Ask an enlightened being anything.
Not a joke or troll thread. Ask sincere questions and you will recieve good advice.
Ask an enlightened being anything.
Not a joke or troll thread. Ask sincere questions and you will recieve good advice.
If I travel at 1.37AU per Planck time, how long until I reach the center of Andromeda? Nearest hundredths please.
what is a valuable piece of advice for a young man to know?
how do I get over anxiety about procrastination? I feel no consequences for delaying work, so I always just put it off until its to late.
How can I achieve happiness over anxiety and depresión?
Wrap your rascal two times, nigga
Graduated college and got my masters degree/teaching credential all while being a lazy pile of shit like you. Your point of failing begins where you concede. The truth is, if it wasn’t for the last minute nothing would ever get done.
wow thanks mr enlightenment, i should just continue to be a sack of shit like you and put things off untill they just sort of work out. sounds great.
>what is a valuable piece of advice for a young man to know?
That it's great to have a god time, but realize that inner peace and happiness comes only from knowing yourself as you are in reality.
>How can I achieve happiness over anxiety and depresión?
>how do I get over anxiety about procrastination? I feel no consequences for delaying work, so I always just put it off until its to late.
Examine the feeling of anxiety, without labeling it. It might seem hard at first but simply look at it with no judgment. The moment you can say that you can live with that feeling for the rest of your life, if need be, you have transcended it.
>you can live with that feeling for the rest of your life
fuck it, I'm killing my self. I cant live with this shit.
Thank you
How did you get enlightened?
What is your meaning of life?
I felt as you do. It isn't so bad as it sounds. For instance, a man who has faced death psychologically is incredibly liberated and free.
what shit?
Inadequacy? Impotence? Boredom? Loneliness?
>What is your meaning of life?
To simply "be", as corny as it sounds. There is no definitive purpose. Enlightenment is an invitation into the unknown, to live a life that is not paint-by-numbers. This requires no premonition of what it means to live a meaningful life.
how do i improve my competitive cumming? im going for most cums/minute, not distance. id like to be state champion at least. if you need more info about the amazing sport of competition ejaculation, just ask.
>How did you get enlightened?
Back in 2014, I had a "glimpse beyond the veil" while attempting meditation (vipassana) for the first time. I was lucky. That gave me a target to "shoot for."
I practiced self-inquiry from then on. Always examining who "I" am and who is experiencing life in any given moment.
This is going to be a bit long.
About 3 days ago, it was around 4:30ish in the afternoon. I was taking a train to college. Just before the train was about to take off, a crazy dude boarded the train and the doors closed.
Crazy dude then starts trying to pick fights w/ other passengers. He slammed a teen boy against a closed door and tried to tackle someone else. He missed and fell on the floor.
As he was getting up, he reached into his pocket to get something and clenched his fist.
A couple passengers and I noped out of there and got on the next train car.
At the next stop, the crazy dude took his fighting onto the platform where he was eventually knocked out. Turns out that he didn't have a knife.
Ever since then, I avoided taking that train line and used another bus/train route to school.
tl;dr: How do I get over PTSD?
learn how to ko someone quickly you fucking donut
take boxing lessons or something
dont allow yourself to be victimized by some fag with projection issues
Who are you?
Who who who who, are you.
why don't you know the earth is flat if ur so enlightened
beta cuck soyboy
How do i shot web?
Reading your responses to these inquiries is rough, you're still working on it and I respect that but you're a far cry from being able to pontificate anything meaningful to anyone. You should spend less time on Sup Forums
Pray tell, nigga. I wish to be a cum king. Is there a combine or something?
How do i love again?
If you're so enlightened, why are you on fucking Sup Forums?
You aren't enlightened. You may be mentally ill.
Have you talked with a psychiatrist lately?
Answer my question and don't ignore me.
Didn't you pass the fourth grade?
1 AU = 1.581 × 10^-5 light-years
x 1.37 = 2.166 × 10^-5
Distance to andromeda = 2537000000 light years
Divide the two = 1.17128347 × 10^14 planck time units to reach andromeda
No point in converting it to seconds, it'll be 30 orders of magnitude faster than 1 second
is liking traps gay
What can you offer human