Why do the kikes push her so hard?

Why do the kikes push her so hard?

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she looks like a fucking sealeo

One of their own.

Oh boy, another alt-reich Nazi who couldn't make it in Hollywood so instead makes anti-semitic remarks about those that could.

Because it's the only way to get her to fit through a doorway.

What a weak troll...

Go to bed, you fat slag.

Not as hard as they pushed the guy you voted for.

+.02 cents

She was molested by an elite Jew.

you're the one made a thread about her faggot

>Trump says zionist jewish things
>accuse someone as JIDF when they point it out

really makes me think

kill yourself

Come on dude, I haven't seen an amy thread in 2 weeks and now this shit. It makes me want to fap to what a disgusting pig she is, I.. I can't help myself.

I want her to gain 100 pounds to play barbie, then cum buckets upon buckets of semen on the people in front of me at the cinema.


Reminder youtube.com/watch?v=JMKbqdhF77Y


He times the distance between jokes about being a whore and it was as low as 6 seconds

> Lack of funny women in Hollywood. Plus she probably used head shots of when she used to look less moldy

All of trump's grandchildren are jewish
his presidential adviser is a Jew

funny how Sup Forums overlooks all of this

also this

Poor guy

searching out mean comments about yourself Amy? you hate yourself that much you intentionally seek it out, or just trying to correct the record.

because the only thing better than distrusting Jews, is triggering liberal faggots like you

Why are you so buttblasted? I know it's hard to accept, but you'll never be able to dictate the content posted on this board. You're just another anonymous guy.

It feels like a drinking game

She ticks all the right boxes for a "socially conscious le funny girl". Also Senator Chuck Schumer is her uncle and bullshit if she didn't ask for help getting a profile boost.
Here is your (you) faggot

Very few people became famous only because of talent

The people in charge of the media, many of them indeed being Jews, decided they want Amy Schumer to be famous so she will be

Making a movie takes a lot of money and they have it so they can give it to who they want and people with actual talent will remain small-time

>couldn't make it in Hollywood
>it's another pseudo-marxist manchild angered someone points out his culture and obsession is merely a Jewish money making scheme