What a fucking dumbass.
What a fucking dumbass
Might as well end world hunger and poverty while we’re at it. Like if dog shit sanders
i dont understand why not
Don’t know if your agreeing with me or dumbass sanders
Im ok with this. Take the stolen wealth back at gun point if you have to, and soot anybody who resists. If Sander said that Id donate a $1000 dollars to his campaign right now.
Pls explain how money you earn is stolen?
No. There's nothing in it for me
convince you of anything. I don't need your approval. You obedience will do.
Get off your lazy ass and pay for your own college. Nothings free in this world jackass
your proving my point. To many lazy fuckers in this world want everything handed to them and expect everything to just magically be theirs. Gtfo
My ballot to vote for Sanders in the primary is already arranged. What are you going to do about it?
Sit back and watch trump win again. Begone now bitch
Im not going anywhere. I was born here and I will die here. 60 years
or tomorrow makes no difference to me. There will be a world after Trump is long dead. Where will you be then?
Obviously dead jackass. Everyone dies. I’ll just be riding the trump train for another 4 more years bitch
only a fucking boomer retard would want our people afflicted with (((student debt))). why should these usurers even be allowed to live?
It’s called work for what you want and earn it. This is like saying why should we have to suffer if other people have. We are better than them. But in fact, you are just a bunch of pussies who clearly never learned anything from college. So you deserve the debt bitch
you know who doesnt work? the kike who is making millions doing absolutely nothing more than collecting interest on debt. you know who has worked their entire lives? the american working and middle class, who experience the overwhelming debt burden. you sound like youre one of the (((few))) who actually benefit from this system of debt slavery.
>What a fucking dumbass.
Yeah, but you get roubles from motherland to post this shit so we all know you're a dumbass. Comrade.
you and your kind are gonna get put in gas chambers FOR REAL THIS TIME.
Lol. It’s called making smart moves and investing. You just seem to think since you got a degree you are entitled to millions and success. What a fucking loser
Looks like we hit a triggered liberal here
>it's called being born with capital
ok jew
well, this is no way to get my approval either, nor anyones else'.
and since no one will approve of your bullshit, no one will follow you, and if you stand alone, no one will obey you, they'll just continue to do to you, what I do right now:
Also, whoever told you you are right no matter what others could possibly saying was basically telling you to close your ears and never question his bullshit, nor allow anyone else to question it, because you both are likely to fail to defend it, hence for the ideology to survive, it requires ignorance from you and the ones who trained you.
Have fun with this thought, and crack open a book or two.
Bye faggot.
Haha ok. Anyone can be left with money. It takes a smart man to turn it into billions fucktard
>anyone can be left with money
99% of americans arent
>it takes a smart man
"anyone can do it"
Do I get the ~$80k I responsibly paid off over the last 6 years refunded or no?
So your saying since you weren’t lucky enough to be left money fuck people who were. Sounds like a jealous bitch to me if I ever heard one
No you got a education you went to school for jackass. Or that is if you paid attention. Which I assume you didn’t because your triggered that I said they shouldn’t pay people’s debt off
>"poor people are jealous of rich people"
ok now you're really throwing your heavy hitter arguments
Are you fucking retarded?
I agree with you you fucking idiot.
Not just jealous. Malevolent to the point of theft and murder.
Brit here- don't get why he has to go overboard with it. Sure, cutting the interest rates or altering the repayment terms would be great and would ease the pressure; but wiping all the debt?
I mean if you go to McDonald's and get a meal, you wouldn't expect the money back. Even if you got it on credit, you wouldn't expect or demand the debt erased (essentially giving you a free meal).
I'm lucky as the UK's student loan system is more favourable, and while I owe about £25,000, I don't think I shouldn't pay anything back. I'm quite happy to pay that back as I knew the fucking course cost that much when I started. My interest rate is about 2% which, again, is fucking fine. The money I save I can spend fixing my horrendous teeth.
I wouldn't mind but so many yanks take out $100,000 of loans to study the weirdest fucking stuff.
My bad I read completely different. Got too many dumbfucks who are composing on how they are being mistreated
It’s because these stupid fucks wanna go to big universities and party. Community colleges are just as good as universities
education is a service.
a service that requires trained personell that needs to be paid, and teaching material that needs to be produced.
either you pay for this service yourself, or the taxpayer does. And once you are a taxpayer yourself, you automatically start to ask: what do I get for my taxes? Are they fair?
No one needs people with degrees in women studies, african history, or gender studies, since people with these degrees do not produce anything that would lift our living standards.
these are passion subjects, meant to be aquirred with your own funds, because the only people profiting from it are you.
I'm happy to pay a tax that supports stem field students, who earned their degrees. But if they drop out, they should be responsible for the financial loss they caused on their own.
Either come prepared to pay for your insufficiencies yourself, or don't come at all. If you're not fit for higher education, trade schools are a thing, too.
