Why isn't the best sci-fi in over a decade still so unknown at the end of it's second season?
The Expanse
ps I'm kinda runk and fucked up is for isn'
stop trying to shill your cuck reddit shit here.
no one cares about your dumb forced diversity, strong womyn characters and all that Jew propaganda. Reddit is more your speeds
>he hasnt watched it
fuck off nigger
kill urself rn dumb fucking meme greaser
It's pretty well known for people who like science fiction mainly because it's literally the only decent scifi show on tv at the moment.
>he doesn't want Bobby to wrap her powerful brown thighs around his neck.
1) there are not enough astroids In The belt to justify mining, let alone ones with water on them. I'm willing to hand wave that cus I like scfi
2) mars has it one society that love technology. Ok a sci-fi classic, but building cappital ships it fight earth, in secret? How do you even launch a ship that big? You have to assemble that guy in orbit, but ok what ever, we need ships to fly around, it's a show about ships.
3) the low gravity moon base full of scum and villiany. Ok I like like those types in sci-fi, but why would anyone at all live their? How do they eat and breath and other sciance facts? I guess I'll just relax.
4) ok now we get a secret far off military base moon, ok cool, we do need bad guys, but they make what? Zombie mold? And how do they live so far from the sun? I guess they can be from the solar system near by or something, because they can't do that yet, so I suspose phobos or whatever they call it will do ok enough.
I get the whole not way way out in the future, but what's with the complete lack of functional cities what can make food and air? Why would you even bother letting people come to your space town? Don't these guys have robots? I'm not talking about AI I'm talking the things we use to build cars and fly above Syria. Why would you want to pay for astroid water for that guy cleaning your space floors? If water is profitable enough to justify massive ships and crews with space jackhammers, the cost of living would be insane.
Why are any of these people doing anything? You want mars? Take it, if a lifless ball of rock. With out other solar systems full of other quailty planets, there is no reason for these massive ships and conflict. They don't invent a mirical element x that is only made on Mars inside a hell portal to justify shipping stuff back to Earth in an economy. There is nothing worth buying in outer space with a realistic scifi., The one thing they come up with, water, just keeps them alive.
focking earters can't preciate noting.
>it's literally the only decent scifi show on tv at the moment
Well there's your problem.
It didn't use to be like that. Ironically the further we get in the future the more good scifi gets neglected.
someone convince me to watch this show TODAY.
I'm off work and got the entire weekend.
Do you like quality science fiction TV shows? If yes, then watch.
Just watch the first season and then stop. It nosedives in quality after that, and you're better off reading the books.
This, I hated the last episode but shes kind of cute.
>tfw no martian waifu to drag me around and force me to lick her pussy.
Do you like qt husbandos you would go gay for?
Then watch.
The dialogue and the acting is complete shit.
Seriously whenever the pilot of the main crew talks I just feel like the cameras are rolling, and anything to do with martians is cringe worthy, that last scene with the power armor looked so goofy.
How so? Season 2 really tipped the scales (except for the last episode)
I knew it. We're surrounded by assholes.
She is a qt but it would have been better if they actually cast a gorgeous 6+ foot Polynesian actress, though those are few and far between.
Lots of valid points. To counter: fuck you, no sci-fi is ever that realistic because it wouldn't make for good tv.
But I think the pilot is one of the best, on par with commander Shepard.
>left ab higher than the other
>How do they eat and breath and other sciance facts?
>that last scene with the power armor looked so goofy
All they have to do to fix this was just get her to shoot the fuckers instead of going toe to toe with them.
It would-ve been much better.
>bald dude and old throat cancer lady notices her aiming so they move
>bad dudes turn around and notice her
>she blasts them off
That easy.
>ywn be his cockslut in exchange for protection.
desu I just noticed he's the only pure white lead from the show.
Holden = spicblood
Naomi = trash
Pilot = arab
>1) there are not enough astroids In The belt to justify mining, let alone ones with water on them. I'm willing to hand wave that cus I like scfi
belters are basically the relief valve for overpopulation on earth, they're forced out into the belt and have to mine just to survive. the whole issue of water is why the Canterbury was important, there's a whole industry around shipping tons of ice to sustain belters
>3) the low gravity moon base full of scum and villiany
if you're talking about ceres, it's basically the harbor that connects the belt with the inner planets, its sustained by trade -> taxes -> providing services to ships and sailors
>4) thoth
secret research station run by mega corps
>functional cities what can make food and air
that's what ganymede is for, its the bread basket for the belt
I don't want to fuck him or anything but I am pretty jelly I don't have a trigger happy psycho bro who will murder anyone who even remotely threatens me.
Implying the future isn't dominated by whoever controls Mercury for solar power and collecting of better hydrogen isotopes off fresher solar wind.
A-Amos would never treat you like that!
H-He's all about em cuddles and true love.
idk about cocksleeve but would suck him off from time to time. no homo
>weak martian woman takes our two strong earth men
That was retarded. Unless the ship was from the belt or some shit.
