Daily Reminder that even Bob Ross was in the Military and didn't pussy out like Trump

Daily Reminder that even Bob Ross was in the Military and didn't pussy out like Trump.

(Also not Liberal/Democrat/Jew/Muslim/Black)

Attached: Bob Cajunas Ross.png (622x662, 200K)

Neither did you.

I actually did a stint in the Territorial Army back in the 80s, i'm in the UK. What's your excuse?

Dear diary,
today I spent my time comparing Trump to Bob Ross. Ahh yeah, that'll show em

There is no point in being in the military unless your country gets invaded.

There's not a single Limey veteran who cares about the service of an American president.
Even american service veterans don't care.

Lol, that's not true at all. What kind of an idiot are you?

Ofc ur a UK fag lol kys

>gets upset by the fact an user has done military
>"boo hoo nobody cares"
>actually cares and is crying about it

Says the boifat who is too scared to do military service.

Everyone knows and acknowledges trump is a pussy, but he triggers the libs sooooo...

>but he triggers the libs sooooo...
This is no great achievement.

Eeeeee... Trump is a COLOSAL FAG but I wouldn't choose a president according his military service.

It should be simple, your commander in chief should have military experience, if they did that you would have a decent president, who might force mandatory 2 year service for every man aged 18-25.

stop larping

Attached: Have some pizza gravy to calm yourself down.png (558x750, 401K)

Only one of us has served in the military, and it isn't you.
Call of duty doesn't count.

Sure. But Bob Ross isn't our President and Supreme Commander either, now is he?

And that is why you are wrong, The Territorial Army is a voluntary unit, you aren't forced to serve your minimum 4 years and there is no maximum either.

During conflicts the TA recruits are among the first to be called to be shipped out, and I did my time in Afghanistan late 90s. I left '06, recently did 2 years in Somalia on merc work for the British consulate security.

I have a feeling you are just being a walt.

It is when you do it on a scale as large as his.

Sure, be a welfare queen somewhere else.

Attached: are-you-in-the-us-military-then-youre-a-welfare-.png (500x655, 160K)

That’s rick astley, dipshit

Taxpayers also pay for your welfare as you hide in your basement.

Like it matters. Trump has the juice, faggot. Trump speaks for US.

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