I've been a correctional officer for 2 years

I've been a correctional officer for 2 years.
The money is good but It's starting to fuck me up mentally.

I'm 24 and have saved up a good amount of money from it but I have no idea what I want to do with my life otherwise. It would have to be school but I hate school and school hates me.

Wat do?

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How about you continue living your sad little life while us talented people actually make a difference in the world.

t. neet

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Don't project you little wage slave.

Buy a gaming laptop and bring it to work

It must be mentally taxing to be surrounded by criminal niggers all day, but at least you are red pilled.

tell me what you do that's so important to humanity then
It is, and my jail gets the absolute worst ones from the GTA. I switched to nights but I still have to deal with them for hours

Learn a trade? Plumbing or some shit

Have you figured out that the niggers outside are also criminal niggers too, they just haven't been caught?


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>tell me what you do that's so important to humanity then
Finishing up a STEM PhD with several years of work experience in between school and waiting on more job offers before making a decision. Tell me, why are you so dumb that school doesn't like you?

Enjoy that 6 figure debt though

Lol, more like $10k debt. Just don't be retarded and don't make stupid decisions.

Ahh, so nothing then.

That sounds like a good option but I've never been good with my hands, and you also need to apprentice for 4+ years before I'll be making anywhere near what I am now
Not exactly, unless you mean nigger culture in which case I agree.
I've always had shitty teachers including college professors from other courses I've taken.
Most of them are seriously brain dead and the liberalization of our colleges also doesnt help.
I learned a bit of web dev in college but it took me a while to get the hang of it. I've tried learning at home but I'm not the right type of autistic to stick with it

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4 years is not all that long dude. And you wouldn't be surrounded by the worst people society has to offer every day.

Why working at correctional fucks you up mentally?
I am curious because I am planning working there as a medical person

>I've always had shitty teachers including college professors from other courses I've taken.
If school is something you do, go to your local state school for in-state tuition. Stay away from the retarded undergrads that aren't serious, this includes the frats that party all the time and the retarded liberal socialists that protest everything. Find the group of hard workers, likely the Asian kids and charismatic white dudes that do well... maybe the rare minority which isn't the status quo. Don't get a useless degree, aim for STEM or something useful. Just push through the classes with the annoying professors and for the ones you do like get to know them. If you want to go to grad school, those few professors you get along with, they will write you good letters of recommendations. Almost all STEM grad schools are paid for, too. Try to get out in 4 years or less.

what is that? UC Irvine?

I know it isn't, especially at my age but It's still a big commitment that'll fuck me up if I decide I dont want to do it anymore after 2 years
It's unnecessarily dangerous. I'm completely fine with getting punched in the face from an inmate running at me or by accident if I'm breaking up a fight, but these inmates have zero consequence for assaulting officers. Segregation for a few days, SHU for a few months, then back on a unit with full privileges.
My friends have gotten beaten up and shit thrown in their faces for doing their jobs and our management could not give less of a shit.
Nobody follows policy, and If you attempt to you get seen as the bad guy making your co-workers actually have to work and making your managers have to fill out paperwork.
I could go on and on but that isn't really the point of this thread.
Working as a jail doctor/nurse can be tough. Generally you're just waiting around, surfing the internet with the other nurses until you have to do your rounds. It can get tough when you're short staffed and have to do other units/floors but other than rounds and medical emergencies you're chilling.
>go to your local state school for in-state tuition.
In Canada that's a college and that is where I would be applying to. If I go that route I'm afraid I'll choose the wrong one and drop out half way through or finally start working and hate it as much as I hate corrections.

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>I learned a bit of web dev in college but it took me a while to get the hang of it. I've tried learning at home but I'm not the right type of autistic to stick with it
Well that was the best solution so if you want to disregard it then just go off yourself or move to your mom's basement and work at Walmart. You either have ambition or you don't.

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Honestly bro that sounds like dogshit. It’s a valuable job keeping those animals and line and I thank you for it, but if it’s affecting your mental health you should seek out therapy

Can't wait until we have robots do that shit for us :)

Thanks for your detailed explanation.
I live in Canada myself. If you live in big cities, I would suggest you try MB, SK, AB?
SK especially is pretty good for job/edu opportunities. It is less competitive.

Don't listen to the tards on here
If you don't know what you want to do and can actually save your money. Look up "financial independence"
Read the blog by "mr money mustache"
Get all your savings into an investment account and use pretax deductions as much as possible.