Free Universal Healthcare is a basic Humanright and the USA is less developed than fucking namibia for not having it.
Free Universal Healthcare is a basic Humanright and the USA is less developed than fucking namibia for not having it
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Even the Majority of the Far-right over here is in favor of F.U.H.
Maybe americans are just retarded and believes whatever the Public Lobby of Insurance Companies say.
how much free healthcare is a right then?
Go back to Special needs class Kevin.
just saying, are you entitled to a million dollar censer treatment when you are 70 year old and haven't even contributed 100k in taxes over your whole life?
wtf i love free shit
Why use this tired meme instead of just directly stating your position? Try it with me. Type the fallowing:
"The poor should be left to die in the streets. Those who can't pay for healthcare should be turned away and sent home to die. Using public money (taxes) to build roads, educate people, regulate our food supply, and support international corporations to the tune of tens of billions of dollars a year is one thing, but healthcare for our citizens is where I draw the line. Nevermind the inefficiencies and poor outcomes of the current system. Nevermind that healthcare is something that every single citizen is going to need to some extent or another. Nevermind that the per capita spending on healthcare in the current system is much much higher than in comparable single-payer systems, despite our poorer outcomes. None of the matters. Let the poor die".
ye because People>Money. Shouldn't really be a serious Question. You people have some sort of parasite in your Brain.
I love you user
Leftypol lives on it seems. Heck yea.
Slavery is a crime against humanity.
True. And please, don't say that that's communist, because in my country we have public healthcare and much, much more public shit (most of it could be removed) and we don't live ike soviets, not even close.
Did you have a heart attack? Ok, let me save you from dying, it's just a couple of hundreds of thousands of dollars
ok but you can't give EVERYONE in the usa a million dollar treatment cause that would cost more money than exists in the whole world, and frankly their aren't enough doctors, hospitals, and supplies to do it. so it's just not possible.
Does everyone in the USA have Cancer at the same time every year again? It's not like everyone will now turn ill all of a sudden.
Your argument doesn't make sense. Cancer treatment on average costs 10k a month and lasts less than 2 years. You've invented an extreme example to try and make an argument, but that example is too extreme for reality.
You also don't seem to grasp how a single-payer system reduces the cost of medical care. The current American system is a patchwork of smaller networks and services, creating costly inefficiencies and obscuring the cost of healthcare to most people. A single-payer system makes healthcare cheaper because these patchwork inefficiencies are removed, and the cost of health care supplies and services are standardized.
The cost of healthcare in the U.S. is much higher than in countries with single-payer, while healthcare outcomes are poorer. We spend more, for a system that fails more often. There are countries in South America and Africa that have health care stats in some areas which are better than ours.
Using the word entitled is a propagandist way to frame this issue. Are you entitled to drink from municipal water supplies in parts of the country where you don't pay taxes? Why not just privatize water and let those who can afford it pay for it? Why are you being forced to subsidize water for the poor? BECAUSE it would be inefficient, the service would be worse, those who could afford it would pay even more for it, not less, and water is needed to stay alive. Connecting it to one's income when we don't have to is inhumane and prioritizes profit over a country keeping its citizens alive.
One more time: Connecting (health care) to one's income when we don't have to is inhumane and prioritizes profit over a country keeping its citizens alive.
Are you willing to go against the jews? Health care costs so much because it got turned into a for-profit industry. Hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, doctors all have to be non-profit. The insurance industry as a whole has to become nationalized and non-profit. If you don't do this everything just becomes a variant of government subsidy which is just another form of corporate welfare. If you want free universal healthcare as a right you have to take the jew out of the equation, otherwise it is parasitism by yet another name
People always giving the "in my country" arguments without ever saying where their country is. If your country is racially homogenous you have no argument.
You are doing it again. You've created an extreme example to illustrate your point, but the example is too extreme for reality. You might as well say, we can't fly everyone to space all at once tomorrow, and that's why space exploration should be privatized. You are creating an outlandish problem, and then pointing out that it is unsolvable.
Also, a million per person is less than a billion dollars. We can totally afford that. It's not more money than exists in the whole world.
Also, if everyone in America had cancer requiring million-dollar treatments at the same time, healthcare costs would not be the problem. We would be more concerned with the total collapse of our economy because no one could go to work.
I mean, are you trolling? Let me make a similar argument. Listen, we can't just bury dead people for free. The land that graveyards are built on is expensive, caskets cost money to make. What if everyone in America drops dead tomorrow? Where are we going to get the money for caskets and grave digging?
>Create efficiency
Hahahaha. What's next, your going to tell me about how innovative bureaucracy can be?
You need to kill yourself.
Germany. 80% Germans 20% others.
Who says?
So Hitler was worth more than money? How about Pol Pot? Himmler? Mussolini?
