I don’t know what fucking universe the left lives in to make them honestly believe that Americans will just give up their hundreds of millions of guns, trillions of rounds of ammo and easily tens of millions of AR-15s and AKs, but all the stupid ass democrat faggots, inclusive womxn of color and whining soyboys that caused this anti-constitution horseshit in Virginia better stop what they’re doing and really think about this before shit really hits the fan.
You, liberals. Looking right at you. You woke up the bear and now he’s fucking pissed.
Because they genuinely believe we won't. They actually think that can only happen other places, not here.
I don't want what's coming. I very much hope Virginia is resolved peacefully by a judge overturning everything, but I don't see that happening.
Hudson Cruz
Look at this triggered little snowflake. This boy MAD!!!
Jaxson Anderson
Jesus Christ. I wish gun nuts would have just a little self awareness when they go on these belligerent rants. I don't think they realize that they're so out of touch with reality.
The small penis effect is alive and well in conservetard circles.
Peace just isn't an option anymore. The weak and dimwitted have been weaponized against the strong and independent.
Joseph Collins
Yeah, but they want. Gun nuts are low on the social totem pole. That's why they need a gun to feel powerful. At the end of the day they're all just a bunch of angry nerds that fatnasize about using their gun in an unlikely situation.
It must be miserable to be this out of touch with reality.
The sweet goddess of peace only exist under the ready arm of the ready God of war.
David Powell
And you wonder why they want to take your guns away. When you threaten to kill someone because they have a different opinion, then you have just proven that you should not be allowed to own lethal weaponry.
Anthony Carter
You realize that a huge majority of gun nuts are either military, veterans or police. We know how to use them.
Nathan Moore
Your just another Sup Forums tough guy staying anonymous on here talking shit. Anyone can do it see idiot
Adrian Williams
please. too fucking stupid to even acquire a gun. and what, mommy gonna load it for him?
Thomas Mitchell
Go crawl back under your ammo pile and stick to dry humping your AR-15, maybe one wrong place dick thrust will rid us of the shit stain you are.
Joshua Lopez
>You realize that a huge majority of gun nuts are either military, veterans or police. maybe. I'll concede that >We know how to use them. YOU are not the WE you stated. YOU are a 15 y/o b/tard
Not him, but I'm prior service. Every vet I know owns firearms. There's about 3 million active duty personnel. There's about 13 million veterans. And we were trained on the same equipment.
Reminder that only 3% of the U.S. population fought in the War of Independence.
Bentley Howard
>fight against us government >China goes "ayyy" and swoops in to invade >whichever side of civil war slap fight still loses >muh guns
Aiden Reyes
>We know how to use them
Military - Uses guns to an hero because their to sensitive to live a single tour of what muslims kids have to live through their whole lives.
Veterans - Haven't done anything notable since WW2. All other vets since that point lived off governement welfare and are now shitting themselves homeless in the street.
Police - Low social value males who hadn't shot up their school because they were hugboxed by their parents. Decide they were to awkward for other jobs. Decide to become cops just so that can have some sort of power in most of their interactions. Also 90 percent fat as fuck.
Please run your response through your head before you post.
>China invades >U.S. mainland In what, shipping containers?
Andrew Davis
Bentley Garcia
trust me i know nerds carry a lot of rage
John Hill
I don't know if this true or not but china has been buying up coastline ports and stocking up military in them.
Jaxon Jones
Not OP, but I do think it’s sort of tragic in a way that people are emboldened enough to use “LOL UR MAD. WHY ARE YOU SO?” in an argument or discussion, and it’s actually viewed as legitimate. The only thing that really could have enabled this is the nerfing of our society that’s occurred over the last 60-70 years; a shielding of citizens from physical danger via the legal system, the police, and CCTV. No doubt it has its merits in creating a more stable society, but god is it ever annoying that people can accuse a person of being angry to score points.
Think about that for a minute. What would have happened to you if, after hearing some knight or something give an impassioned speech on a subject which angered him, you were to say “HARK! VERILY THOU ART ANGERED” or whatever. What would have happened to you? You would at least run the risk of having your guts spilled all over the sawdust floor of the tavern and mopped up by some toothless bar wench. But nowadays anger has become impotent. Our socialization of punishment for some forms of fuckery and abandonment of it for others has robbed our society of its very teeth. It has made our world stable and more livable, but at what cost? I can’t say that every time I hear some self-righteous dork say “lol u mad bro” in public, I don’t secretly wish the societally agreed upon solution was that some random do-gooder would sucker punch him right in the teeth. I guess you ultimately can’t change. It’s just a damn shame, is all.
>take guns away because some internet who "threatened" me (no actual threat was made) Not a reason to remove people's rights to effective self defense
Julian Cruz
Where do you live that people say "LOL u mad bro?" in public and in what context is it used?
Austin Allen
>Every vet I know owns firearms. >There's about 3 million active duty personnel. >There's about 13 million veterans. >And we were trained on the same equipment. i was not, and still not disputing ANY of that.
I am not a VET, military or LEO. I own firearms. I'm also not a 15 y/o keyboard cowboy like OP i was quoting
Dominic Sanchez
Regardless of your feebly cobbled-together 8th grade level personal attacks, each of those groups is massively statistically less likely to be responsible for a crime or accident involving a firearm. Say whatever you like to that. Can’t fight facts.
