What's the funniest Rick and Morty sight gag? I'd go with pic related or Rick in the parallel universe.
What's the funniest Rick and Morty sight gag? I'd go with pic related or Rick in the parallel universe
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>inb4 alt lights start saying Reddit and Memey over and over like it means something
Fuck drumpf nazis morty supports hillary
Lol. Maybe I should start watching Rick and Morty!
holy shit amazing thread
Stop bumping your shit thread you stupid faggot.
Getting cucked by Homer Simpson, Peter griffin, and The American Dad™
>Rick in the parallel universe
But there are multiple Ricks in multiple universe you fucking retarded redditor! It's one of the main plot points of the show.
Is it just one guy making all these shitty R&M threads
The part where Rick tells Morty that God doesn't exist
its literal shills
Who watches cartoons past the age of 12? Beta nu-males?
is that a midget?
The show is made for Reddit.
Nothing wrong with enjoying it, you just might find /r/television a bit more to your liking.
i share this place with these types of people fuck that, im out
So did the guy ever do anything wrong the episode or was he just standing there? Seems like filler bullshit to me.
He was a white man, he was asking for it
But seriously, they only beat up white men in that scene. Fuck whitey.
I'm liberal and hate this show
Not gonna lie, former Rick and Morty fan here. This is fucking hilarious watching Rick and Morty crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the szechuan sauce.
A child, user. They're similar in size to humans, but actually just less developed regular people.
He was a fucking nazi starting shit and then cried when they btfo him.
More than likely it's Justin Roiland shitposting.
To make it more realistic they should've knocked over some trash cans before being chased off by a manlet.
Lol. No. Nazis get their ass beat by Antifa all the time. Remember Richard Spencer? The OP's picture is similar to what happened. You can only beat up girls like the pathetic manchild you are.
what shit did he start?
It's other shitposters who realize this board gives has an autism attack and gives out (You) s like candy whenever R &M gets brought up
He was being a fascist and nazi. An ideology which preaches killing all who want peace and beauty.
>guy standing outside and minding his own business
>gets the shit beat out of him
>this is somehow OK
Fucking liberal fascists
SJWs were a mistake
Remember Sacramento? When an actual neo-Nazi gang showed up and a bunch of antifails were stabbed?
Guess they didn't realise senior citizens and college republicans they outnumbered 20 to 1 weren't actually Nazis.
>is a skinhead nazi
what is the joke exactly?
yeah, like in California. Face it, american antifa are pussies
Yeah? People can believe whatever they want, even if you disagree with them. Don't like it? Fuck off back to North Korea.
That it triggers the alt-right
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
wtf I love nazism now
tell me, did that Nazi hit anyone or assault anyone? Or are they being attacked merely for the symbol they chose to wear on their shirt?
Only retard communists and anarchist edge lords like Antifa. Everyone else hates them, and after their embarressing last few showings they're less popular than ever.
>I only want the death of all those who were born with the race or sexual orientation that I deem inappropriate, why are you beating me up? I guess one of us has some growing up to do
>beating me up
>implying Antifa actually beats people that hold those views up and not just anyone to the right of Stalin
They're anti free speech communist scum.
You're intentionally avoiding the question. What someone believes is irrelevant if they are not acting out on those beliefs.
Did that person wearing a swastika on their shirt assault someone or cause anyone physical harm before he was beaten? Please answer the question, I don't have time for your fragile feelings.
It really doesn't though since we don't watch children's cartoons from reddit.
t. Reddit
Not him but first off, that's an edit, second, the societal norm would indeed be to punch anyone thinking their badass enough to just stand around looking cool with a swatstika shirt.
I think if that were the case then we'd see a lot more antifa actually attacking those kinds of people and not mostly white supremacists and the like
I disagree with the notion that someone waving hate symbols in public for all to see is irrelevant to the question at hand. Hate speech is a serious offense and as far as I'm concerned, only slightly below the level of severity of actual physical assault. So yeah, someone who advocates the death of others based on how they were born earns a good beating.
>implying Antifa has won a brawl in months
They get destroyed whenever there's an organized opposition. Pretty fun to watch mainstream conservatives crack commie skulls.
Yet start nearly 50 threads about it in two days.
Yes he did. He had just beaten up a jewish mother and her child in the apartment from which he emerged.
>the societal norm would indeed be to punch anyone thinking their badass enough to just stand around looking cool with a swatstika shirt.
