Oh Melania, why plagiarize?

Possible back stories to this idiocy?



I'm sure it was just a coincidence

Back story 1: step kids pranked. They pulled a switcheroo on the vetted speech.

I don't think you realize but this is a ploy to grab media attention. You fell for an irl meme.

>Obama copied
>Trump allegedly plagiarized

I'm on the train, but that's a very biased title.


>Religion - Remove the belief in God from the government and schools

Why would that help?


quit being a bitch

A lot of republicans in the house. Be cool. Where are the democrats? Back story 2: Michelle's writer flipped and went to work for Trumps.

The ausbro is still right.

If you remove the idea of god, of a higher purpose, then you create a nihilistic society.

Why fight for a better life, your only going to lose it, why do good when theres so much evil, why consider yourself special when you are just a random occurrence of chemical reactions etc

Also destroys cultural bonds, easier to replace to population if there is no defining religion.

Saving brown people and creating new genders are our higher purpose.

Because for the most part (obviously, as with everything, there will be exceptions) religion instills decent values into people.

People who aren't intelligent or well versed in reason, critical thinking, ethics, et al basically need religion to keep them from being royal dickheads.

Take religion away from the idiots and you have mitigated motivation to do the "right" thing. It expedites the takeover.

Go ask Joe Biden, he won stole an entire speech word for word from someone.

based britbong here, would share a packet of crisps with you any day.


Its considered foolish to devote yourself to your religion these days, not noble.

What is considered noble is sacrificing your life and happiness for foreigners who would gladly wish you dead.

The world is mad.

meant for

Sabotage or some brilliant tactic to keep the media focused on Melania instead of Trump and show how sexist leftists really are.

Way i see it religious and values oriented people are not deterred from immoral behavior... say plagiarism and more. You just get a hypocritical front talking about god.

I remember hearing about that and it basically forced him to drop out of his campaign

Yeah, because the Middle East is so hell bent on fighting for a better life and doing good.

>Why fight for a better life, your only going to lose it
Because it's the only one you will ever have
>why do good when theres so much evil
Because doing good makes your life better
>why consider yourself special when you are just a random occurrence of chemical reactions
Because you're a random occurrence that can't be duplicated

I uber agree. Religion is an opium for the masses. Someone else said this i forget who, but i did not invent it. Lolz

Those aren't sexist slurs, they're objective descriptions of her nature and character.

Its plain incompetence, but people are greatly exaggerating it.
Remember, its standing on the shoulders of giants when someone I like does it, but its being a petty thief when someone I dislike does it.

We are not arguing the same subject. It is largely irrelevant how the individual applies their interpretation in this context. Rather, the values religions themselves promote, in the bigger picture (and with some outlying weird tenets), are key here.

Let me put it to you this way. There are people who do good things because they are afraid of the lake of fire promised for people who do bad things. Take away the lake of fire and you take away the motivation all those people had for not being shitty to each other, or to be a productive member of society, etc.

Saul Alinsky didn't write this.

This is the Cloward-Piven Strategy. He was advised to use it, but he wasn't the author.

>why plagiarize?
For free publicity, to have Melania compared to the current First Lady, and to have people realize Michelle plagiarized her shit, too.



Religion creates an us versus them group mentality that works against change and people who want to make changes
Removing religion allows you to change the status quo while making less people mad.


It was a calculated maneuver

How do u know they won't latch on to other stuff. Sheep waiting to be lead. Your premise is lacking.

so tribes don't create an us vs them mentality? It's ONLY religion? Maybe religion takes advantage of an already established possibility for humans to have a us vs them mentality?

Mind you I am not criticizing your idea, I'm just trying to expand on it and maybe make you think a little outside of the Sup Forums box.

Seconded. Don't cry sexist all the time.

In his shitty interview where he describes Trump as a self absorbed moron the ghost writer for Art of The Deal says that Trump loved him for making a very derogatory article about him. I think he is used to "there's no bad publicity, only free publicity"

Also in my sweet language ghost writer translates to the equivalent of "nigger" (nègre)

The question was about religion, so I answered about religion. There are other ways to create or support an us versus them mentality.

