
Does anyone know what her birth name was?

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Lesbian Moustache

Who is your /bb/ waifu?

Pic related

Mine is Julia


Honestly if a woman looks like that you might as well call her a dude.

I mean she looks more manly that I do, that's for sure.

No it's Liz

What season?


I forgot about Jessie. Might have the best ass ever on bb

>dudes are dudes because they look like dudes

Thats not how genetics work

She's underrated. But she probably deserves to be because she's a moron.

Females have ovaries. Males have testicles.

I call her a women because she has female chromosomes

This is EXTREMELY problematic

Zeke "moms gonna freak" Chique

Zeke "try this tonique" Muscle-Fantastique?

Zeke "innie to an outie" Vagagouski?

Zeke "moustache to fit in" Karastin

Zeke "lesbians not enough" Cutmamuf

Zeke "ovarian cancer more like testicular banter" Smith

Best guesses. I dunno.

>Zeke "ovarian cancer more like testicular banter" Smith

I like this one best user

umm no sweetie zeke is a male so his chromosomes are male

>umm no sweetie zeke is a male so his chromosomes are male
this is why scientists are marching on saturday

why have liberals abandoned science?

8 more years until we forcibly transition you to female keep holding onto that cis male privilege while you have it sweetie

feels before reals

excuse me did you just assume my gender? omfg shitlord

Reminder you can not change your chromosomes

>feels before reals
that can also describe women

liberalism is really just female psychology and their magical thinking but bigger

reality > perception

At least ftm is logical. It's an upgrade.

She has female chromosomes.

She also has the body of a female.

Looking like a man a man does not make.

Sorry if this shatters your illusions

well men have more grey matter, women have more white matter, and women have a strong left-eye bias

i don't think ftm even get functioning penises

i don't see how getting a hairy ass crack is an upgrade

I don't know. But I bet Varner figured out out due to Zeke's helium voice and the lack of bulge in her/his shorts.

Last season Zeke told that NY cop he was a "gay male", but Zeke is really just a straight female with a mustache.

men have more folds in their brains which makes them smarter

i believe it
men have about 17% more neurons than women
all this "clothes make the man" shit is false

>i don't think ftm even get functioning penises

At least they get a bigger clitoris

>i don't see how getting a hairy ass crack is an upgrade


this is the only warning you're gonna get, sweetie


why do these big brother faggots have to ruin Survivor threads ?

> (You)
>>i don't see how getting a hairy ass crack is an upgrade
Big Brother is hot garbage and the worst reality show of all time, even worse than The Bachelor.

Testosterone is a performance enhancing hormone, and males have more of it than women. Don't like it? Nothing you can do about it except join Zeke and grow a moustache.

If we didn't shitpost in them they'd fall off the board.

I know this isnt serious, but I love how transgenderism is a person whose sex (male, female) doesn't match their gender, yet now they get so triggered by even saying that they aren't female/male that they're starting to say they're female/male because they said so. Meaning they wouldn't be trans, they would be cis.


hali ponderosa

Do your worst you stupid tranny

Most overrated waifu of all time?

>2.5 lbs

>tfw we will never get to see her lose 18-20 lbs

>facts are triggering

most gayest comment of all time?

Whats the point of doing a female to male transition if you are going to act like a male faggot?

I dont understand

You crossed the line. Apologise.

I think "he" likes women (lesbian with a moustache)

Producers probably told Zeke to just claim to be a gay male because it would be easier for the audience to understand


This stuff is pretty creepy in retrospect.

Gotta be tough
The transition is believable, but not enough so to look like a straight guy.

Its gotta be easier going through life as a dyke than as a really effeminate dude

ya thats clearly not ok


She thinks they're just being ironic because he's a gay male. But secretly Hannah is her waifu.

your confusing me

does zeke like women or men?

clearly zeke likes women
The "im a gay man" that he projects allows him to feel up women.

For some reason women arent afraid to get touchy feely with gay dudes because they dont think they will try and fuck them

Women (I think)

Survivor fans found stuff from her college where she referred to herself as a lesbian.

>that handshake

ozzy is going to fuck her

Oddly enough, he identified as a lesbian prior to transitioning.

>be lesbian
>get no pussy
>transition to male
>become fag hag to all the girls who don't know better
>get to cop feels without anyone caring

this makes the most sense

like a gay man isn't going to want to fuck a guy with a pussy, being gay is about the cock

At some point after transitioning, Zeke decided he was primarily attracted to men and now identifies as a gay male.

Before transitioning he identified as lesbian, and had a girlfriend while transitioning.

hello zeke

>sexuality is as fluid as gender is

SJW's really believe this?

