Science: Pedophilia Is ‘Natural, And Normal For Males To Be AROUSED By Children’

>An academic conference held at the University of Cambridge said that pedophilia interest is “natural and normal for males”, and that “at least a sizable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children, and normal males are aroused by children.”

Flicks where the bad guys(Sup Forums) win?

Based University of Cambridge

sure but its not manly to have Zero self control
keep it in your head

stop posting this already

I understand I might be being trolled, but what the hell. Let's do this.

Many paedophiles do not understand what it means to be a compassionate, worrying parent and a protector of others. They may never know how it feels to raise a child, to love it, to fear that child being taken away from them unjustly. They do not know the discipline and control needed to educate that child, to teach them right from wrong, to instill a sense of morals and ethics. They will not know the joys of something as simple as a smile, or an A+ on their child's report card, or their child proudly displaying their first car.

Thus, many paedophiles cannot be reasoned with. They know only their selfish, sexual gratification. Instead, revel in the knowledge that what you're reading, is the truth.

To any person who defends paedophilia, I respect your right to free-speech and the right to argue what you believe are "merits" of said-practice on a forum board.

Know this, however. Were I to meet you on the street and it was conclusive that you were a paedophile who had offended in some manner, shape or form, I would shoot you. I would shoot 50 of you. It's just a fact. I harbour no hatred toward you, just the knowledge that your demise would help create a safer society for our children to explore their innocence and sexuality among themselves.

Know that I am far from a "crazed, lone wacko" in this opinion. Multitudes of rational people would do exactly the same. Live in fear, or seek help. Adapt or perish. Your choice.

>Pedophiles don't know their wrong because they don't have a kid
>that makes it ok to lock them up

Link doesn't work

Where do you see "lock them up" anywhere in that post?

You literally stated that pedophiles cannot understand their actions to the full extent because they don't have a child of their own

By your logic, that makes them innocent. So why shoot them?

Is this part of some conspiracy to make Sup Forums look bad? The constant pedo threads and BLACKED threads.

>conclusive that you were a paedophile who had offended in some manner, shape or form

Means if you were a pedo who hurt a kid in any way shape or form you deserve punishment. Hence why at the end there's "seek help" Stop being a fucking moron, you stupid sack of shit.

why are you trying to make the cunnyredditors think it's okay to rape actual children

what's your end game?

Your post was stupid so I didn't bother to finish.

>implying you'd win at a gun fight with me

Look but no touch should be the policy.

Terror by normalization

End game is the continuing propaganda war asserting that all men are evil.

>I'm an idiot

You should have started with this then I'd have known not to waste my time with your idiocy.

>lol I'll shoot them cause I'm so cool and tough!
>loses for being a fat cocky bitch

>this guy is a pedo who got triggered a stranger on the internet threatened violence on his kind

Maybe you should stop touching kids you sick fuck

The truth makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't it?

They just busted that tennessee guy who eloped with his 15 gf. He fled to northern california and some millennial bitch ratted them out. I hope he left a bun in the oven just to see how people shit their pants over it.

His pretty much screwed.

It's interesting how anti-pedos are more concerned with prosecuting people than protecting people.

>being this mad
So what happened? Your little sister got creampied by an old man like a good little bitch? Lmao

More often than not, it's just bloodlust covering up for their own shortcomings and falls. It makes them feel a little better about themselves.

>caring about children is bad
Liberal propaganda got to you

This is just retarded

I personally cannot understand how you can be sexually attracted to a child. Children are meant to be adored, because they are inherently adorable. Even when it comes to the male-to-girl attraction (where males are likely to carry a stronger affinity towards preteen girls), it's always in the sense of being a protector because it's in a males nature to want to protect the vulnerable, and never sexual.

I guess if you're missing that instinct, it explains how you can be a pedo, but that also explains why males who do in fact carry that protective instinct would lynch pedos. After all, sexualizing children does seem pretty fucking abhorrent.

Is this what they mean by "honeypot"?

The laws haven't adopted to these new ways in TN. He could go scot-free or be stuck with misdemeanor tier charge if the girl says she fled with him willingly

Did you want to fuck a grown woman at 13? Case closed.
>inb4 b-b-but girls are special snowflakes

calm down please

How do we stop them lads

It's natural for me to bash in my neighbor's head with a rock, steal his shit, and rape his wife but it doesn't make it right.

>define post-pubescent girls as children
>huuuurrrrrrrr men are pedophiles


The amount of hatred I have for liberals is scaring me.

Being a pedophile isn't the same as touching kids

this has got to be a false flag

That's true, but he left Tennessee. Once you leave state lines it becomes Federal.

He's fucked.

I want to marry a 12 year old girl I don't even want to slip my finger into her warm tight pussy while licking her asshole clean I just want to take care of her


Sure is fucking television and/or movies in here

Isn't that university in the Britain? a hub of degeneracy just like the rest of Europe?

Kind of.

Most of those articles, if you actually read them go on to say "pedophilia is wrong but they literally can't help it."

It's not excusing people fucking kids but rather saying that there needs to be better treatment options for pedophiles.

Of course that doesn't help the narrative so only the headlines and some tweets (conveniently with no replies) are all you see.

Also Vice has been a joke for going on a decade now.



He'll be extradited. I don't think it'll go that far unless they really want to fuck him over

Any tips for being a cool.dude in my30s fucking teens? I never got to fuck teen when I was a teen and I missed out

Based jews

Hut pls hurry up im startingvto getting old

Which they will.

Guy was a teacher fucking a 15 year old student, then he took her across the country to a fuck hut in California.

The media pressure alone will have them pushing it.

He's fucked.

fuck off I dont want to be a normie

Leave the country
That's the only option, old bitches rule the roost here via their henpecked cuck husbands.
They say you're breaking the law if you ignore them and make them feel old and worthless. They're jealous of their younger counterparts so, it is what it is. We either fall for the ruse, live in denial or find another way

Just nuke this entire fucking site already

I probably would have fucked both at that age tbqh.

So now that we have revealed that liberals and jews are pedophiles they will try no say it's perfectly normal?