ITT villains who literally did nothing wrong
ITT villains who literally did nothing wrong
Wraith from Stargate Atlantis.
I mean they do have to eat
Umbrella Corp. from Resident Evil
The world is dying, why not make it rise like a phoenix.
>umbrella Corp
>trying to make the reshape the world
you know... After causing the whole fucking thing
But the world wasn't dying at all.
He killed a bunch of people and forced people out of their homes.
Food, food never changes.
It is dying, or at least we are dying as a race on it.
Carbon based energy sources(oil, gas) are close to being depleted
Africans and Asians are fucking like rabbits, we can't sustain them much longer.
There are tensions between nations, we are awfully close to WW3
I can go on for a few pages, Umbrella did what was necessary. Maybe killing the last few survivors was stupid but hey, the movie needed a villain
Oh eat shit were not even close to being that close to collapse. Maybe 2, 3 generations down the line well start looking like how the earth was in interstellar
sometimes you gotta remove the current to make place for something new
>It is dying
>So lets destroy it and try to rebuild it. Instead of trying to fix it.
You talking about a movie where a pharmaceutical company makes stuff that is practically magic. It wouldn't be hard to assume they could of easy made alternative resource. Much like right now. Instead they wanted to be evil and force their will on the world.
So we should pass the problems down to our kids.
You're right. Well wipe 3/4 of the worlds population and decimate the wildlife on earth for our kids!
>So we should pass the problems down to our kids.
There are plenty of people now trying to fix things, but there are plenty of people who out of comfort fighting against it.
Thank you, Wesley.
>tfw Immortan Joe did literary nothing wrong and will carry you into Valhalla himself
>Carbon based energy sources(oil, gas) are close to being depleted
he actually believes that
*fiddles with cuff links*
Thank you, Wesley.
Batman from BvS
Fitzgerald from the memenant
Immortan Joe
Adolf Hitler
Magneto (which at least they admit he did nothing wrong and was right all the time in DoFP)
There are ton of just plain mustache twirling villains in that image. THem being charismatic doesnt elevate them from doing nothing wrong.
Kingpin is a bad example of doing nothing wrong op
Take Cromwell off that list or I'll flay you
Does anyone actually think that Octavian did anything wrong? He pretty much set the precedent for pax Romana. Anyone who disagrees is a filthy barbarian.
>So we should pass the problems down to our kids.
so your alternative is to kill ourselves AND our kids?
a lot of the villains on that list definitely "did something wrong".
Top left definitely did no wrong though.
The meanest things he did was burn mattresses, confiscate their guns, and make Spaghetti
They guy from Zim do evereything fucking wrong
Also there are four animals in that picture, animals by default can't do wrong, they know no better
>Russian interrupts his date and embarrasses him
>He crushes the Russians head in a door
Kingpin is the best MCU villain
Its a shame that these are just meme threads. The end does not justify the means. Wrong actions stay wrong, no matter what. It would be interesting to discuss what the villains could've done differently to reach their goal without becoming, well, villains.
Immortan Joe did nothing wrong
Fuck off, potatofaggot
Literally dindunuffin. He just wanted to leave but his "mom" slaughtered all his friends and his brother ensured he would be trapped forever. He wasn't even evil and lost all powers once he could leave.
how was oscar isaac in ex machina even considered a villan in first place
also, add Assad
>Trump is on it