How was the BIG SPEECH at the end of the season in any way poignant/powerful?
>Hay Holden, lemme tell u some'tin
>You know we was dyin' right?
>Alrite, I gave the molecule to coach.
Like, wat? You mean the only guy with some responsibility in the Mars/Earth/Belt power struggle that displays any amount of common sense? How is that a bad thing?
I'm guessing there's a lot more to his character in the book than on the show and that's what lead them to believe that was a suitable cliffhanger between seasons but fuck me, that was weak. Hell, the mythbuster science ship with had a lot more going for it as a hook for next season.
Last episode was kind of weak. The part where the whatever thing on Venus stripped the entire ship apart was more interesting and deserved to be more polished for a suitable cliffhanger.
I didn't really feel much for the scene at the end with the children.
I am curious if more party members are going to join next season. We already have Science, the muscle, pilot with sense of humor and black chick.
>tfw thought the proto molecule alien thing was going to speak and eventually join them
>tfw thought the proto molecule alien thing was going to speak and eventually join the
it doesn't represent a demographic so of course not silly.
it was kind of a fuck you to holden who's been idealistically/naively trying to destroy the protomolecule because it's not really able to be controlled (eros/venus) even if you have the best of intentions and an admission by naomi that she has a tribalistic/realpolitik view of the world
during the speech you saw bobbie (a formerly jingoistic martian marine) rescue an earther politician because she viewed her as an honorable leader and the protomolecule on venus disassembled a spaceship down to the nuts and bolts
because the pacing is bad
Eros should have been the finale of season 1
Honestly I had no idea that this last episode was even the finale, it was a good episode but then it just sort of ended.
Well we got to see the Ayy up close so it wasn't a total loss, I just thought that speech was so far off the mark it's not even funny.
I'm a lot more interested in what's going on in Venus than Tyrese having a blue twizzler in a glass cylinder.
Spoiler but..
>tfw best character is gone (??)
>than Tyrese having a blue twizzler in a glass cylinder
But Johnson was based as fuck user, he has state of the art nukes and shit.
The thing is if they'd had separate scenes instead of trying to frame everything within the speech it would've worked. Holden already seemed to have realized he was wrong to have obsessed over it. Or at least don't leave that you gave it away to one of the most reasonable characters for last as if it's some huge moment when you have something that's a lot more interesting going on in Benus.
It's shit we already know but they needed to lay it to the viewers and to the protagonist. Everyone knows about the protomolecule and everyone wants a piece of it. Every faction already has hands on it and now the belters will too.
I'm with ya. Which is why I don't get that they expected the audience either to think it was a big deal, or to sympathize with Holden (lol) so badly that they'd take his side in the supposed argument of "we should kill it/we should give it to the belt".
i mean, i agree that it wasn't as effective as it could've been, i guess they just needed a big speech
yeah the show has portrayed fred as a reasonable guy. but it also portrayed miller shooting dresden as a justifiable decision. so the intention is kinda strange
Miller was in the right.
hllo is this thred an alcohol?
>but it also portrayed miller shooting dresden as a justifiable decision.
Did it really? Or did it just make it seem like it so Holden would pick up on Miller's obsession?
Frankly, I've no idea. Most of the characters thought he was wrong but the show itself gave him enough credit to the point I don't really know.
this guy is the worst part of the show hands down.
>what did you do, Naomi?
Hes alright. Please don't be so hard on him!
I gave Fred Johnson the chance to use that big black missile filled with fertile protomolecule. I let him use me like he used Drummer.
Is there some point where this embarrassing shit will stop getting posted constantly
Is it me or does Thomas Jane act super fucking gay in The Expanse? One of the episodes in the first season, where his partner visits him at his apartment and he explains why he's looking for Julie, he pouts his lips and flails his hands, and the way he strokes his own hair... it was the gayest thing I've seen since Richard Lord Taylor's Penguin. I actually went to imdb to see if Thomas Jane is married to a dude like Taylor, but apparently he has wife and kids. Not that it completely negates the possibility of gayness, but still I was surprised
I thought he perfectly played an awkward belter who grew up in low gravity and no sunshine but wears a hat because he likes it.
I wish he was gay for me desu
>tfw no cute detective husbando
The beginning of the end for my interest in this show was when millers story joined with borin holden and his crew of annoying cunts. It was much more interesting watching miller sauntering around a station being a space detective. The rest of the show is drivel. Couldn't care less about this standard schlock.
Before a bookfag dares respond to me know this: I don't care what the books were like.
post Thomas Jane's nudes.
>awkward belter
Is that a euphemism for a homosexual?
How can a man be so wrong?
i agree although I still watch the show it would have been 10x better if it was space noir with proto molecule shit everything else on the side.
lol, it's like the only thing you've seen of him is The Punisher. if you started with Thursday or the Mist instead you'd think the Punisher it the one that looks off. Dude is not Arnie.
I did not see the Punisher but I did see the Mist. He didn't strike me as gay in the Mist, but I figured maybe after he got a series regular role he let his guard down and let the gay escape
>tfw he will never shield you from bullets with his big muscular arms
How much do you think he went for during his manwhore days?