Efficiency isn't a binary. It should be obvious to you that some governments are more efficient than others. Some systems are more efficient than others. Efficiency is a scale. Clearly, it is possible for a government to create a healthcare system that is more efficient than ours because governments have done that.
If the word efficient is messing with you, try cost-effective, or cheaper. Single-payer is cheaper than the patchwork of subsidies and privatization we have now.
that's call taxes you retard
No, why?
I don’t want to government having that much power over privately owned businesses.
I don’t give a shit if people die for it, too fucking bad. Governments worldwide have proven they are untrustworthy fucks that care absolutely fucking nothing about citizenry beyond using them as tax revenue and for votes/manpower.
Go fuck yourself if you even believe one iota that your government is different.
It’s not, numbnuts.
No, they weren’t.
yep they were.
bruh it's America, in Murican hospital a mint cost you 30 dollars
No, the point being made here is that human life is more important than money. The word "worth" is tripping you up. It can be difficult to conceptualize because money is a medium of exchange. In our system, EVERYTHING has a price tag on it, that's the purpose of money. What this person is saying is humans are an exception, they don't have a price tag.
I really give you props for actually arguing with these dude.Sorry if i lessen your argument by being polemic but i just can't stand arguing with people in a bad faith argument.
Like I said - is Hitler’s human life worth more than money?
Free what? Libya?
Humans have had a price tag on them since before the invention of barter - humans have always been property to another.
It starts with birth and never ends. Sure - you call it other things but the fact remains ownership is what it is. It will never change.
Correct, no his wasn’t.
This is your response to my explanation of efficiency as a scale? Did you click the wrong reply button?
When you say you don't want the government having THAT MUCH control over businesses, what do you mean? What specific control should the government not have?
It also sounds like your saying we can't trust the government to do right by us, but we can totally trust multinational corporations. I mean, if you were going to pick one of these entities to trust more, why would it be the corporations? The government at least has involvement from the population, is made up of its own citizens, exists to some degree to perpetuate the existence and security of the nation...the government has a vested interest in keeping the country running smoothly if nothing else than to keep itself in power.
Meanwhile, a business exists to make profit. No other drive is necessary. Remember when it was legal to chain children to industrial machinery and force them to work ten hours a day? Do you know why businesses did that? Because it made them a profit, and it wasn't illegal. If you really believe that the government cares less about you than privately owned businesses, then explain fire departments to me. Explain how countries with successful single-payer systems can even exist at all.
Your point of view seems to exist in spite of reality. I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but your talking nonsense.
No, it doesn't. Your trolling. Stop.
I'd rather piss money on hippies than the 1%.
Your question doesn't make sense.
These two things have no equivalence. Hitler's life has no dollar amount of any kind attached to it.
Also, "worth more than money"? Are you talking about the concept of money itself? Again, your question makes no sense. It's similar to asking me why cocnuts don't believe in chemicals.
Some hospitals charge you over $400 for a "Mucus collection device"
You know. Kleenex. a box of fucking kleenex.
Don't argue with me, I was just clarifying the other person's point. Argue with him.
Also, how can people have a price tag before the invention of barter? I get what you're trying to say, but that doesn't make sense. Human lives were being traded even before trade existed? Huh?
Prove it. Show me a link.
Also, I wonder if that kind of ridiculous pricing has anything to do with healthcare being a for-profit business instead of a municipal service? Like, if what your saying is true, it only serves to support my argument about the high cost of healthcare in the U.S. as opposed to within well regulated single-payer systems.
Someone explain to me why europoors are obsessed with America?
Name a government that runs at a high efficiency - that everything is always repaired or maintained on time, payments are always prompt, problems dealt with in a timely manner, etc.
Now think about that and really think how stupid you’re proposal is trusting some of the most inefficient entities on the planet with creating an efficient system that will benefit everyone in a way that is fiscally sustainable.
Human ownership occurred before trading for things/money did.
you are a fucking moron, piss off
Spoiler alert; this sort of shit is only pushed by retards.
I live in a universal healthcare country, and only poor people and drug addicted losers use it, because its so shit.
Anyone with an ounce of self-respect, and who isn’t a throwaway of society has private health cover
>single-payer systems
Most jobs offer healthcare, you get screwed paying for your own
>if everyone in America had cancer requiring million-dollar treatments at the same time, healthcare costs would not be the problem
Obesity and diabetes is a drain on healthcare already. I don't want to pay for someone else fucking up.
I had a surgery that cost me over $100k to repair a birth defect that was slowly killing me.
They gave me OTC pain medication for the post surgery pain management because I didn’t want any opioids - 2 ibuprofen tablets cost $100, which was covered by my insurance.
$6 for a bottle of 100 at a store, and 2 was $100.
I’m responding to his claim that human lives are worth more than money.
bruh people don't even want other people to pay for their bill, they just want the hospital charge what things are supposed to be charge, you know? not being charged 3000% above the global market price?
you pay for as much water as you use you imbecile.
