Does the concept of food poisoning not exist over there?

Does the concept of food poisoning not exist over there?

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This is like the tenth thread about raw eggs I’ve seen this month
Why are people so obsessed about this?

It's just autistic OP

easy to spin into a Sup Forums thread

Just report them.

The standards for Egg quality inspection is different in Japan. Where the storage condition is also inspected to make sure salmonella or other sickness doesn't grow on the eggs since a lot of Japanese dishes involve eggs being raw. Unlike in America where as long as the Egg isn't completely fucked it it gets a pass as the health inspector never in their right mind would think the Americans would eat a raw egg.

U.S.A. amirite?
You do know that in most developed nations eggs are perfectly save to eat raw right? It's a notorious problem in the U.S.A., because it's effectively a developing shithole with pish poor quality drinking water and food.
This isn't just Japan; I can eat raw eggs as I please here with no problems; U.S. eggs in fact cannot be imported by law here, because they're considered too unsafe.

US eggs suck


Japanese eggs laid over 9000 times.

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because we've been taught that raw eggs give you salmonella

You cannot eat eggs raw if you aren't accustomed to it.

In the middle east they eat meat raw with olive oil. Doesnt mean its any less harmful.

>merrickan education
Yeah they do, when they have very low tier quality inspection routines.

Does the concept of food poisoning not exist over there?

Attached: rocky eggs.gif (498x267, 2.06M)

Ate a 3 person serving of rice/meat just now and added eggs.

Eating any form of protein without cooking it is caveman savage tier.

Yes you can; it has nothing to do with accustom; it has to do with that in the U.S.A. they are often infected with salmonella and many countries have tight regulations that heavily minimizes that risk to negligibility.
When I went on vacation to the U.S.A., we were warned that we absolutely could not eat raw eggs there because they aren't checked for it; eating raw eggs here is quite common, because they're safe.

OP is a schizo and keeps spamming this same thread.


Does the concept of fresh, safe ingredients not exist in the 3rd world shithole you post from?

>In the middle east they eat meat raw with olive oil.
Yes and in France we eat steak tartare. Maybe you american aren't exactly known for cuisine.

What I don't understand is how every single one of those threads gets a gorillion replies.

>What I don't understand is how every single one of those threads gets a gorillion replies.
You win the monthly Least Self Aware user of Sup Forums price.

That’s how bait threads work.

But anime girls don't poop user

>can't even eat raw eggs
Imagine UNIRONICALLY thinking that USA is not a third world shithole

>Often infected with salmonella

They aren't "often" infected. The chance of getting salmonella from eating raw eggs in the US is vastly over exaggerated and is actually pretty low as long as the egg has been kept in the fridge.

>nooo you cant just eat raw eggs
>*eats raw steak*

A lot of the fear mongering over diseased eggs in the US came about from a bad outbreak in the 80s. The chance of actually getting salmonella from eating raw eggs in the US is something like less than 1 in 20,000.

>muh Sup Forums
sasuga leftypol schizo

Where does the meme about Americans eating raw beef come from? I've lived in the US my entire life and I almost never see options for bleu steak or steak tar tar anywhere and half the ones I do see are at specifically French restaurants. Never seen anyone actually order it either.

It does.
Absurdly common too, albeit more from fish than eggs.

US also has absurdly rare Salmonella cases, like sub 10k per year.

keeping an egg warm won't magically create salmonella in it if there wasn't any in there in the first place.

>muh leftypol
sasuga Sup Forums schizo

>steak tar tar

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ordinary rare steak is closer to being raw than eggs stirred in boiling hot rice are

wiemoon to. b.

>moved to Sup Forums
>not /ck/
one fucking job