It's very cool Bateman, but that's nothing.
It's very cool Bateman, but that's nothing
Other urls found in this thread:
Impressive, very nice
r e d d i t
c u c k
fuck dubs threads
trips are better
Are you mad you can't get dubs?
What's going on here
Somebody get this hot head outta here
if dubs god is real
what are doobs
returning video tapes
Watch this
Video tapes received
triple doubles
American Psycho is showing as a midnight movie at my local art house this weekend. :)
I knew it wasn't real.
*portal from another dimension opens*
This is now a Reddit and Memey thread!
Wubba Lubba dub dub!
Rollan, take a look at this baby
Maybe it was just a test of faith, Job went through far worse than not getting his dubs
He's says "That's very cool BABY" not bateman.
That's very cool bait man, but that's notthing
I hate you smug jerkoffs that end up being retards.
Try getting dubs now you son of a bitch
Now let me see Paul Allen's dubs.
here they are
are these impressive?
well done
well fucking d one
That subtle off white colouring, the tasteful thickness of it... my god, it even has a watermark
Fuck off Job, you bible times people had it easy.
Hey Paul!
repeating numbers
If dubs you're a fucking ugly bitch, I'm going to stab you to death and then play around with your blood
Impressive. Very nice
what ?
Fuck you and check these dubs
Operator get me dubs
those are single you dumb ass
Let's see Paul Allens dubs
bravo Nolan
Right here
>this thread
>off by one
right here
Hey, is it possible to get dubs at 7:00, 7:30 perhaps?
Say something nice about these dubs.
stop making these threads
zhek these deageats
how about these numers lololol
Look at that subtle off-white coloring; the tasteful thickness of it... Oh my God, it even has a watermark.
top right is disturbing
I haven't gotten dubs in a very long time, should I kill myself?
Have mine
this thread started so strongly and has now devolved into shit.
I'm going to double down on this and fix this thread.
How about these?
why is there a correlation between his last name in american killer to batman? is it the same director?
Rub a dub dubs
American Psycho the TV Series when?
Nice dubs human. Now let's see what the Founders have in store for us.
Check em