Case closed.
Stop larping
I just don't believe you
The US people pay more because they are bearing the burden of medical research for the entire world
>imagine believing they overcharge you for medical research
you have massive cuck potential
>basic human right
So during caveman times, Grug was entitled to free amputations due to a sabre attack from the local shaman?
European union is already preparing to automation of food production and free food by making food production impossible without agricultural subsidies.
Come home, white boy.
now I want you to take a moment, look around your house, think about your future plans, and ask your self:
"am I really rich and retard enough to throw money to the 1% so they can fuck me harder in the ass?"
stop sucking that dildo stuck to your ass for a while and look around and you just may see how retarded you really are
What you define as a "vested interest" is not universal. You can't expect the government to take care of something on pair with privatley owned companies who generate profit.
I have wonderful health insurance, eurocuck. :)
lol. no. no one on the right wants gov healthcare you faggot.
stop lying and complaining about lies at the same time. it makes you look retarded.
speaking like a true cuck, always looping in denial, but you do you, keep telling yourself whatever you want
I feel like I've been less specific than I should have been and it's making my point confusing. For that, I apologize.
I'm just going to google efficient governments real quick...
Damn, turns out people actually study this. The World Economic Forum even puts out a list of the most efficient governments on earth. Finland is 3rd. And, unless I'm mistaken, they have universal health care, with satisfaction in the system putting them in the top five countries on earth.
Now, is that system perfect? No. It's a human endeavor, there will always be problems. Mistakes, accidents, corruption, that's the name of the game for humans. But, is it cheaper per capita than our system? Yes. Are the healthcare outcomes produced by that system better? Yes. Is it more efficient? It seems that way.
The way you talk, it seems like you have a viewpoint of how that world works and your holding onto it no matter what. I understand that changing your point of view can be difficult because it feels like rejecting a part of your identity. It feels like an attack. I know its hard, most people have a really hard time with it, but you need to push through that uncomfortable feeling and understand that your viewpoint does not match up with reality. The world simply DOES NOT WORK the way you believe it does. No matter how hard it will be to accept that and try to match your understanding to how things actually are, you need to do it.
Give ideas that you don't like, ideas that piss you off, a chance. Consider them. Google them. Get comfortable with the idea that no matter how sure you are, you might be wrong about things, even fundamental things.
> assuming no one has health insurance in America
Get fucked bitches. $60 was cheap for ibuprofen.
I fucked lol
Human ownership occurred before trade? I used to trade my toys when I was a toddler. I traded pogs and pokemon before I was ten.
I think you might just be wrong. I'm pretty sure trade started happening before we were even fully human. If a monkey hands his buddy a fruit and gets a few nuts or a back scratch in return...
It seems like you might be wrong. And if not, I'm not sure either of us could prove our claim.
>assuming I am assuming
burh of course muricin have insurance, but it's basically like adding lube so you don't hurt as much when getting fucked, it's still making you a faggot
Amerifag here, i pay 40 bucks for a doctors visit, i paid 200 dollars getting my appendix out, AMA
What country is that?
damn straight
True, but what does that have to do with what I wrote?
>I don't want to pay for someone else fucking up.
Basic economic and sociological science shows that if people support systems for others, their overall experience in life goes up even if they don't need those systems.
But here you are acting like a selfish little retard child.
You can take the money you save on insurance and buy plane fare to Namibia, OP. Everyone wins.
EVERYONE is going to get old and get sick. EVERYONE is going to have extensive experience within the healthcare system. Unless you get shot or stabbed or eaten by a shark or whatever, you're going to get old and need health care.
If we all need it, why shouldnt we all pay for it, espesially if it means a cheaper system with better outcomes?
my grandparents are old and don't pay much :o they have insurance hehe
You do that anyways. You already pay for them. The question is just how much.
So the entire world but Burguerland is in the wrong?
Guess you fags deserve your excuse of a president
The fact americans were so brainwashed into this stance shows how fucking devolved they are.
Too bad you don't live in a single-payer system with pricing controls for drugs. 100K all at once to avoid death sure sounds worse to me than a few percent increases in my taxes.
You seem to be arguing FOR single-payer at this point. Is that what you mean to do or am I misinterpreting?
literal retard, billions are spent daily in america treating the poor huddled masses who cant pay for shit, only to have them stumble in the next day drunk/drugged up for another round of free healthcare
only the middle class gets fucked thanks to the slow crawl of centralization, you fucking moron
Stfu europoor. We will blow you the fuck up.
Here is a guy that needed some free universal healthcare.
#1 superpower boy, take notes nigga
lol your owners have a superpower. You're just a slave working for one.
dont try to talk sense into these retards, they're clueless
the government cannot give you anything without first taking it from someone else
get a job you fuckin bum