Dude's got a valid point.
>paragraph on Sup Forums
shut up faggot
You got trolled with the quickness. How old are you? You have a small brain.
Underage b&
Eh doesn't really matter. Smart people simply aren't paying anyways. Not hard to get by with bad credit.
First we're going to use inflation to rob the savings of responsible people of value and give that to Wall St via risk subsidies.
Then, we're going to funnel the taxes of responsible people into paying ridiculous college tuition costs.
Then, finally, we're gonna use the responsible people's money stolen in step one to make sure the irresponsible people who fell for the college loan meme have zero consequences.
Did you know the rich are made of delicious meat?
It's true!
More taxes on lenders, the higher margins they have to make the less credit offered, the harder it is to do things like start a business, buy a house etc. A big reason silicon valley is in the US and not Europe is because of the US financial industry
This is 100% valid and actually a very good idea.
And I'm a student who attended 5 years' worth of private school and has fully paid off his student loans. I'm not one of those whiny, retarded "me, my, i" cunts who thinks everyone should have to pay because I paid.
Not saying everyone who has paid is compliant. But this is just bait by Bernie to pour in 18-25 year old dumb ducks who can’t even tell their left shoe from their right. He’s pretty much setting up a big lie to all the hound dumb adults
I want it too
i graduated a few years back with no student loan debt, but im still for sanders
Eh that kind of populism worked for trump. Don't see why it wont work for bernie, the media hasn't changed since.
Just saying. For the most part trump has backed everything he has said
because trump made (mostly) economically sound promises, and voters got a strong economy in return.
democrats were pissed enough to even attempt to somehow link obamas failed projects with the success of trump policies.
even black voters jump the democrat ship now, and a lunatic socialist who never worked a single day in his life, nor has any degree in economics, yet attempts to remodel a currently booming economy, does not help democrats at all.
the trump effect is simple:
listen what the regular joe wants, and try to fulfill his wish. That's how you attract voters. And if the methods you use to fulfill these wishes prove effective, you have sacked your 2nd term, too.
Obviously that doesn't work anymore if you have gambled voter trust away in the past, and bernie bowing down to shillary, or pandering to gender study lunatics or Antifa / BLM terrorists, doesn't just vanish from the voter memory.
listening to peoples concerns and addressing them in your own political work.
yea, populism is a sin we need to eradicate better yesterday.
Oh hai Ivan.
Oh hai Malte Sören
>condemns anti-semitism
>is fine with discriminating russians
Oh hai Adolf
That moron Sanders still doesn't understand Economics 101 after all these years. What a cuck. He'll never be President.
I don't mind paying for it but for fuck sake does it need to be so fucking expensive? I have to take a gamble of 50-60 thousand to get a fucking degree? And that's on the low end.
It's the same mark up in the medical field. 300 fo a fucking asprin
Shit is fucking lunacy. We are getting raped over bullshit and you dumbasses are acting like we are begging when we don't want to pay tremendous amounts of money for what used to be so much cheaper. But has been inflated so much it's mind boggling.
It’s only expensive if you wanna make it expensive. There are plenty of options that are fairly good priced. People think they need to go to a 4 year straight away while they could go 1/4 of the price and get the same basics at a community college. People seem to think they are missing the “college experience”. They do it to themselves
hehe stinky
So you think everything should be the same price it was 20 years ago? Inflation is always gonna be a factor till the end of time. Simple
>50-60 thousand to get a fucking degree?
you could
a) take a trade school course and work before you attempt a degree
b) start lowkey in a company and let them invest into your education
c) be confident in your skills, take a STEM field degree and pay it off easily with the dough you make.
d) combine methods a, b, and c to pay for your worthless gender studies / liberal arts degree on your own.
No one is forcing you to enroll to college right after highschool, and even if you do, there are community colleges, too.
If you want to print Harvard on your cv, you better can pay for it.
Education is always a gamble.
You just want to force the risk on the taxpayer instead of standing up for it yourself.
I hope he wins because that’ll completely destroy the murican economy and all those corporations will move to Canada this boasting our shit economy because of cuckdeau
There’s a .000000000009% chance he has of even making primary much less of actually winning. Trump will be in office for another 4 years
lol remember when he was gonna bring hillary to justice? remember when he was gonna build the wall and have mexico pay for it? remember when he was gonna repeal obamacare and didn't despite having the house AND senate majority? How about when he was gonna allow medicare to negotiate drug prices? Look it up, dems finally made it happen. Drain the swamp? MAGA? those catchphrases are well crafted populist, vague sayings. he got the muslim ban, he got a tax cut, he didn't change the economy he inherited. He didn't go to war with iran, but he damn sure tried.
If you can't see the difference between what a politician campaigns on and what their policy accomplishes, your media bubble fits inside of mine.