should i buy a coconut, Sup Forums?
Should i buy a coconut, Sup Forums?
Parker Clark
Tyler Gonzalez
yes why not
Lincoln Diaz
no, fruits are bad
Luis Stewart
why not two of them
Christian Powell
you are serious a madman
Evan Perez
Easton Sullivan
how much its cost?
Grayson Torres
Open it by striking it, repeatedly, around the center, with the blunt side of a kitchen knife
Luke Allen
dont do it op
Joshua Edwards
Not that one. Get one that hasn't been husked, climb a tree if you have to.
Nathaniel Wright
buy it or no balls
Hudson James
Yes buy it and stuff it up your Ass. And post a pic
Daniel Sanchez
Coconuts can help you through your day. Why not.
Kayden Price
Probably man.
You should get a lovely bunch of them.
Hudson Jenkins
buy cigaretts and buze like a real man instead
John Nelson
No! They're highly contagious
Jack Campbell
if dubs you steal it and post pics
Gabriel Roberts
I’ll roll for this.
Gavin Gonzalez
squeeze it gently first, to check if it's ripe
Jordan Young
Parker Williams