Check out my movie idea, its basically the opposite of "they live"

Check out my movie idea, its basically the opposite of "they live"

>starts out with neo-nazi protagonist
>thriller atmosphere
>the character walks around the city in a constant state of angst and rage
>everywhere he looks he sees "subhumans" "race traitors", minorities, "enablers", jewish conspiracies and generally everything feels designed against him and his existence
>the most inane things trigger him and send him down a spiral of conspiracy thinking and panic
>the characters slowly withdraws from the world cause he cant take the "degeneracy" anymore
>starts planning terrorist attack on a mosque

in the second half of the movie he somehow finds the glasses right before he commits the attack, and when he wears them everything starts looking actually normal

>the tone starts shifting
>becomes lighter and lighter
>the protagonist slowly finds his sanity
>starts enjoying life again
>realizes everything he saw before were just projections of his own shortcomings and insecurities
>the people he considered his "allies" before are the ones who look like monsters now
>movie ends up with the protagonist finding inner peace and deciding to travel around the world to experience other cultures and meet new people

What do you think?

Other urls found in this thread:

t. Herschel Herschelsteinberg

Pretty good up until the second half. Maybe add a love interest and he starts to turn his life around but she is killed in a terrorist attack.

Corny trash

Since you took the time to write this I'll probably save it and repost it when I want to trigger Sup Forumstards. Hope that helps.

thats a good idea, thanks
it may seem corny to you, but in this era we live I think the message of this movie is greatly needed
the point isnt to "trigger" anyone, but to help people actually see for themselves where they went wrong

Better ending
>movie ends up with protagonist getting killed by nigger, who tried to steel his car.

than it's just American History X

feels a little corny, the protagonist hasn't really gone through something to realize why he was wrong. There's no real conflict

What message?

well its just a short greentext
the movie will be very intense on the first half, having him hallucinating all these horrible conspiracy scenarios, his life will truly seem like a living hell

then when he gets into organizing the bombing or whatever it will be intense as fuck, really dwelling into the mind of a heavily deluded person

when he puts the glasses on the first time, right when he is at the peak of his insanity about to take hundreds of lives, the contrast of what he will see and feel in comparison to what he saw and felt will set the dramatic change of tone for the movie

the second half will pretty much be like a deep indie movie about self-reflection and finding yourself, realizing we are all struggling with things in this life but in the end, we have to use love to come together, not hate and alienate ourselves

Social justice/10 bitchnigga, try again

But on another note, I respect the autism: "don't hate the playa, just the game honey"

Why didn't do you make protagonist a radical BLM member, OP?

go fuck yourself nigger

I dont want the "struggling minority" message in this, we've had that enough already..the whole point is to be the story of a deluded radicalized white person, more about looking inwards to our faults

What about muslims? They're actually killing up a lot of people.
>story of a deluded radicalized white person
There's millions movies about bad neo nazis

>travel around the world to experience other cultures and meet new people
Do you leave your room lad? Whenever I go outside there are blacks, some born here, some born in Africa, arabs, lations, gypsies, indians, retired people from Western Europe, Eastern Europeans looking for a better life, etc.

If I go to say Scotland or Belgium or Los Angeles its all the same

thats not the same and you know it
I would love to see a movie like that by a muslim person, personally I have no experience on the matter, I think people should write from their own perspective / personal experiences

That's funny. I love it when americans judge europeans for hating muslims. Come to my town in Sweden you amerilard idiot and we'll see if you'll keep spreading the message of love after a week.

It's basically the same because they never integrate. You have third-gen immigrants here who speak broken swedish.

>I think people should write from their own perspective
And how much terrorist attacks you did already?

>There's millions movies about bad neo nazis
also, thats a very good point and a mistake on my part, the protagonist in mine wont be a straight up neo nazi, but a normal young man who became astray...he wont be shaven head, 1488 gas the kikes type, at least not as a "uniform" and wont be part of any collectives / organizations. I want this to explore the loneliness of normal people which as we know plays a great part in the radicalization of normal young white males in the west

personally, none
but my people have done hundreds

2 more people died in Paris yesterday.

well I suppose you could make it work. It just seems that he doesn't challenge himself in any way to achieve the change in perspective, he just finds a pair of glasses.
I found this video on story interesting:

hate births hate
someone needs to break the cycle

Yeah, muslims need

We'll break the cycle by deporting the immigrants and preserving our way of life, thanks.

the challenge will come when he puts on the glasses and sees a different perspective of the world. It is then where he starts challenging himself and eventually come to a change, the second part of the movie will be just about that. He wont just put the glasses and go "welp, I was wrong about that, open borders now, everything is cool after all"

You know that shit isnt happening though, not now not ever. There are already too many people in western countries 2nd,3d,4th generation to start deporting them all and become a 100% homogeneous nation "again" (cause no nation ever truly were). Be realistic for a second.

