Welcome to /who/! The Doctor Who general.
Last general: Chantho was the best waifu from Tennant era, deny it and I will offend your Clala
Welcome to /who/! The Doctor Who general.
Last general: Chantho was the best waifu from Tennant era, deny it and I will offend your Clala
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Carrying-on discussion:
Which of 9, 10, 11, and 12s musical theme is best?
Should Big Finish hire more new writers?
Is it a shame Big Finish don't use Murray's music?
Have you drawn Rose before?
Have you drawn 10 and Rose before? Together...?
sleep sleep sleep
don't you feel sleepy?
go to sleep
ChanI love you Edge_Lord but don't mess with my waifu. Reminder that Wose rather prefer to insist in have Handy as bf than the Doctortho
Yeah, his writing isn't what it used to be. Shadow Police, his comics, and even his Twitter don't have that spark he used to have. If anything, he reached his creative peak in the early 90s writing VNAs. And it's generally a bad thing if your best writing came from your mid twenties. I read that Third Doctor comic, and it just felt like a run of the mill "doing it because it's easy money" PDA than something Cornell in his 90s would have pulled off.
I haven't read Chalk yet, so maybe that's good.
>tfw didnt care for clara whilst she was here but now depressed that's she gone and never coming back
I absolutely loved Matt's theme (aka I am The Doctor)
It was magical in its time.
she's obviously going to come back for 12's regeneration
How did you react? I was pretty shaken desu, didn't expect that at all.
Murray Gold should finally leave the show when Moffat does and be replaced by someone like Daniel Pemberton, if the BBC can still afford him.
It was definitely a 'holy shit what's going on' moment
It's super fun, really great bit of music. Maybe used too much, but I understand the impulse, it was great, it was iconic, it's fun to listen to.
Me personally, I love this theme youtube.com
It's weird how 9s theme gets reused for 10 sometimes (and 12 in Class, maybe, depending what regen saved Charlie). Oh and in Hell Bent. I don't mind at all, and it's a great bit of music, but they don't do that with Matt's theme really. Actually they might have in Death in Heaven before 12 gave his I am in Idiot speech, unless I'm misremembering.
I wouldn't be opposed to that, but I kinda like Murray as connective tissue between multiple DW eras. Who else has always been there in NewWho? Briggs? Gatiss?
I expected it because it got leaked on the internet hours beforehand.
Chan I think she will come back for his regeneration along with Tennant and Matt since one of his last acts before regenerating is to join his Tardis to freeze Gallifrey along with the 1st Doctor. We already saw his last scene when he was announced in The Day of the Doctor so no new Tardis in Capaldi's run tho
>tfw Danny Pink Husbando user is obviously embarassed after getting BTFO in the last thread, and is now feebly trying to make discussion
>tfw neo-old-cloister and danny fighting is giving us a war of trips trying to produce interesting conversation
>tfw trips are actually doing some good for once
Yes. Nothing that is even remotely appropriate to be posting on a SFW board, though. (But if you have Rose/Ten requests I will absolutely add them to the art request queue!)
I'm running on a caffeine and adrenaline high from having to rush to get the garbage out on time. I'll crash soon. Also that Donna in your pic looks like she belongs in Bubblegum Crisis or something, kek.
I could draw that, actually. Donna in power armor fighting a cyberman/boomer hybrid or something. (Does anybody even fucking remember Bubblegum Crisis?)
Chanshe was pretty cutetho
(ily2 user)
how did she shoot that many times at the astronaut and not only not hit it, but not hit the water either?
Who's a writer /who/ likes that should do a Big Finish audio?
While none of the books really stood out as great, I thought BBC's attempt to get successful authors like Alistair Reynolds and Michael Moorcock to write Doctor Who novels was an interesting idea.
anime is for nerds, edgey
post yfw Clala's theme starts to play when 12th decides to brainwash Bill
This is as fanwank as it comes, but I'd love a Gatiss Big Finish series of Gatiss playing the Doctor, on scripts Gatiss also wrote. I don't really like Gatiss' episodes but he clearly has a very particular taste, and I think letting him completely off the leash would actually be best for him. Plus I like him as an actor.
Aw now I wanna see those pics :( Maybe in the Mega one day :)
see pic
I think no one expected that much less in an opener.
What? Really? I don't remember that. Shit that's not something you want to be spoiled about.
I think she knew? Somehow she knew it was her and didn't want to shoot herself. I don't know, I seem to remember Moffat explained that but I'm not sure.
