ITT: Video Games that you were surprised never turned into a movie

ITT: Video Games that you were surprised never turned into a movie.

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Video game movies are shit(except for Resident Evil. RE movies are better than the games)

The premise of this game was wasted IN the game.

Like it was still an amazing game which was impressively strong from a technology standpoint, but they set up the idea of a squad that investigates paranormal events like a SWAT team mixed with the X-Files and the game only focuses on ONE such event.

They should make a movie of Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game called Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game: The Movie


Perfect Dark

>Perfect Dark

I am shocked it hasn't been turned into a film. I would love to direct it if I was a filmmaker, considering no one else seems to want to make it.

will Paul W.S Anderson start doing Dino Crisis movie now that he's done with Resident Evil movies?

who will portrait Regina?

I heard Uwe Boll was bidding for it. Sorry bro.

please no

bully would make a great movie

Were you dropped on your head at birth?
Resident Evil are among the worst films ever, let alone video game movies.
The first one was ALRIGHT, but the rest have been so so so bad.
Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat are both infiitely better than Resident Evil films.


I want a conkers bad fur day movie done in the style of meet the feebles.

and sage for crossboarding uninspired shit.

>one of from quints

Serves you right for your retarded contrarian drivel.

I always loved them. Good action scenes, good characters. Umbrella is awesome and the whole thing is crazy absurd.
But the last movie was somewhat bad. Inconsistence with the rest


Vietcong miniseries created by HBO when?

They got close




You are a fucking idiot

I am so glad it didn't, it was a good game and the game made the story turn out okayish. The 'scary parts' were scary because of the AI, the enemy could be everywhere. In a movie it would be shittier than the new ring movie adaptation from usa.

Though 3 would be easier turned into one movie, or 3 with broken-steel and a point lookout spin-off.
This, according to Hobbit standards, would be 11 movies: 3 main-story 2 for each dlc

I think Condemned would make a pretty good film

I think New Vegas would work better as an HBO tv show than anything. The DLCs can be two hour specials sprinkled in across the show until Lonesome Road which leads into the finale.

Who should play the Courier?

Yeah that would be better. FA:3-the movie as hype before.

IMO Karl Pilkington; Bullet in head, doesn't really know what's going but goes through the story because it's 'doing something'.

Companions could make him a hero, (Int/science check scores), first of it's victor, boone, ect. everyone he comes accros join his band or stick wth him for a time.
End battle would be him and all 'good' companions going berserker on the dam.

>This because giving the Courier too much of a persona would be meh.

But what faction would the courier side with?

Mr. House or Yes-Man

House or yes-man; certainly not legion nor NCR.
If yes-man: Christine Royce as waifu in charge and Karl just being Karl irl as husband of the most powerful woman in the Mojave.
Or Followers of The Apocalypse (with or without mister house) Just force House to take more care of people with his robots, or yes-man.

Legion. Kill Boone. Kill all degenerates.
Purify the wasteland. Legion is the best choice.
Now for the entirety of US kind, Enclave.

I killed Caesar, Vulpes, told Lanius to fuck off so he can continue to ruin the Legion from the inside, I slaughtered everyone of their encampments and bases, foiled as many of their plans as I could and dropped a nuke on them at the end of Lonesome Road.

Get rekt, Legionary-cuck.

Get the gunrunner achievements for Caesar:
>Cripple Caesar's head with Throwing Spears
>Kill Caesar with a Knife or Combat Knife

Legion ones are fun too:
>Kill 5 members of NCR or Legion hit squads with weapons affected by the Cowboy perk.
>Kill any named Legion members with Hunting Revolvers, Ranger Sequoias, Brush Guns, Service Rifles, Hunting Rifles, or Cowboy Repeaters. (10 to do)

Been a few halo movies
Perfect Dark would work well, but Gits sank at the box office so...
Wolfenstein should have been made by now, it's a super jew beating up nazis, easy sell for any studio

>been a few Halo movies
Forward Unto Dawn was decent, but wasn't really a movie nor was it AAA with a big budget and good director like a real Halo movie deserves. Fall of Reach was an animated series and Nightfall was a shitty series.

We need a REAL Halo movie that premieres in theatres and has a good, passionate director with a decent sized budget.

I'd never played a game whose gameplay was so good but whose story was so awful

I'd pay to see this

alma is my sweet waifu~

Who do you think? Milla will just have red hair

top kek

Yes Uwe Boll made a Far Cry based off the first game but I am surprised that no one ever adapted Far Cry Instincts which acts as basically a super hero type of movie.

>muh contrarianism!
fuck off reddit

I remember everyone hyped FEARs plot as one of the greatest things in fps but I don't think it was nothing special.

Also the games world wasn't very interesting. Only industrial areas and offices populated only by soldiers. Would've been cool if you bumped into some ghetto dwellers while fighting your way through the derelict districts

Fallout 4 would be a better movie as it was a better game
>he plays New Vegas
Here’s thing thing about fallout
fo3 was good for its time, but combat sucked

when new vegas came around, it was a "new game" but it looked exactly the same and there were no innovative new features, fighting things were a chore. plus there were like no open world respawns, making its replayability the worst.

When you first start out in NV there’s no story at all. I’ve never played an RPG like that. There’s nothign to draw you in, and the game is so retarded if you so much as walk in the wrong direction you get raped by a deathclaw, because ObsSHITian is too lazy to design a decently flowing world map so they lock down sections with high-level mobs.

