damn, this was boring
ITT movies Sup Forums meme'd you into watching
Enjoy your Marvel movies then.
160 minutes movies are objectively boring
Enjoy your Star Wars movies then.
I thought americucks are supposed to be asleep. You will never ever get Christkino
>enjoying a 160 minutes homoreotic wankfest just because it takes place in japan
Its scorseses best film in decades. Get fucked the best films are 2-3 hours
>the best films are 2-3 hours
Rather the opposite my friend
If you aren't able to tell a story in less than 2 hours you should avoid making movies
That's the main reason no one says Kubrick is the best director, all his movies are +2 and a half hours
Literal pleb
Not an argument
Stop watching for the plot anytime
I have to agree. It was meandering, obvious and silly. Scorsese hasn't made a great film in years. This didn't break that trend.
The worse thing is, you can tell it clearly has the makings of being a great film, and it is quite enjoyable in parts.
The Last Temptation of Christ was far better than this attempt at religious subject matter. And he has a number of better historical movies.
People who equate those who don't like this film with people who only enjoy Star Wars or capeshit are retarded. It's a deeply flawed film, and Garfield gave a terrible performance. Driver was okay, Liam Neeson was excellent, and the cinematography was generally superb, though.
Putting a time restraint on tone and atmosphere is retarded
Pure KINO.
Plebs go back to Disney flicks then.
It's more like Hugo where it just marinated in it's own slowly boiling piss until 3 hours later it was done
Andrew garlic's character was kinda dull and even most of the Japs where more interesting.
The setting has sort of a unique twist to it but as we said it's so slow and boring you stop caring.
IDK go watch passion and apocalypto
Everything Mel's made for the last decade craps over Scorsese movies except wolf of cuckst
>Scorsese hasn't made a great movie in years
Name one bad movie he made
Reminder that Rodrigues went to hell for his consistent and unwavering apostasy.
Unbelievably boring.
But he talked to Jesus
>Name one bad movie he made
I didn't say he's made bad movies. I said he hadn't made a great one in years.
That was the auditory manifestation of his temptation to step on the fumie. The rooster crowed.
That's a beautiful poster
I thought this was pure kino and so was batb.
Enjoy hell, protestant heathen
Nobody cares. Catholicism is one step above Mormonism tbqhfamily.
I've never liked Shutter Island nor Hugo.
I don't disagree. I'm a Reformed Protestant
Go back to a Disney franchise of your choice then.
Kill yourself faggot.