Why is child nudity in film not looked down upon?


also is it soically acceptable to watch movies like el topo that feature nudity like this?

"Looked down upon?"

I'll tell you, when I LOOK DOWN, i see something LOOKING UP IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN

He raped a woman in front of the camera, I'm sure the naked kid was the least of his worries

It only really appears in 30 and 40 year old European and Latin American films so it's not really something in the public consciousness.

Becuse in the eyes of a healthy human a child isnt sexual

It is generally looked down upon, you just happened to find one film that didn't really give a fuck.

Also, I haven't seen the film, but I assume there's no sexual connotations with the nude boy (in fact, I think it's the director's son). So you shouldn't feel too bad about watching it unless you're a pedophile and was aroused.

I have seen The Holy Mountain though, and in that there is a little girl dressed in a dominatrix-stripper-prostitute like outfit at one point, and that was kind of disturbing.


There were also naked children in the first 10 minutes of the film and throughout it.

Is Alejandro Jodorowsky a pedophile?

That's not the issue at play here. A prepubescent child has not yet physically developed the parts of the brain required for informed consent. They should not be saddled with the embarrassment of being naked on film for hundreds of years when they are incapable of seeing the consequences.

yeah but a child isnt sexual
there are no consequences since its just a child being a child


pedos btfo

Nice trips but you're aware the concept of consent isn't limited only to sex, right? It's a fundamental part of many important, long lasting life decisions such as medical decisions, education, legal contracts, and having your body appear in a movie.

Although aside from sex, all of that is consent is deferred to the parents.

It was his kid

fucking kys

How is your body an embarrassment? If you're too embarrassed to show your body to others, maybe you have your own personal issues you should work out before you try projecting them onto children you've never met.

I don't know. Are you uncomfortable seeing that? Why?

Most likely.

>being embarrassed by a naked body
I swear, I hate that most Americans are so fucking prudish.

No way!

Because Hollywood is run by Jew pedophiles

That's only for obscure films nobody gives a shit about.

the 70s were a different time

>he doesn't know about pedowood

um, pretty baby?