>casting pearls before swine

Just end gibs and inplement anti-Islamic laws to force the leeches to assimilate. If they don't and they commit crimes, deport them. It'll fix itself in a few decades.

wtf i love globalism now

alright. Could work
we'll need younger force of labour to work and cater to the growing population of older people. Young immigrants working will save you when you retire - western society is facing a huge problem with how people are getting older thanks to medicine. This will be costly for society, especially because the native westeners give birth to too few children to support society as it is now

Thats a whole other debate, though. Yeah that could technically work, the point of the idea of this movie is for white people to finally let go of that tribalistic mindset which fucks everything up every time.

Even if every immigrant was the best person in the world, the tensions would still be there because deep inside its always "im white and he's brown". Thats what needs to change otherwise we wont have a stable community even as I said if we all were 100% straight up decent people.

Our politicians pulled that "welfare saviors" shit when they were pushing for immigration as well. Protip: the immigrants are a huge burden on our generous welfare system which will cause a complete collapse in a few years with the only people in the country benefiting is the rich hotel owners who can charge ridiculous sums to house immigrants from the government (paid by tax money, of course) because of the housing crisis. Only a minority of the immigrants are actually employed, as well, not to mention the crimes they bring.

>white people to finally let go of that tribalistic mindset
Yeah, beacuse it's white people who most has this tribalistic mindset...

There are more movies about Muslim terriosts than about neo nazis you retarded leech

White people are the hosts and the show runners. Thats the point. Its our duty, wether we like it or not, to lead by example.

The immigrants are a million times more tribalistic. The only place in america where whites are actually tribalistic are in bumfuck nowhere, and both you and me know that's not where the immigrants end up.

If guest act like a shit, host has all rights to kick him out

Other way around desu, don't need glasses to see all the fucked up shit that's going on.

What hate did European countries give to Muslim immigrants that justifies running over 9 year old girls in a truck?

way to miss the point
yeah, talking in such a simplistic way like we're talking about 2 people, sure. But as I said

I think the message that OP is trying to set is that, when he didn't have the glasses that made life accurate, he hated it, and then when he put glasses on that obfuscate the truth, he becomes a brainwashed liberal.

the glasses are the MSM

The only reason these people are there in the first place is because the west keeps fucking their shit up for the past 50 years.

Its like being adopted by the guy who killed your parents cause you got nowhere else to go, and then he goes "why arent you a good boy yet?"

>yeah, talking in such a simplistic way
>White people are the hosts and the show runners
Are you a Jew? That's some level of mental gymnastics


yeah that, only exactly the opposite

And he gets stabbed during his travels in Africa in the post-credit scene. Then it's kino

What is simplistic about that? Its objective truth. We ARE the hosts and the west DOES run the show.

>not answering the question
>gives a generic "the west keeps fucking their shit up" because he doesn't have any examples
How did the west "fuck their shit up" and why does it justify child murder?

Basically your protagonist is that guy from Langoliers who was played by Balki, and it couldn't be worse than that made-for-TV miniseries.

I did answer your question. The hate they have for us is because of our interventionist policies which literally fuck their countries up. Then they have nowhere to go except the places which fucked their countries up. Of course theres gonna be hostility.

Nothing justifies killing anyone, the whole point is to understand why it happens though and not just go tribal like a dog and start talking about "dey jus don indergate they subnhumans!" when a huge portion of the blame falls directly on you.

but this plot doesn't even make any sense
the glasses would only distort what his naked eye sees.

>dude puts on his purple glasses
>decides its a jewish mind control trick
>bombs synagogu instead of mosque
>get gunned down by police
>police officer at the end who shoots him comes close to him and whispers
>"they expect one of us in the wreckage brother" and then activates the bomb timer just before they evacuate
>burning jewish children running through the streets


damn sorry.

your exactly the type of person this movie would set out to educate

>a huge portion of the blame falls directly on you

>refuses to hold people actually committing murders accountable
>blames innocent people instead


Bravo OP, would pay to see it

>refuses to accept own part of his blame
>we didnu nuffin their countries bombed themselves
>why are they so mean against us?
whatever dude, life must be on easy mode when you can close your ears and go LALALA when an inconvenient truth hits you

the idea works on paper and might be a nice short story.

But how are you going to do it visually? The point of They Live is that obvious and ridiculous vision brought by that cheap sunglasses.

How are you going to do a reverse? How do you depict that the neo Nazi guy has a schizophrenic vision? What's the visual depiction of "race traitor"?

The movie as a media can present the vision as truth. That's how "Shallow Hal" worked. You cannot make a reverse Shallow Hal

but jews legit belong into the oven
and islam niggers need to get the fuck back into their nigger desert.

the other niggers can fuck off to africa and burn tires for a living.

>jus pretend they aren't annoying useless shits

no thanks

What interventionalist policies did Sweden have in Uzbekistan that caused an immigrant from there to drive through people in Stockholm?
What interventionalist policies did Germany have in Tunisia that caused an immigrant from there to drive through people in Berlin?
If it's so obvious why can't you explain it to me?
>when a huge portion of the blame calls directly on you
DIRECTLY on me? What the fuck did I do?

Just imagine all the Sup Forums stereotypes brought to life. Shifty jews, women literally running behind black people grabbing their dicks, blacks murdering white babies in the park. The first half of the movie will basically be Sup Forumsporn.