Justifying physical violence against someone based on what they're wearing is only a societal norm in barbaric regions like the Middle East where women are killed for not covering their bodies correctly.
In America, and the West, harming someone because of what they're wearing is not a "societal norm".
But again, you're avoiding the question: Did that person wearing a swastika on their shirt assault someone or cause anyone physical harm before he was beaten?
The 'battle' of Berkeley was in opposition to a free speech rally. Antifa still got btfo (as per usual recently).
>second, the societal norm would indeed be to punch anyone thinking their badass enough to just stand around looking cool with a swatstika shirt.
That's not very tolerant.
All I've seen of this is either shitty right wing sites claiming it was a free speech rally, or shitty left wing sites claiming that it was a far right and white supremacist rally.
>So yeah, someone who advocates the death of others based on how they were born earns a good beating.
Why is the alt-left so violent?
Oppressing speech through violence is pretty authoritarian/fascist.
>hate speech is a serious offense
No it's not, lol. Protected under free speech, first amendment. Don't like it? Like I said, fuck off back to NK.
So? Nazis are for bashing, not tolerating
Especially when they can't finish what they started and end up fleeing, lel
Could easily have been both
I like the show despite the horrible fanbase and the autistic people screeching telling me not to like it.
When your speech puts innocents on the line, that is considered hate speech.
In R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul, (1992), the issue of banning hate speech arose again when a gang of white people burned a cross in the front yard of a black family. The local ordinance in St. Paul, Minnesota, criminalized such expressions considered racist and the teenager was charged thereunder. Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the Supreme Court, held that the prohibition against hate speech was unconstitutional as it contravened the First Amendment. The Supreme Court struck down the ordinance. Scalia explicated the fighting words exception as follows: “The reason why fighting words are categorically excluded from the protection of the First Amendment is not that their content communicates any particular idea, but that their content embodies a particularly intolerable (and socially unnecessary) mode of expressing whatever idea the speaker wishes to convey”.[87] Because the hate speech ordinance was not concerned with the mode of expression, but with the content of expression, it was a violation of the freedom of speech. Thus, the Supreme Court embraced the idea that speech in general is permissible unless it will lead to imminent violence.[88] The opinion noted "This conduct, if proved, might well have violated various Minnesota laws against arson, criminal damage to property", among a number of others, none of which was charged, including threats to any person, not to only protected classes.
Read it, dumb asshole
If you're beating someone up and call out the word "faggot" that legally turns it into a hate crime and adds more to your sentence.
spare us your fanfiction
Same with communists, after all, they're responsible for way more deaths than Nazis are.
Oh wait, Antifa are communists, I guess self awareness isn't their strong suit.
reminder that wearing and/or drawinga swastika is a crime
rick dindu nuffin you go rick kill damm nazis
If that's the case then how do I know that the free speech people and the white supremacists were in the same area, and getting beaten up? I'd really like to see some concrete evidence for who got beaten up and not have its source be the daily stormer or the ralph retort
>burning a cross
Vandalism is not any kind of speech.
for the left, everything they don't agree with is far right
Isn't selling shirts with swatstikas illegal?
HEY you asked for it
welcome reddit
Burning a flag is considered hate speech, you know?
To the far right, everything they don't agree with is far left
It's not so much that it pushes atheism, it's that it bashes Christianity.
There's an episode where Rick goes to Israel, and he says nothing about Orthodox Jews despite 18 minutes of the previous episode being a hateful monologue calling Jesus a faggot.
Anyway in the Israel episode he frequently states that Jews are 'God's chosen' and better than 'the dirty rat goyim'.
It really shocked me.
they're mostly anarchists but I'm glad you agree we should bash Nazis
That is a fantastic rebuttal, really shows me how wrong I was.
>burning a flag is considered hate speech
No it's not. Are you an idiot?