Christian Sanchez
I’ve heard it in a bunch of contexts. Usually bars, clubs, but also at the beach. Pretty much anywhere where dudes are socializing with girls around, and therefore mogging each other to some degree.
Used to be if a guy and a guy had another problem, they argued, and if no one backed Down, they stepped outside and sorted that shit out. It’s not neat or clean, but it’s quick and fair. Hell im not some 240 lb ufc fighter, but I consider that at least equitable. But now you can literally taunt someone with the phrase “lol r u mad bro?” and no matter how much of a fuckstick you’re being, then can’t punch you in the fucking chops like you deserve without risking police, ticket, jail, lawsuit, etc. Sorry about the soap box. I’m just lamenting that life being peaceful means people have blanket right to act like weasels.
Easton Watson
Sounds like some blue state nonsense. I've never come across that shit here.
Angel Fisher
Where is here? I live in Houston
Jose Nelson
Yeah figured that would shut you the fuck up, faggot gg
Gabriel Thompson
Texas is getting very pozzed with white flight Californians. I live in the rust belt.
Matthew Nelson
Yeah that’s not nearly enough detail. Every American major city votes democrat every election. There are no red/blue states. It’s just urban vs rural.
Mason Wood
>Can’t fight facts.
Sure we can in a number of ways: >"the cited facts are misleading or inaccurate" >"the analysts that concluded the facts is funded by (polarizing political organization)" >"the cited facts appeal to (polarizing faction) so they're dubious at best" >manufacture new "facts" to put the existing ones into question >leave out the facts from all journals and history books; pretend they don't exist
Noah Hughes
and they're fucking up Texas too.
Before long the state will be solid blue, and people whose ancestors helped build Texas won't be welcome there.
So glad I live in a country where school children don't get shot.
American's wouldn't know what thats like.
Nolan Campbell
Not 15. Try a 54yo prior service who has seen shit that would make you shit your pants kid. Know now that none of the groups I mentioned, including us vets are going to allow you to take our firearms.
Adam Martin
Jesus Christ, hurry up and drop dead, you outdated faggot.
Ayden Garcia
Ah the retarded leftist mentality, that their opposition will just magically disappear...
Evan Cook
Not really. There was a study not too long ago that show that in less than two years they start becoming more conservative. Once they see that our ideas work, they start coming around.
Robert Butler
It's not a problem if you homeschool like every responsible parent should.
I would be highly skeptical of that. Sounds like a, "Nothing to see here goyim, it will be fine." kind of 'study'.
Jacob Powell
Liberals aren't left
Jace Brown
I am only at midlife if I look at my family history. And I have raised my children and grandchildren to be just like me. So I will carry on forever.
James Morris
Whatever you say, Trumpboi.
Jordan Rodriguez
It was done by UT in response to the Beto "we are going to turn Texas blue" bullshit.
Caleb Lopez
It’s not so much that “conservative ideas work”, as that is a massively loaded statement that’s influenced by a rash of external factors. It’s that in the long-run, liberal ideas of compassion just don’t. They don’t solve problems that they intend to. All they do is take inefficient and bureaucratic institutions of government, funnel more money into them, and create more inefficiency and bureaucracy. Hell thats not even purely liberal, they are just more gung ho about.
The main problem with the liberal voting constituency is the same problem with most voters in general: they just don’t know shit about shit. They don’t understand the nuances of economics, social class structuring, public assistance, etc so 90% of the time, they just vote for the youngest, best looking, most presentable trained actor with the best haircut who is somehow able to convince them that “common sense” is the root of legislature they propose and that the answer is just blanket compassion for everybody. But there is no “common sense” when building legislation for 300 million citizens. Every issue you attempt to address as a legislator is an enormous, complex and nuanced problems, and out of every “solution” arises 3 more problems that are just as complex. Republicans are Big Government proponents too, but fuck at least they attempt to make a show of appearing to fight it.
Joseph Perry
Lol ok Charlie sheen
Oliver Stewart
I sure hope it's legit, for everyone's sake.
Gavin Green
This is a super fresh take. I should know, I fucking wrote it.
Christian Davis
Darwin rules the Universe. Not Hancock. You faggot.
The vast amount of guns in the U.S. reflects the U.S. imploding upon itself and falling back upon a pattern of self-destruction while weeding itself out. Look at your language! This conflict between "liberals" and "conservatives" is only fun and amusing while shouting over each other like giddy monkeys until you realize that it is LITERALLY Americans despising each other. Another country with this pattern of self-implosion that comes to mind is Mexico. And look at what happened to those 100,000+ murders in the last decade FOR NO FUCKING REASON! That was not even a "war", but it reflects a pattern fo social implosion when people no longer go out to kill an enemy but instead turn upon themselves. Mass shootings. Intraracial murder. Non-stop socio-political arguments are a pattern of a self-destructive society.
Liking the police was lame back in High School. Asking another adult for permission as an adult is also lame. Liberals want permissions for abortions, for transgender-freaks and for police enforced security for slut. Republicans want to hide their red neck, their obesity, and for an AR 15 that makes them feel like GI Joe while Joe Dirt outmatches them on their SAT scores.
I agree. We need to trim the fat around this place. But don't expect permission from humans in order to kill humans or to own weapons that kill humans. This argument having made it onto political podiums is just proof of what demogogy, the ATF and lobbysts have lowered democracy to.