Is there any realistic hope left for france?

Realistically, is there any hope left?

>socialists won't do shit (see the cuck Valls' statement)
>sarkozy just spouts right-wing rhetoric to get elected but then does nothing
>100% certain that Juppe will win the 2017 presidential election in a runoff against Le Pen
>a military coup is lacking the generals and probably wouldn't fly anyways since half the military is black/muslim infiltrated

So is there anything they could do or will they just keep watching? Maybe eventually marion le pen could win an election 5-10years down the road?

And why are they so cucked to begin with? in austria at least there's a realistic chance that Hofer will win the presidential election and in the latest party poll FPÖ is at 35% (SPÖ second with 24%).

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In Austria you don't have state-mandated state-funded (((anti-racism))) associations. That's why.

still, seems france is hopeless

Straw breaking the camel's back soon. The only reason you don't see a revolution in France right now is that a major part of the population is still comfortable. You can't have an uprising if there's still more than 50% of the people going home everyday, eating well, watching TV then planning their holidays.

well yes but if the major attack last year with 130 deaths didn't do anything and 84 killed on their national celebration didn't do anything, what will?

Its a long process, but we could use more redpilled, tax paying citizens to offset the nignogs.

I dont believe anything drastic, like a frexit, would work since reversing the left is too slow of a process. Either way, it doesn't look too good.

The cracks in the wall are forming, people are angry that the attacks aren't stopping, high ranking members of the military are voicing dissent and starting to build ties with the opposition, and the national front is gaining momentum fast.

All that would need to happen to stop it is for the terrorist attacks to stop and for the muslims to play it quiet, but they won't and its gonna boil over.

Read the post again maybe? What you see in mainstream medias is localized only the large cities. The major part of the population has nothing to fear about.

How can you expect a well-fed and employed working class to rebel? They'd risk everything for probably nothing.

Basic sociology, dude.

A third of the population are leftist scum, that's why we can't do jackshit.

>Realistically, is there any hope left?

Leave EU. Seriously, you are not even able to make decisions about your own fucking country because of those pricks in Brussels and Berlin.

Reclaim your country or lose your identity forever.

The thing with France is that they'll take so much, then you'll see them react. When they stuck together they can a achieve great things. Don't write them off just yet, I think the tide is turning. I even think a Frexit is possible now. People are openly talking about it, without the fear of being labeled as racist.
It's coming..

yet the runoff polls show centrist Juppe 70% : 30% Le Pen

And this is why our nations will die. By the time we're ready to act, it'll be too late.

40 yo of brainwashing does not vanish like that.
I heard they thought about changing name, because it still is a big spook.
Boomers keep voting for the cuckservatives instead of F?/

France as you know it is dead. Already 25% of those under 18 are Muslim.

If FN wins this election, they could fix it. By 2022 it will be too late and parts of the country will be sacrificed as Muslim enclaves.

I expect an eventual reaction one day, but you'll get a French-Bosnia filled with Muslims if you don't do it soon.


Please, no. Don't try making this a meme.

holy shit

also interesting how the usual suspects always spout their "b-but theres only 8-10% of muslims in france!!!" and convieniently ignore that the current generation it's already 25%

This. More and more of the population is aware of the problem, yet don't think it's bad enough yet for the trade-off to be worth the lowering of their comfort zone.
But they will come around, and when they do, I wouldn't want to be any sort of shitskin.

French person who immigrated to the Netherlands here,

Yes France has a shot, but it's only when native French people lose more control over France and they are forced to realize that France is no longer for them, which at that point will have done irredeemable damage to the French culture, clay and population.

The change won't come peacefully but with war, the only hope we have is that its going to happen soon.

Until then I won't go anywhere near France.

One way or another the country is doomed as we have nukes.

If Islam takes over it's a certainty they will use them and the answer to that will be France turned into a nuclear wasteland.

>Islam couldn't singlehandedly-destroy France in a week

TOP KEK FRENCH PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, those muslims are ITCHING for a civil war within France. They will fucking ANNIHILATE your infidel country. There wouldn't be a square meter of French soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once their carbombers and truck drivers are done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, their army boys (they'd send the Tunisians and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY French pig shit they see. When Islam's done with you, they will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it