>370 people
Is there a character that has killed more people in cinema than Bond?
370 people
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he's not a movie character
and I even doubt he killed anyone in real life
perhaps in WW1
>he's not a movie character
He's been in lots of movies.
>expecting an edgy child to know anything except for trying so hard to be edgy by doing something which others have done millions of times before him
How's your first day on the internet?
Charlie Sheen in Hot Shots Part Deux.
It's so early in the day, why are you already getting mad?
Rambo has killed 220
Does this even count? I could have sworn it doesn't according to Guinness.
>he's not a movie character
Movies, cartoons, comic books, you name it.
John wick will surpass if we get more keaino in the future
Michael Myers has killed approximately 94 people
Jason Voorhees has killed approximately 146
but he hasn't killed anyone in any movie
inb4 muh 6 milion
How about Luke Skywalker? He blows up moon sized space station manned by tens of thousands people, if not more
whoever fired the death star laser killed everyone on alderaan which i imagine would be a couple billion people.
That guy in predestination had 10,000 people killed in an explosion or something.
He kills a dog in er ist wieder da (german comedy), that gotta count for something.
What about the dude who fires Starkiller Base? That's five planets at the same
if it's not shown then it doesn't count
god killed the entire earth in that movie with the big boat made of wood
massive plot hole, hitler loved dogs
but maybe this was a jewish dog?
Jack Bauer is quite up there.
It's not like I care whether it counts for you or not and what your special conditions are.
the samurai from Lone Wolf and Cub kills like 100 dudes per movie and he's had loads of remakes and tv shows
Do you mean personally?
my special conditions are simple
kills that are shown
that's it
General Hux. i win.
Luke Skywalker, how many people were on board the Death Stars?
damn, I miss Jack powerhours
you didn't specify that at first f a m
>implying movies dont just show a guy going "ah!" and falling over when someone shoots them who could very well survive when the protagonist leaves the area
The planet in Von Triers Melancholia kill all of Erth. ;-; F
MG42 gunner in Saving Private Ryan.
I wonder what zatoichis talley is.