's always been a thing.
Yes, but you said it's always been popular. I'm saying that it really hasn't been, it's certainly always been a thing but not the norm. The exceptions are situations like in most of Latin America, where conditions make race-mixing dramatically more likely (high number of Spanish soldiers and the only women around were natives).
this guy gives a good perspective on the factors going into it. these aren't things likely to change.
should is irrelevant. it's happening so caring one way or the other is a meaningless detail.
But my little Trumpcuck, you are already controlled and beta bitches like you who spend all day whining on the internet like bitches are proof the white race is inferior. You're a little bitch coward who thinks crying like a girl is being a big brave man and standing up. What are you gonna do about it? Whine some more like the bitch you are on an anonymous image board. Thats what I thought. lol muh purity.
Really toggles the bits
Well if you're saying he's being controlled it's safe to assume that you're admitting to being controlled too.
You admitted to being a beta
oh noes le ms paint comic
combining marketing demographics in to the biggest pool possible. its all about money
>only whites whine on Internet and in real life
You are the cuck here kiddo and I'm not the guy you are responding with this nonsense. Black Lives Matter is nothing more than niggers whining in real life. Also go to forums black people frequent and its no different than pol for blacks.
>he literally post this poorly made comic in every thread
autism in action
art imitates life
prove it
fight on, keyboard warrior
Have fun being a fucking brain dead moron user.
Yes definitely. We're entering the end stages of a plan to completely destroy both the white race and the religion of Christianity
And I'm not a racist or a Sup Forumstard. This is just the truth.
>something's only popular if it excludes rape
Way to prove your monomaniac millenial mindset.
The end game of interracial propaganda is for the Talmudic Jews to get rid of white race through mixing, if more white women race mix, than an enemy of the Jews, the christians will start to dissipate and lose their own identity.
Ever wonder why any white country with Europeans are always getting refugees in? Ever wonder why Israel disputed Jewish people supporting race mixing in the country push for a pure Israeli state?
It's a divide and conquer mechanism to keep people under control and make whites lose their collective identity until the only people left in the world are mullatos with no sense of real heritage.
is this you
it's funny to laugh at white people
it's bad when white people do things
it's awful when white people talk back about how much of a joke they are
It's an incredibly slow plan, though. The white population is below the replacement rate basically everywhere except Russia and parts of the US, but that just means there will be a dramatic decline over the next century. Whites aren't going to vanish.
>pretending to be a shitskin on the internet
me on the right
Look, if you're going to insult me, at least explain your insults so I can be properly offended. What is "monomaniac"? And rape is involuntary by definition, surely something being popular means that people want it? It's like saying that getting run over by a car is popular.
Talmudic Jewish people*
the birthrate in russia has fallen to unsustainable levels now
Nothing besides your own repulsiveness is stopping you from reproducing.
Stop blaming Jews for not being able to get laid
>WAHH pol hurt my feelings by calling me a shitskin these ms paint comics sure will tell them!
You are the keyboard warrior numb nuts
They will everywhere it counts, and in the next 20 years. This is a genocide plan and it must be stopped at all costs. It's time to sound the clarion call and pick up arms. Boycotts and whining will no longer work. You can't just sit there and do nothing when your enemy wants you and your children dead.
This but I'm black instead.
>shaming tactics
doesn't stop it from being a real issue Joseph
Kek you can deny this all you want, the people supporting mixed race relationships in the media are exclusively Jewish, I have 3 white children, I'm not a cuck like you.
>They will everywhere it counts, and in the next 20 years
Where, and how? Also, in 20 years?
>It's time to sound the clarion call and pick up arms.
I'm mulatto, so I don't really care all that much about declining white birth rates. If there's an actual genocide, I'd be worried, but birth rates? Not an issue for me.
>On the right soft flaccid white dick
>On the left hard BBC
what did they mean by this?
Los Angeles user here.
I have seen with my own eyes the nightmare of living in a white minority state. Hispanics live like animals. Quality of life is completely destroyed. These depressed, morose and often psychotic people live in a way that is far below modern human standards. You will never experience peace and quiet. You will never know comfort and safety. Art and culture will be destroyed. Basic civilization will disappear. What will remain is the squalid nightmare you see on the streets of Mexico every single day.
Heed my warning anons. For your sake and the sake of your children.
Two races on the earth: Jews and their mulatto 80IQ "Diverse" slave race that does their bidding
The genocide is related to birth rate, honestly it would be scary as fuck if the majority of people had shit genes like you. Sad part is it will probably happen, once that happen the education, economy, and identity of individuals will vanish.