>At some point after transitioning, Zeke decided he was primarily attracted to men and now identifies as a gay male.

You actually believe her?


She was a lesbian and is now straight


you think they knew he had no penis at this point?

they all seem very close physically and metaphorically

lol Zeke is going to blow up LGBT like s/he blew up Survivor with its shitty play. We all now know its just a mental illness.

Digits confirm

>Be college gay woman
>"Transition" to male
>Become gay man

I'm sorry but this is bullshit. She just likes being a fag hag so she pretends to like guys. I bet all her female friends change clothes in front of her. How could she pass this up?

Who knows. I imagine Hannah would be suspicious of Zeke's testosterone enlarged clit getting all erect.

what do you mean by "blow up" lgbt ?

and what survivor play did he ever do ? im like 3 episodes behind current but I saw him in the last one, no spoiler plz

>yfw that guy that outed zeke lost his job because CBS was too selfish to just cut the footage out

where did he work that he lost his job over something as trivial as that...

I assume he had to have worked with some other fags and lgbt people because they always cannibalize themselves

Real estate

thats unreal...

again I'm guessing, either his boss / the business is in control of fags or there was extreme fag pressure on social media etc

Sad thing is, this will all be forgotten about after the season ends. The firing was completely short sighted and needless.

If CBS would've just edited around it ten a man would still have a job and a tranny wouldn't have been exposed to the entire United States


It triggered me when Jeff said Varner outed Zeke to millions of people implying that the production team had to air it.

t. a gay guy

Then he stopped them from doing a formal vote, ensuring that it would be impossible to edit around.

I'd guess that CBS would argue that they owe the fans an honest edit but anyone who watches BB knows CBS doesn't give a single fuck about an honest edit

Didn't BB ruins someones life because of a bad edit when the feeds showed they were clearly in the right?


yea it was absolutely disgusting how he was outed and that it was aired

but you really can't blame those sneaky jews, this was such a huge beautiful bomb for them considering the current social climate and all this lgbt feminism shit

I wonder what the ratings were for this episode or how much social media / youtube views they got outta this

Idk about this particular person's chromosome's but he/she looks intersex.

Also, chromosomes aren't be-all-end-all. There are uncommon genetic/developmental anomolies that can cause some weird things to happen.

>Also, chromosomes aren't be-all-end-all. There are uncommon genetic/developmental anomolies that can cause some weird things to happen.

I never understood this argument.

Because 1-2% of people have birth defects that means that genetics are irrelevant?

Presence of a y chromosome activates the embryo's gonads grow into testicles. Absence of y chromosome and the gonads grow into ovaries. Period.

Everything else is just a malfunction.

Not saying it's irrelevant, just saying.

There are Y chromosomes without the SRY and X chromosomes with an SRY. :^)


The presence of SRY is what is important. If it's not there, your girl. If it is there, you're a man. (Unless you're androgen insensitive which is a MALFUNCTION)

I assume she has always been butch woman, if you read Zeke's thing on Hollywood Reporter. But she likes men. Hence, her trying to pass as a "gay man."

>Transitioning created the opportunity to remake myself — to really consider and construct the man I wanted to be.

>But in calling me deceptive, Varner invoked one of the most odious stereotypes of transgender people, a stereotype that is often used as an excuse for violence and even murder. In proclaiming "Zeke is not the guy you think he is" and that "there is deception on levels y'all don't understand," Varner is saying that I'm not really a man and that simply living as my authentic self is a nefarious trick. In reality, by being Zeke the dude, I am being my most honest self — as is every other transgender person going about their daily lives.

All that talk about "my authentic self" and "my most honest self" being a man is total bullshit.

But people on Survivor are right to want to get Zeke out, because he-she "has the best story." And we can't pick on those poor trans people who pretend to be something they're not.

>I think "he" likes women (lesbian with a moustache)

No. Zeke is a straight woman with a mustache, a woman who likes men, but posing as a man, hence a "gay male."

Sexuality is imitative.

Apparently SJWs also think gender is imitative, because they have collapsed sex and gender roles and gender norms all into "gender."

>like s/he blew up Survivor with its shitty play.

Yes. Andrea was spot on in her criticism of Zeke in the previews for next week.

And what's funny is that Zeke will eventually come to be known as a sociopathic, manipulative deceptive tranny.

All companies now are afraid of the LGBT mafia. Varner worked in NC, where the state lost millions due to believing that girls go to the girls room and boys go to the boys room. But all those companies pulled out, again, because they are afraid of the LGBT mafia and their outrage machine online.