Is there any way to get Big Finish audios into casualwhostream? Would be cool to shitpost to Zagreus or something sometime.
So why did the BBV make another PROBE film? 20 years after the rest of the series and after Caroline John died? Not even Big Finish would do that. It'd be like if they brought back the Sarah Jane Smith audios with a soundalike actor.
>Should Big Finish hire more new writers?
Big yes
I don't know whether Cytube can stream audio files or not? I don't think any bigfinish audios have videos on youtube/dailymotion.
what do you think he's up to now?
What, you don't like Ma....Matt..
Sorry...hard to not doze off when even thinking of a Matt Fitton story :/
>I think she knew?
she knew not to hit the water? Was she just firing blanks?
I don't like gatiss' writing but it could be interesting to throw him an Unbound audio and see what he does with it
Cornell seemingly hadn't watched Series 8 at the time of writing this, so 12 sounds nothing like he should. 10 and 11 bring in their OC comic companions, which is all right, but feels a little weird when they're hanging out with Clara. Cornell brings back the Voord and tries to make them seem fresh and new, but it doesn't work as well as he thinks it should. Feels no better than what Briggs did with them.
Fuk u, Bubblegum Crisis is great it's just animu Blade Runner. Please for the love of god don't associate me with liking anime, I can count the number of animes I like on one fucking hand
Sounds like he's Big FINISHED.
"Sam Kisgart" is an anagram for Mark Gatiss. He plays the Master.
I agree that letting him be the Doctor outright in an Unbound series would be awesome though!
Honestly wouldn't even mind him being the legit Doctor on TV...he really is quite a good actor and has the right sort of weird energy for the role IMO...
>I can count the number of animes I like on one fucking hand
is one of them yuri on ice? Because that seems like a thing you'd be into
Yeah, I know about these, but you were talking about an audio where gatiss gets to play the Doctor and writes it too
What's that Bernice boxset like? Unbound is one of my favourites ranges but I felt a bit weird hearing they were doing this
>RIVER: So do I, all the time. Have to. Spoilers. Pretending I don't know you're my mother, pretending I don't recognise a space suit in Florida.
She was pretending?
Of course she knew she was the astronaut
but in the camera shots of the astronaut walking into the lake, there's no impact splashes for the bullets that clearly don't hit the astronaut
>not watching a minimum of a hundred anime like Sup Forums
It's weird. New Who came out right when I finished the first Fullmetal Alchemist and petered out of anime for a few months after that.
My bad, I jumped the gun!
I haven't heard the Benny boxset yet, I should get around to that. Pretty wild idea.
Any anons here heard it?
Now how did you react to this? I thought that was a shit show, probably Moffat's worst finale and possibly the worst of NuWho
They didn't bother putting them in? I mean, I don't think they thought anyone would scrutinise such details.
it seems like such an obvious thing though
it was the first thing I noticed when watching it just then
Don't worry, I haven't even finished listening to all the Unbound audios, and I go around saying they're my favourite.
It was so shit, that someone quoted it here a few days ago and an user thought it was from another shitty scene from the next series.
Moffat thought this was so good, he did it twice.
I'm a big fan of Moffat. Series 8 and 9 are my favourite series of Doctor Who, ever. I think overall he's probably the best writer in Doctor Who history.
But The Wedding of River Song is a fucking terrible, redeemable, grating piece of shit. I hate it. It is terrible. Series 6 has tonnes of problems, and I'd even take a dull series like 2 or 7 over it, but Christ, that finale was nearly unforgivable. Nobody acts like real people in it. Nothing is paid off well, and not in a clever meta "play with expectations" way, in a terrible "first draft while I spend more time on Sherlock" way.
Colditz is the best Mccoy Big Finish audio, fight me
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Bubblegum Crisis
Witch Hunter Robin
>Living up to my trip
It's definitely one of the better ones - personally I'd give Master or A Death in the Family top spot, but in general the Seven/Ace stuff was really strong until Gods and Monsters ruined everything.
XxX Holic
JoJo Bizzare Adventure (I readed the manga you mongos)
Azumanga Daioh
Mirai Nikki
Why are the 4DAs so bad?
I'm not asking if they're bad, I've heard enough to know that. But what exactly has made them so bad? The writing? The overall concept?
Yes, the Hinchcliffe box set is good. But the 4DAs. What happened there?
does /who/ approve of an anime doctor?
Can't say I paid attention at the time but I noticed on further viewings. Just thought they were lazy.
Holy shit, what was the quote? Need to have a laugh right now.