And Israel will be a purely Jewish state with bloodlines maintained for centuries.
>still posting this half baked strawman daily
what's stopping you from banging a white woman?
This is why Islam is spreading so rapidly. I truly hate Islam, but it's nature's revenge for this awful plan. When Muslims become the majority religion in the world, and they will, they will wipe Israel off the face off the earth.
At that point the Jews will wish they had a mostly white ethno state like America to defend them, but it will be far too late
You're missing the point you down syndrome nigger
I agree. A disgraceful strawman. The redpilled posters of Sup Forums are beautiful people and don't blame the Jews for their sexual woes.
>The genocide is related to birth rate
It's not genocide, it's a decline in birth rates. And there is no way it could happen in 20 years. There are more than 200 million whites in the United States, for example, where are they all going to go by 2037?
>And Israel will be a purely Jewish state
Israel is 20% Arab
Nothing I have three kids, but the interracial message in all media nowadays can and will lead to more interracial relationships in time.
The plan is so laid out and so blatant I'm surprised when someone says it's a conspiracy or they don't see it.
>he thinks we aren't?
you have to go back
You wanna do the white race a favor, kill yourself tonight. We all know alt-right males are the comedic ironic proof that white males are inferior. You're just a collection of embarrassing obese stupid trailer trash uneducated lower class failures in life grasping onto retard special ed versions of white supremacism so you tell yourself you're automatically special and superior despite being a joke failure of a manchild. Despite living in a society where you got extra privilege, you lost the game of life because secret plots by the jew-mexican-muslim-feminists...b-b-but you're still somehow special because you get shared credit for the accomplishments of white males who didn't end up fat immature meme retards like you. Everything you believe is like a house of self-delusion cards you've created to make up for your low intellect, tiny penis and general pathetic nature which is why you all sound like retarded jr high kids stuck in a meme loop.
So do the white race a favor, the fastest way to purify the gene pool is to remove yourself from it. Cut parallel to the veins.
hopefully marriage
answer the question plz
I think political extremists in general tend to be unattractive. You don't join those groups unless you're dissatisfied with society, and attractive people rarely are because things tend to go their way.
imagine the person that wrote this
did you just assume my ethnicity!?
>Nothing I have three kids
stopped reading. no you don't.
you're really weird for writing this crazy racist shit
That they are actively removing, not only that the Jewish people's bloodlines is what I'm talking about, they place the value on heritage and bloodline above all else.
Of course it's not going to happen in 20 years, but over time it will get worse and worse. Islam will become more popular, and the world will slowly die a slow and painful death.
no thx
>this one buttblasted leftist
say what you want that nigga looks comfy af
I think if you post it enough times you get to redo the election right?
I'm perfectly satisfied with the election result
I'd eat some wall cake.
>he thinks there is something wrong with this pic
my bro there is a little fat but he knows that and probably has fun. You were saying something?
>they place the value on heritage and bloodline above all else.
lmao you've never actually met a jewish person IRL have you. They intermarry with non-Jews at a bigger rate than anyone else and dont' give a shit about religion or history.
I find it confusing that many people in the media seem to be upset that Trump has turned out to not be literally Hitler.
>"little" fat
Election redone! Blumpf btfo!
why is it always the same pictures
is it just one guy?
Clearly just over bulked, look at those JUICY forearms breh
This made me laugh, just wanted you to know that
no u. I like our (((President)))
Pretty much every Jew in Hollywood is married to a non-Jew.
What if (((we))) do have a race-mixing agenda? What are you gonna do? Play make believe white warrior on Sup Forums and then cower in fear when a tanned white guy walks by thinking he's black and avert your eyes every time you're within 100 feet of any girl? Oh damn, if only not the (((the agenda))) she would have thrown herself at you. Do something pussy!
Popular can mean that a majority of people are doing it, whether or not their victims want it, monomaniac millennial narcissist ne'er-do-well. Read a book sometime.
But where's the cunny?
Exactly this.
20 years is way too soon, though we will see more noticeable effects each decade. Pay attention to classrooms and continually falling test scores, illiteracy, and disruptive behavior.
In 50 years you will feel the affects of white decline because an even more unsustainable proportion of the population will be on welfare with fewer and fewer people to support them, and shrinking. The political rhetoric and popular discourse will be even more crude and simplified and the politicians and other leaders even more corrupt.
The lower the IQ of a society the more dysfunctional it is and the more easily it is taken advantage of by the greedy. Liberty will vanish.
If you want a vision to the future of the United States look at Latin America.
If you want a view into the future of Europe then look at the Middle East.