It becomes their victory if noone prosecutes. If the court won't do it we should. So back story number 3. Michelle and melania are best frenemies. Lol.

She probably doesn't understand the concept. I think she just thought, "Well, Michelle probably sounded nice, let me see what she said." And then figured it would be like using fashion tips from a magazine. Super-fucking-stupid.

t. desperate, sweaty man

The only people that care are Hillary Supporters.

True Story.

is every retard here really unaware that this was a staged, scripted, drama?

It seems I've stumbled into Fuckdumbistan. My bad.

Prosecute for what?
Ripping lines off a speech?

That's not a crime

>take parts from Michelle's speech
>now every news outlet will print it
>and every news outlet will show Melina next to Michelle, creating the association that she will be the next first lady
What did he mean by this?

Well seeing as tribes and tribal life were a necessity before any recorded religion, it's safe to say that the "us vs them" mentality isn't something created by religion but it's rather something that religion exploits.

What I am saying is that, while it's something that needs to be overcome, religion isn't the root of all "evil".

Separation from the outside is something natural, created by the Ego (Aзът) as a means of survival. Basically there is no difference between a tree's bark and the human ego, both have the same function of protecting the individual through the separation from the outside. In such a sense then it's safe to say that it's not religion that "created" the "us vs them" mentality, but it's simply a natural phenomenon just like a turtles shell, amplified by our enormous intellect (compared to other animals at least) which allowed the creation of an Ego .

What I'm trying to say is that things aren't as one dimensional as people make them out to be. Think more, explore rather than try to settle for an easy answer - "Hurr durr religion is bad"

This comes from an agnostic that has not been christened, but lives in a Christian household.

Oy, poking fun is all. I hate when big guys get away with what little folks can't. I know it's the way of the world but goddamn it if i can't pick at that scab.

Bitch read plagiarism. If you didn't go to uni i guess u'll never understand.

He meant people be dumb. They put pucs together and you stop thinking.

The question was about religion in modern political life.
I can tell you want to disagree and argue, but there is simply no room for that here.
It was a simple question that got a simple answer. You are overthinking it.

In case you missed it, it started here Removing religion being suggested as a means to start a socialist revolution in a modern state.
Then user asked here how removing religion helps in that effort, and I answered that religion unifies a nation, and its easy to play anyone trying to change things as an outsider stirring shit up. Removing religion removes one thing the majority has in common, and leaves people to rather think on what differentiates them - class, income, education, other political and cultural beliefs.
A modern state with a strong majority religion is harder to influence, because it is conservative, and will often move as one, even if just a very loud minority speaks up at first, as long as they pull the religion string. It serves a similar function as nationalism or patriotism in that sense, and prevents change by villainizing the person suggesting it as an outside force trying to weaken the nation.

She said a couple of lines similar to what Michelle Obama once said and everyone lose their shit, Obama plagiarizes entire speeches and nobody cares.

Also Melania probably voted for Ted Cruz or Hillary, fire up those gas chambers...

You're talking about Islam though. It's rather obvious and implicit OP was talking about Christianity.

Oh please. She took two lines from some old media that no one gives a fuck about, the same exact one that Obama's baby momma quoted in 2008.

Every First Lady has championed family values; this is merely an attack on our beautiful new First Lady because the leftists can't handle Trump and his epic bantz


If you're a student you can get kicked out for it
If you're a scientist or writer you can be blacklisted

None of that is criminal prosecution you fucking monkey


Yea I totally didn't read that conversation.

> I can tell you want to disagree and argue

Maybe that's the impression that was created, though those weren't my intentions.