Basically the same, I was so disappointed. The pay off to the arc was ridiculous and not nearly as clever as it thought it was, and I hated this whole "Amy never met Rory" shitty subplot. As if they'd be in the same train. Oh and how can River even be there? That's just a few of the massive issues this episode has. It's terrible.
>Gods and Monsters
Ah yes, the Ancestor Cell of Big Finish.
I've had a really autistic idea for what a Doctor Who anime would look like, where it would be kind of a reboot, but with enough going on in the background to make the viewer realize there's something off about the timeline.
Master would be my favourite so far but personally I enjoyed Shadow of the Scourge more than I did Colditz. That was a lot of fun and I'd never heard Benny before.
>people in this thread think Big Finish is canon
Please witness this
>pic related
Don't spoil me but has Brax ever been in a main range audio?
I'd like to know about this too
>oh look! rocks!
wew I thought that was more obscure
Maybe because even compared to how traditional some of the other audios are, Briggs is overly reverential to the Tom Baker era. So he refuses to do anything new with Four in favor of "It's Saturday Night teatime in 1979 all over again".
I could have sworn I saw you slagging off Evangelion in another thread
Are you asking for an upvote brigade or something? At least have the decency to say so instead of just posting a link without comment
>ywn get a 60th anniversary audio with T Baker and Tennant together (along with Davison, CBaker, Mccoy, Mcgann of course)
>ywn have 4 and 10 will interact on audio or TV
>Christ, you're loud
Not to mention the fact /who/ wouldn't be able to upvote brigade because none of us have reddit accounts
I'm positive at least one of the BF big fans over there are here too.
What the fuck am I looking at
Oh sorry, should have linked the remix! youtube.com
A highly dubious rap (hip-hop?) song about the Master, ft. Christel Dee and That One Fat Guy.
What's your /who/ related confessions? The more plebian or tasteless, the better!
I love the Eric Roberts Master, the TV Movie in general, and like to believe the Doctor is half-human
Sounds like it'd be a ton of comfy stories then, not sure what the problem is
I support of a Renegade Master Doctor.
Some of them can be - I kind of like Wrath of the Iceni for giving Tom a pure historical if nothing else, and the Jago and Litefoot one's alright - but on the other hand Destination Nerva might be the most generic story ever told
The Doctor's Wife is a terrible episode.
This was a few days ago, but I'm almost certain you did. I don't remember what I said though. (Probably me saying the actual show is often boring and pretentious and that I loved the movie?)
When is the next volume of 10's Big Finish stories going to come out? It's not like he's working on Broadchurch anymore ;_;
Terminator Master is best Master
Think it was a few weeks ago, that does sound about right though. The TV show is definitely a bit overrated and the film is transcendent.
>When is the next volume of 10's Big Finish stories going to come out? It's not like he's working on Broadchurch anymore ;_;
IIRC they said in the podcast (or Vortex, or DWM, or just online, I can never keep my BF info streams straight...) it's just a matter of scheduling. Could take quite a while, Tennant is very busy and only wants to do the audios if his costar is actually there with him on the day.
I have no idea if doing any audios with Rose or Martha are in the cards, or if they wanna stick with Tennant/Tate. Remember Tennant takes a massive paycut for them so it's pretty much what he wants I'd imagine.
He'll definitely be in the 60th anniversary audio one way or another.
Might be still posting here, but without a trip.
>tfw you're a cat married to a human but it's the lesbians who are immoral
Christ, I have no concept of time.
I started Doctor Who in season 5 because my friend told it was the most bearable season since I didn't knew it anything about the series. I didn't knew it the Doctor regenetes and I cried like a bitch when Matt was gone
Wasn't there an article about Billie Piper coming back for his second batch? Or was that just clickbait nonsense?
Dimensions in Time was the first Classic Who I ever watched.
I got into the show because a Teen Titans fansite mentioned how one of the villains heavily resembled a Dalek. I was like "The fuck's a Dalek?", searched it on WIkipedia, and was forever doomed.
No source IIRC but didn't sound crazy or anything, could be true
If you didn't know about regeneration, how did the start of series 6 play for you, where the Doctor fakeout regenerates, and River regenerates?
Thanks, false cloister.
>Please let this be true, don't tease me like this
They've said multiple times that they'd love to work together again, so I mean...it's not off the table or anything.
Depends on the writer. Please let it be Dorney.
I thought the Doctor really died in the beggining of the season but somehow he knew it he would die so we would see him trying to avoid his death through the season. About River I thought she had used some sort of stone or technology to change her appearence for disguise