We need a final solution against all that hatred, I agree. The most hated group on this planet right now are white males. It would only be fair to get rid of everything else.

See here's your problem. You keep lumping people up into groups rather than seeing people as individuals.

The guy you're blaming and myself have nothing to do with why muslims are committing acts of terror, and on that same note you've made it impossible for us to criticizes the individuals who commit murder, shoot up gay night clubs and fail to assimilate into western culture. Maybe you need to put on some fucking glasses

Meant for

does the final act conclude with the gubment taking all the guns and the protag ending up in a fema camp?

You voted for the people who bomb them. Even if you didnt vote for them you tolerated that. You tolerated countries in your "union" acting that way. The same way you blame all muslims for not "getting their shit together in their own countries" is exactly what youre doing.


>You voted for the people who bomb them.
Yes and now you want us to ignore our personal voting interests for your emotional bullshit? Bomb the ones that try to get here too, what are the people we elected doing?

Check out my movie idea, it's basically the opposite of "They Live"

>starts out with Jewish protagonist
>thriller atmosphere
>the character walks around the city in a constant state of angst and rage
>everywhere he looks he sees "goyim" "nazis", minorities (not for long heheheehee), "hate", whites conspiring against his people and generally everything feels designed against him and his existence
>the most inane things trigger him and send him down a spiral of conspiracy thinking and panic
>the characters slowly withdraws from the world cause he cant take the "anti-semitism" anymore
>meets like minded (((individuals))) and starts planning attack on western civilisation

in the second half of the movie he somehow finds the glasses right before he commits the attack, and when he wears them everything starts looking actually normal

>the tone starts shifting
>becomes lighter and lighter
>the protagonist slowly finds his sanity
>starts enjoying life again
>realizes everything he saw before were just projections of his own shortcomings and insecurities
>the people he considered his "allies" before are the ones who look like monsters now
>movie ends up with the protagonist finding inner peace and deciding to travel around the world to experience other cultures and meet new people

>Bomb the ones that try to get here too
See, there we go. The brothers and sisters are already there so keep bombning the family and then go "wha...? why are they so mean? whats going on? I dont get it? I just voted for the guy who bombs their family, why are they attacking me for? I didnt drop any bombs personally, these people are insane im telling you"

I like it a lot :)

>The brothers and sisters are already there
Those should be bombed too, of course. After all, that's what the voters wanted and if the electorate can't uphold their duty they need to be hanged from the lamp posts. I guess that's what you meant with tolerating their behavior, right? That tolerance needs to stop asap

>travel around the world to experience other cultures and meet new people
Someone post the Zen comic edit.

How many upboats where you expecting for that pathetic attempt?

>I think the message of this movie is greatly needed
You mean the same fucking message repeated over and over every fucking day for the last two decades or so?

Why do whites have to be the one to change for the benefit of outsiders?

This is some next-level white man's burden shit.

Shallow Hal:
Jack Black has the magic power to see people as who they really are. So when others see a fat woman he sees Gwyneth Patrow. The fat woman is a surface and Gwyneth is the truth.

It's impossible to make a reverse movie. You can't let your MC see the ugliness of people all the time then tell the audience they are actually good people.


Sounds like Jewish propaganda

why not? see



This picture will never not creep me out. It's the lanky guy in the middle with the Dracula fingers that does it

Mass immigration is basically your mom forcing you to invite "that kid" to your birthday party even though you don't like him and you'll know he'll ruin it on a global scale.

it's a newborn jew coming from the sea. the three others are waiting for the next spawn to arrive.

Don't try to guilt trip me, nigger. I wasn't even of voting age until this election.
No, I didn't elect le orange tiny hands HitlerxD either.

Mass immigration is basically your mom adopting the kid who's house your dad burned down while killing his parents and you throwing a hissy fit cause youre a spoiled little bitch and youre not the sole center of attention anymore.

>You voted for the people who bomb them
Source: your ass.
Let me explain this to your dumb American ass because as is standard for people from your country you know absolutely nothing about anything outside it.
>1. Sweden and Germany has absolutely no involvement in any foreign Muslim countries where they bombed anyone
>2. No country, not even yours, has been bombing Uzbekistan or Tunisia
But this is all going to go over your fat head because you can't even point to Sweden on a map let alone Uzbekistan.


I literally do not care whatsoever about the welfare of the middle-east or Africa so your attempts at emotional appeal mean fuck all.

>can't come up with a smart response so misuses a childish meme

You think im trying to appeal to you, you moron?
I just showed you the level of bullshit your post holds and then you went "y-y-yeah? well I DONT CARE" like the little bitch you are kek

You obviously have never run into hostile negroes

>I'm jewish

>tries to convince me it's my own personal fault that the US are bombing middle eastern countries while at the same time defending immigrants from completely different countries killing children in the street.
You're so fucking Jewish it's unreal. And I'm not even a Sup Forumsack.

>movie ends up with the protagonist finding inner peace and deciding to travel around the world to experience other cultures and meet new people
I would do that if whole world wouldnt be filled with subhumans and their shitty cultures.