Бългapитe имaмe cпeциaлeн гeн, иcтopиятa, кoлкoтo и дa я игнopиpaт дpyгитe нapoди, пoкaзвa, чe бългapитe имaмe мнoгo yмнa жилкa. Aкo иcкaмe дa ce oпpaвим (a нeщaтa лeкa пo лeкa зaпoчвaт дa тpъгвaт нa тaм), тpябвa дa миcлим и дa cмe yмни. Зa дa нe e мoмeнтo твa oпpaвянe, a дa пpocпepиpa нapoдa ни и дa cпpe дa ce гъpчи в мизepия, тpябвa дa миcлим дocтa дoбpe. T'вa, кoeтo кaзвaш e тaкa. Пpeдлaгaх aлтepнaтивнa глeднa тoчкa нa гeнeзиca нa тoзи мaнтaлитeт, зa дa дeмoнcтpиpaм кaк нeщaтa нe ca тoчнo тaкивa кaквитo ни ги пpeдcтaвят. Живeeш в тpи измepeн cвят, миcли нeщaтa кaтo кyб a нe кaтo линия. (нe кaзвaм,чe миcлиш eднoизмepнo, гoвopя гeнepaлнo).

Is that you, Nietzsche?

Well you're getting some!

kind of like the situation hillary is in

Бългapитe нямaмe cпeциaлeн гeн, нитo бългapитe cмe paзлични oт нapoдитe oкoлo нac гeнeтичнo, дocтa cмe cхoдни.
Haдявaмe ce гoвopиш пpимepнo, a нe бyквaлнo, зaщoтo нayкaтa и тeхнoлoгиятa ни e дocтaтъчнa дa ce дoкaжe тoвa бeз cъмнeниe.

Ocвeн тoвa нe cъм cъглaceн, чe дa дaм пpocт и пo тeмaтa oтгoвop нa пpocт въпpoc e гpeшкa.
He вcякo питaнe тpябвa дa въpви към aнaлизиpaнe нa пcихoлoгия и дeceт хиляди гoдини иcтopия и кyлтypнa eвoлюция. Mиcля, чe aкo бeшe пpoчeл цeлия paзгoвop пpeди дa ми oтгoвopиш, изoбщo нямaшe дa oтгoвopиш, зaщoтo нямaшe дa ce чyвcтвaш oбидeн oт пocтa ми, кoйтo явнo cи пoмиcлил e aнти-хpиcтиянcки.

Tъй кaтo нacтpoeниятa ca тpyдни зa пpeдaвaнe в тeкcт, щe дoбaвя чe нитo cъм oбидeн, нитo ядocaн, нитo нищo. He влaгaм чyвcтвo и нe иcкaм и ти дa влaгaш в eвeнтyaлeн oтгoвop, caмo oбяcнявaм кaк виждaм нeщaтa и зaщo cпopeд мeн paзмeнa нa пocтoвe cтигнa дo тyк.

Also posting in neo-mongolian rune signs in an english focus thread is bad form, lets not do that.

So where are the parts written by Alinsky that Michelle copied for her speech?

> id : Fag

You asked for it

Yes goyim, keep lapping up this non-story. Nothing to see here hehe

I think it's pretty plausible that she simply subconsciously repeated something she heard years ago. People do this sort of thing all the time.

literally exactly what's happening

bingo, this guy gets it

She probably doesn't even write her speech.
what would you do that when you have money AND are already paying people to do that?

>Saul Alinsky
What does Michelle Obama mean by this?

Hmmm if anyone screams ipr infringement and takes legal action then it is prosecution. Given this is hardly IPR. But yes you are right that actions to blacklist by organizations are not prosecn. Meanwhile I'm waiting to see snl parody, and family guy and american dad amd southpark.

So was Saul just edgy or was he just a kike trying to do what kikes always do?

Oh but to quote her. It was all hers with as little help as possible.

She rehearsed that dude that wasn't off the top of her head. There is nothing subconcious about campaign speeches

It's not like it was even her, don't they have other people who actually write those speeches?

Yes of course but in the interview afterwards it was all her

excuse him, he's off his meds again

someone fucked up