Nothing! He has never done such a thing.
Hes pure! PURE!
I just want to point out that this is the third thread in a row here on Sup Forums I joined where everyone was talking about gays.
I liked the finale and they are doing a good job with the show but I still miss following Thomas Jane stumbling through it all. I have nothing in common with any of the remaining characters.
please don't post this again
I felt my heart stop for a second and it scared me
Great contribution friend thanks
Oh I am partially responsible for that, I made that other no homo Amos thread and most of the Amos posting here.
Sorry user.
>tfw second season got less rating that the first
>tfw unsure if the show will survive through his third season
P-people will watch it right?
is this bait? it's so badly written and most of the big issues you mentioned are explained well enough if you watch the show or read the books.
I think with a short season show with a long production lead time they commit to the whole season regardless. It would be nice if whenever the show does get cancelled they know it's coming so they can wrap up the series somewhat, that's all I'm hoping for.
>if whenever the show does get cancelled
user dont say that!
i hope you realised his pants are super fucking low, like lower than they had to be, im sure one little tug at dem pants will reveal his thicc shaft
wait what, was he actually a manwhore in the book or something?
>implying there's anything wrong with an honest living
Fucking privileged tumang
shut the fuck up
Not him and haven't read the books, but from what I gather in the mentions from the show I think he was a teen prostitute.
>happy jerking
The books blow though. At least the first 2 or 3 do. Insufferable main character.
There's a scene in the first season when he's in a bar and a gay whore approaches him, so Amos gives him some tips on how to watch himself, and then has a conversation with Alex how he grew up in a place like that and how's there's nothing wrong with being a whore, and Alex says something like "I never figured you for..." and then when Amos gives him the look, Alex say "I'm gonna stop talking"
Oh yeah I remember that in the first season he confronts a male prostitute on that bar and tells him that he should quit or something along those lines.
Am I right?
Yes and he also talks about how he "grew up in a place like this" and how it says a lot how johns treat the people there. Plus it seems that he had a traumatic childhood from the way he talks about his past even though he never explains it.
Well he was kind of getting somewhere on this season when that lady explained the condition of that scientists who had no empathy whatsoever.
So something along those lines, his mother, earth and his childhood.
Rocinante was probably an older whore who looked after him in the brothel that he worked in as a kid. That explains why he is so loyal to Naomi, because she's a woman who treated him well. And he also seems to have a general disdain for men
>Why isn't the best sci-fi in over a decade still so unknown at the end of it's second season?
1. Audiences are dumb nowadays
2. Not enough advertising
3. No edgy deaths and "omg" moments. It's more slow-paced and it's about the journey rather than answers and happenings.
That said, it has a good and very loyal (book readers will watch it always which mean 1 mil viewers guaranteed forever) viewer base for a syfy show which means it will not be canceled.
Pretty much. A son of a prostitute who was orphaned early on and had to grow up on the streets among thugs and whores.
There's a fascinating part of the series upcoming that deals with him going back to Earth and settling down some loose ends. Very good stuff.
His lack of empathy is very interesting, kudos to the actor, definitely did justice to the character.
>top marine of the martian army in a powered suit stomps a couple corporate security guys
Oh honey, you should really get ahold of yourself.
Fred Johnson is so black he resorts to stealing Earth's nukes. The Belter lifestyle is truly degenerate. How an Earther fell in love with the culture is beyond me.
If it got a little more buzz, Sup Forums contrarians would denounce it as pleb shit.
>Audiences are dumb nowadays
But it is a dumb, easy to watch show with good source material? It ticks all the diversity and strong womyn roles
What more could people possibly want?
Nah, it requires thought, it's not easy to watch at all.
You have to be joking, they explain everything and make it so easy to understand, there is always a recap its easy to turn off your brain while watching this
None of that translates to easy to watch. Explanations and recaps are supposed to help people, but the Julie Mao plot was too convoluted for regular viewers and all the science or pseudo-science is incomprehensible to them
You are looking at it through the lens of a long time sci-fi show viewer.
>the lens of a long time sci-fi show viewer.
oh my, please tell me how to become an expert like you mister trip i think i saw your trip in some lost threads I aspire to be just like you teach me your ways sir
*kisses boot*
my favourite sci-fi show is T:SCC because Cameron (summer) is perfect ':3
>that webm
it was a nice scene, stabilising thrusters and pew pew pew action
I said "you are" not "I am"... did you miss the point entirely?
Ayy lmao. Desu, I ain't even mad anymore, you are ok compared to the filth we have on the board now.
>tfw you never thought you'd say anything good about glauposters, but here we are
bookfags, do you think (given a fourth season) that they will go into book 4¿?
because book 4 was shit and would loook kinda out of place with how the series has been going, i wish they would jump into 5&6
i just want to see inaros fuck shit up [\spoiler]
They won't go anywhere because S2 or possibly S3 will be the last
but why say it aint so, what else is there to look forward to? oasis?