This is why Fallout 4 is the best.

fallout 4 is by far the most enjoyable. they added innovative new features like settlements, hit markers, respawning enemies (when u compare it to NV its a new feature) and made VATs a lot less cheap. It still is a noob feature, but instead of stopping time it slows time, not by enough in my opinino though .

Power armor is finally as it should be. Its not a gay looking martian suit that looks so flimsy a 9mm bullet could penetrate it. Now i can believe its actual powerful death suit, not the worst cosplay at faggotcon. Plus, in fo4 you can attach jetpack. A fucking jetpack. Enough said, fo4 is the FIRST 3D fallout to have a jetpack.

It’s 2017. fo4 is just a superior, well polished game. I can’t wait for skyrim remastered. Another great game.

I don't think anybody would say FEAR had a good story. People loved FEAR because, at the time, it was one of the best FPS games which introduced mechanics which nearly every shooter has adopted.
The story was very bland, shallow, and forgettable.

>a guy running around with guns getting spooked occasionally

Better than most horror flicks I guess.

Todd get off my fucking board

This game is a timeless masterpiece.

mechanics such as?

They've been trying to do pic related for a few years. How should they do it?


babbies first b8

Radiant AI, which while primitive, allowed the "director" to spawn enemies anywhere and adapt their AI on the fly
Also bullets were able to interact with environments to much greater extent like tear chunks in walls and concrete and creating debris which can be interacted with, as well as shooting chunks of flesh off enemies which they reacted to

No dialogue. Just pain.

>We need a REAL Halo movie that premieres in theatres and has a good, passionate director with a decent sized budget.

that ship sailed 10 years ago.

Wasn't AssCreed in development (hell) since AC2? I know UniSoft churns out one a year but Halo must still be as relevant as that

Perfect Dark is so cool

Ico would make a nice animated movie. Don't subtitle Yorda.

Then it goes supernatural at the end and people get pissed! Still love that game though

I get it.


*fart* *shart*

Halo is dying, 343 has basically pissed on every bit of character and world building Bungie did.

I stoppedp playing them after Reach anyway, from what I've heard from the times I've dipped my toe back into the community the franchise is better off dead.


but that IS a movie :^)

Kek Fallout 2 is best, then New Vegas, then the first.
Im guessing 4 was babby's first fallout game.

I would also like to see the sequel.

They insist on making all these garbage live action and CG movies yet ignore a great action plot just sitting there

Silence newbie.

>text based games are good because they're old

off topic, but this was scarier than any horror movie I'd ever seen

It wasn't text-based kid.

Looks like text to me

Halo 3 ruined the series, just felt unnecessary. I can't for the life of me follow why people don't like Halo 2, yeah It does feel a little not finished but there's still a look content. Halo CE was the best

I'll be more surprised if there will ever be a good movie based on a video game.

Warcraft and Assassin's Creed looked the most promising but were still letdowns.

Only an NC-17 movie would do the game justice.

tfw no Kino 7

I'm not sure how it could work as a movie. While the game had a plot, it was super simplistic. Man slays one monster after another to bring his girlfriend back to life. The whole game is just traveling to a colossus, defeating it, and traveling to the next colossus and defeating it.


I know it was already made in Japan, but I would love to see a western adaption of Ace Attorney.

Speaking of which, was this any good?

For realsies though I think the Legacy of Kain games would make excellent films, at least when compared to the usual overhyped dudebro-centric AAA schlock farted out by jewywood every season. Especially considering the games themselves may have aged like milk (and were honestly kinda terrible even back when they first released) the story and characters more than make up for that, and you could definitely do a lot with them for at least one movie.

Can someone get me a video that explains fear? It looks interesting

>he doesn't read wikipedia articles to learn everything he needs to know

Generic military FPS with 90s Jap horror aesthetics.

>The Wachowskis
view the intro, and skip through the rest to get a feel

They'd probably simply the dialogue yet add lots of purple prose, and make every actor sound like they haven't slept in 5 days.

FEAR squad = SWAT for Xfiles
FEAR member (you) goes around killing a bunch of evil clones because why not
You find out the evil clones are being controlled via telepathic link by YOUR BROTHER (that's a twist dun dun dun)
Shoot more clones
Game ends
There's also a "ghost" (your mom another twist! Damn this game must've been made by M Knight) who is larping as a little girl using psychic powers

Think of the Netflix movie Spectral.


Minus the occult shit of course

Fighting scenes would be awesome, just steal the rest from the cinematic ingame. -> ie how the actors must sound/behave.
Only real worry is cgi instead of makeup for the actors.

They have changed how studios can write down their losses as tax deductions and many stupid as fuck culture subsidies have been actually limited in many countries. Uwe Boll is probably never going to make movies with big budgets.

>implying a small budget will stop him
His movies are tax shells, not deductions anyways.

I don't know about that, I hope they don't do any dumb as fuck DBZ bullshit.

Duke Nukem Michael Bay didn't happen yet.

Well if they just stick to the game:

The Forest
killing Floor maybe


Shadow of The Collosus directed by Bela Tarr.

That's not how Uwe Boll gets funding despite popular belief.
>Have 5 million dollars
>German tax is 90% because of refugees
>Instead of being a good cuck like most germans and paying for Ahmed to rape his daughter he makes a film for $5 million
>according to Merkel's Tax Enforcement Mercenaries he has 0$ (because it was spent making a movie)
>Movie makes back 5 million dollars
>Avoided taxes like a champ

This is technically close to GTA