You really do need to get into the mindset of the faggot atheist Redditor to understand why this show is so popular. These people have never heard of adult animation in their lifes that wasn't stuff like Family Guy, it was completely alien to them. And they can't laugh at these shows because they consider these shows stupid. They want a show that isn't necessarily smart or funny or well-written, but that appears to be to appeal to their surface-level taste. Because these people live for that mindless self-validation. They don't actually understand what makes for good writing or good comedy, nor have they ever picked a book about physics. They want to pretend they do so and circlejerk themselves, that's what matters. Rick and Morty is just perfect for its demographic: these same college-age self-important Bernouts who "fucking love science". The entire foundation of the show is built upon the dichotomy between "silly sci-fi humor and references" and " things are super deep and tragic bro". This pseudo-intellectual "nothing even matters, I'm insecure about existence, we are all going to die" bullshit that R&M shits out in almost every episode is what appeals to it's audience. The show doesn't actually have the tact to even begin to offer an interesting presentation and discussion of any philosophy, so it spouts these edgy teenage catchphrases. Nevermind the bean-headed, noodle-limbed unexpressive character design, or how the story is non-existent and only comes up when the writers beg you to feel something for these characters so devoid of substance, or how the entire show is a trendy forgettable scenario of the week memefest with just enough sci-fi references to trick kids into thinking they are smart for understanding them, or how the characters have somehow been reduced to even more obnoxious caricatures than before, none of these things matter. What matters is that it appeals to the millenial redditor audience, and that's what's selling Rick and Morty
in what country?
Not him but hate speech? Probably not, but still illegal.
>I disagree with the notion that someone waving hate symbols in public for all to see is irrelevant to the question at hand.
Because an article of clothing is not justification for violence. Certainly not in a civilized society.
>Hate speech is a serious offense
Spotted the Eurocuck. "Hate speech", legally speaking, does not exist in the US due to the First Amendment. I can call you a faggot, and face 0 legal repercussions. In Eurostan maybe it's different, especially in places like Sweden where saying anything bad about a World War II veteran guarantees you jail time.
>and as far as I'm concerned, only slightly below the level of severity of actual physical assault.
And as far as you're concerned, you are wrong.
>So yeah, someone who advocates the death of others based on how they were born earns a good beating.
Is that someone actively trying to kill people? Are they harming people? This is the question you keep avoiding. Did that Nazi physically harm someone before he was beaten up? Please stop avoiding the question, it only demonstrates how dishonest you Leftist SJWs are.
>"uncle steve wasnt real??"
>"he was a real piece of shit!"
Yeah I over generalized with that statement, sorry
Are, the nothin personnel kid of ideologies. No wonder they're so easy to beat, lel
I'd side with Nazis over communists any day, Reddit.
wearing a swastica is like challenging non redneck chads to beat the shit out of you.
>you will never be so simple minded to find this part as potentially the most funny gag out of hundreds
I wish I could live in ur world op
t. Mohammad 'Wilhelm' Ahmed
>this thread
The left has become so unhinged they're reach levels of hypocrisy I never thought possible.
It should probably be noted that almost every single major figure in the atheist movement is Jewish. You could make a compelling argument that atheism is specifically being pushed by Jews in today's society, and they seem to largely be targeting western Christians and only them.
For example, Sam Harris, Chapman Cohen, David Silverman, Michael Newdow, Gregory Epstein, Sherman Wine, Bill Maher, Eric Kaufmann, and of course, Richard Dawkins's mother has a Jewish surname and was stated to have lived in the only Jewish suburb of the city she grew up in. But he hasn't explicitly named her religion.
But that's only a tiny part of the list. We could discuss the Jewish atheists who aren't pushing atheism so much as atheism-enabling political views like Marxism. For example Soklonikov, Trotsky, Deutscher, Lenin, Uritsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev and Sverdlov.
And what about atheist Jewish public entertainers that constantly run down Christianity? We can go ahead and recycle Bill Maher here and also include Jon Leibowitz, Stephen Fry, Woody Allen, Rob Reiner, Daniel Radcliffe, Larry David, David Silverman, and... I'm sure I'm close to the post cap, so rather than just name the rest of Hollywood, you get the point.
it is in my country
burning a cross isn't "vandalism" if they were burning their own property, which they were. In R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul, the people involved made a cross out of wooden chair parts. Their own wooden chairs they assembled into a cross to burn.
It's important to note: in R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul the case had nothing to do with whether burning a cross on someone else's property is legal or not, it's whether the City of St. Paul ordinance that banned burning crosses was constitutional.
American Dad is a good show
>if you don't love nazism you're a lefty
My favorite part about free speech warriors is that they only care about free speech when it comes down to protecting people's rights to saying hateful, violence inducing stuff. They'll never side with a leftist's right to freedom of speech and god forbid someone uses that freedom of speech to encourage degeneracy!
I'll just pretend I didn't read this like everyone else will. Or just call you reddit.