ITT: Times when Sup Forums let you down by shitting on good films

ITT: Times when Sup Forums let you down by shitting on good films

I hate you people for this one. This is a really good film.

Who said it wasn't?

i bet you like rick and morty

WB/DC shills.

Dawn of Justice is the best comicbook movie ever made

The dialogue sounds like it is written by a ten year old. Which is fine, since the proper audience for a cape movie would be ten year old boys.

Good to see Van Wilder getting work- seriously.

Now can we make Tara Reid aquaman's mermaid or some shit so she can afford cocaine again?

Sup Forums literally every day because it was popular with normies and reddit


Ah, that makes sense. I'm not part of the "comic" scene.

Well Sup Forums is faggots. You know this already.

Deadpool was funny.

I originally thought it was childish but I've come to realize I had a stick up my ass.

Everyone with a little taste

>Deadpool was funny.

This, but without a trace of irony. It is actually funny. Not reddit funny, actually funny.

Shits me that if reddit likes anything we have to hate it.

I loved the scene where he was trying to beat up the metal dude and then get away, and how he cut off his hand. The finger was a bit much but I feel like that was the tone of the movie

wtf how do you do [s]spoilers[/s]

[spoilers] like this [/spoilers]


thanks man

it's hello , not spoilers.

just fucking with ya dude.

This was a legitimately bad movie. It's about as Reddit as it gets.

cheers. been hanging out here for some time but have never had to disclose any story

why was it bad? beacuse reddit?

welcome newfriend. don't worry we're not all anti-social retards.

Actually, based on Reddit themselves, they prefer BvS to anything Marvel/FOX shits out.

Sup Forums seems to have among the higher concentrations of functional people out of all boards I've frequented

Yet it turns out you voted for the same thing for voting Republican :^) I know this is pasta but it always made me laugh.

Jesus, and I thought this place was bad

Reddit is awful, but so is "pretending BvS is good" meme. Hopefully now we just stop talking about that shit.

>Reddit likes BvS
Explains everything

I'm pretty sure it started there

>pulp fiction
>la la land
>christopher nolan

I suddenly feel better about my life distancing myself from that site

>that fucking horrible unbearably long 'serious' sequence when wade turnd into le injured monster

jesus christ it's like a wedge that splitting perfect poopy cowabanga movie in two halfs

Jake Gyllenhaal? How?

Yeah, probably.

Fyi, Rule 1 of Sup Forums: every film you've ever liked is now shit unless it's Drive, BvS, or Memories of Murder.

>Drive, BvS

Hmm.... Let's check that picture Yup. There we go. Both on there. Sup Forums is 100% Reddit yet it'll pretend it isn't by shitposting about R&M. I'm now more convinced than ever it's just Reddit users trying to pretend they're not from there by going "B-b-ut I hate le Reddit and le Memey so I CAN'T be from there!"

its not a good film

its fun
its quasioriginal for capeshit
it has good special effects
it has lots of quips

but its not a good film, its just not as insufferable as most capeshit

>he likes The Red Quipper

This. I've seen most capeshit and I wouldn't really want to watch them again.X-MEN is probably the only thing I could stand watching again. Deadpool was the least 'are we at the final fight yet?' tier. I've not seen ALL capeshit. I mean I can watch Blade constantly as well but it's not the same thing, really. I never seen Logan either.

It's just fine. It's enjoyable. But it isn't GOOD. It's not pushing anything or a master of writing, acting, cinematography, sound or designs. It's enjoyable. But not good.

Sadly this is a thing people forget. Just because it is WINS ALL THE OSCARS or DOG SHIT 0/10 WOULD NOT PIRATE doesn't mean it's not enjoyable. Just cause it's enjoyable doesn't make it GOOD.

I've never posted on reddit but I don't get the "hate" on here. It's not like it's facebook .

Sup Forums and reddit are bros.

[spoilers] Am I doing this right? [/spoilers]

Yes. Only you can see the words it's blacked out to us.

Reddit: The Movie

Well i am sorry that capekino dialogue is not on par with There will be blood or Inglorious Basterds. Wtf you expect ?

Deadpool is a piece of shit redditor, get your facts straight

>redditors are so uncultured that they think Inglorious Basterds is an example of good dialogues

>look how contrarian and edgy i am, i get off to disagreeing with objectively true statements

It was funny the first time you see it, but it turns into pure shit if you have to rewatch it

deadpool fan, idiot who uses the word "contrarian", considers TTBB and Inglorious Basterds good examples of highbrow filmmaking. Nothing surprising here

>Just because it's enjoyable doesn't mean it's good
This is place is beyond saving

>This is a really good film.

It's a reddit film.

I will thank it for opening the path for more R rated movies. Hollywood has been castrating movies into PG13 for too long.


you're right, this film was sooooo epic! Ryan Reynolds was BORN to play deadpool. it was so meta too, I love meta comedy!

>I'm a numale, the opinion
Fuck you millennial babies are cringy.

Don't blame Sup Forums blame the stupid reditards who invaded this board, there are two kinds of redditards around here the ones that wont accept anything that isn't MCU, and will defend it ferociously by stating that the MCU movies aren't utter garbage because they make millions of dollars, and then you have the sad DCU Zack Snyder fanboys that despite the evidences refuse to accept the fact that their movies are awful.
These people are the ones you should be hating, not us.

But BvS was always shit. And director's cut was long shit.

No one likes that piece of shit.

Its really not. Its a mediocre action movie where nobody really cares about the plot because the main draw is the "funny", zany breaking the 4th wall comedy. I cant believe this made the most money of all the Xmen movies

woah guys i found a picture of OP and his friend