Bulls, come strip these wives:

Bulls, come strip these wives:

imig DOT es/c/3Yt3gAn

Many cucks ready to show off their nude GF/wives, expose them, post here

Attached: 582_1000.jpg (640x640, 95K)

Start a new room by clicking in menu on top right, choose rules, click on a cuck's name to provate message them

Should be like shooting fish in a barrel

who’s available

Also, feel free to play with these rules, cucks love them

Attached: Exposure_Easy_mode_LVL1.jpg (750x938, 121K)

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Attached: Exposure Hard mode LVL3 (1).jpg (1080x1350, 235K)

Attached: Exposure Hardcore mode LVL4.jpg (1080x1350, 222K)

Attached: Exposure Hardcore mode LVL5.jpg (1080x1350, 241K)

what sluts available

Attached: exposure lvl 6.jpg (1080x1156, 209K)


Attached: Capture.jpg (1274x614, 137K)

Hot sluts come up occasionally, fun to expose them

who do you recommend

Post wins

whoever you like and want to see exposed

who have you played

Asian slutwife

Attached: 698606EB-AD00-4E61-95DB-907EB47E0999.jpg (1028x1280, 467K)

none of the sluts currently up, some in the archive though

she in the room?

More sluts

Anyone playing?

Post wins

Let's go bulls, who ya got

Any bills play Minha? Post if so

saved Masha when someone posted her room

Attached: DD590757-BD94-49C1-9951-E45BB8CC2511.jpg (604x1197, 70K)

Post more

Attached: 3E98F3F7-6EA7-4265-B292-694A1D3D66B0.jpg (3264x4912, 796K)

Attached: 0F5A0215-B974-4275-B3E4-DB331204ABF2.jpg (4912x3264, 808K)

This slut gets stripped?

Attached: 681E3342-5021-4116-A769-2941A095CC63.jpg (3497x2569, 571K)

more of those !

any fucking ?

THIS is the room you should be in to strip sluts...some fine cunts in HERE:
imig DOT es/c/imp3hcC


Attached: 82336801_161853748435640_1576746635403198464_n.jpg (651x828, 35K)

go on

Join Us, OP! You and all your people!

Attached: 1574378992051.jpg (580x430, 71K)

Do it! That's an order!

Attached: 3h5dyt.jpg (702x355, 52K)

Just because I'm a democrat does not mean I'm a cuck, and vice versa, nothing wrong with being a cuck anyways!

Exactly the point! It's an attempt to align the kindred spirits of similarly effete males.

Attached: 3k4elc.jpg (763x450, 102K)

this is not what being a cuck is necessarily about you asshole

Attached: IMG-20180819-WA0012.jpg (1296x972, 80K)

Attached: IMG-20170413-WA0022.jpg (972x1296, 114K)

any hot sluts in the room


Attached: IMG-20180209-WA0000.jpg (972x1296, 101K)

It's how the champions do it, squib.

what sluts are available

Attached: IMG-20170413-WA0009.jpg (1296x972, 123K)

Nikola wow

Attached: 29DE85B9-0C38-476F-A470-F96EFE62C18B.jpg (2304x3072, 959K)

Attached: a08f57b2-478c-4a6d-8a2c-46380fa2d491.jpg (887x1920, 228K)

Attached: 05601BAB-89FF-4F72-95AF-8A50D6213541.jpg (640x1136, 95K)

>Manages to get politics involved into everything, including his sex life
Who's cucked now faggot

Attached: AFA680D5-4570-4622-9FBF-48877CBD542C.jpg (2576x1932, 885K)

Just having a laugh at the expense of two equally appalling groups of people at the same time. It's all good fun.

Less politics, more sluts pls

Continue with the sluts

Attached: F80EC11F-9D70-4EE4-891F-C5D49DF27342.jpg (4032x3024, 1.65M)

Attached: c2cad667-9bbf-4d91-8321-0fd0873019d2.jpg (1280x1547, 398K)

more like this

Attached: 606577f7-d312-4d77-8357-d0dcc732c1ee.jpg (672x589, 79K)

Attached: c3b2db12-0579-4dc8-8990-fd53ef6d96b9.jpg (498x1920, 191K)

Guy did this to my GF...

Going to have her "accidentally" find this pic on my phone now...

>Pic Related

Attached: 156988678263.jpg (2081x2775, 1.22M)

Attached: Comb02012019153530.jpg (1010x1384, 215K)

Moar. She's super attractive and fuckable.

don't stop

Attached: Comb01012019220143.jpg (834x1443, 186K)

Just save these and post them again later

Attached: Comb02012019151225.jpg (846x642, 96K)

Attached: Comb02012019150236.jpg (866x1403, 186K)

Someone must be getting some win in there? Post some?

Stacy’s room got posted

Attached: 2A9A1958-C2D2-459D-A8B6-EC619A5FE8D9.jpg (1022x3072, 450K)

Where are her pics?

Attached: CA4122C0-6D23-40EF-AA47-4D9C7EFEB520.jpg (970x2950, 172K)

Nice, what else?


She's a cutie!

yes more of her

Attached: A9436B54-E235-4539-BC25-52B5489898D0.png (540x960, 868K)

imagine having this image saved and thinking other people are weird and pathetic

Can someone give me the run down on this shit? Do people posts their own wives or are they getting the pics from elsewhere?

Generally it's cucks posting their wives

>pics from elsewhere 95%
>oc 5%

saintsfantu 22m bull DE , doing wwyd , stories all kind of stuff h cucks like

Stacy just can’t help herself

Attached: 633138FB-8DD3-454A-AD41-6BFB3EA9BA68.png (720x960, 685K)

I wasnt really convinced so far, but that's actually pretty cute. let us get more.

keep going with her

or someone else can post some wins

How do I play?

imig dot es /c/mpjghdS

risk room heart sluts

Attached: loves the cock.webm (204x360, 1.42M)

jesus post more of that hot slut

Where is more of this slut?


Attached: F555A902-F7F9-41AD-9C5B-644EACD28DF4.jpg (768x1024, 81K)

perfect butterface

How do you play with them?

Sure that was her?

She takes it like a champ



Attached: 84D78AE7-57CD-4F1E-A77A-D67AAA819B7F.jpg (2048x1536, 333K)

also Corina

Attached: AE0D2E69-FA8D-427B-82F1-BE8166EC2450.jpg (2048x1536, 274K)