/who/ Doctor Who General

Master Edition

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Some carry-over discussion from late in the last thread:

Is the Rani a decent character?

Would Eric Roberts come back as the Master? Should he?

Has Claudia fallen for some masterplan of Moffat's?

How great is Bill?

And check out this GOAT gif

Haпoминaниe o тoм, чтo oн лyчший Дoктop. Бoльшe кaнoнa, чeм бoльшoй финиш

We have Christel Dee emotes on /casualwhostream now.

He знaл, чтo тyт ecть pyccкиe кpoмe мeня... aaa, эм, лaднo, нe вaжнo.

Since you posted this, Eric Roberts has filmed scenes for the next 5 series.

add this emote

That would be great for when we watch smile tomorrow.

Hi /who/, i just finished the 11th Doctor and i didn't really liked it. Should i watch season 8, 9, and 10 or wait until the 13th Doctor? I heard the showrunner is still the same.

Well, try it. You deffenetly should watch Heaven Sent anyway.

The Next Doctor.

Series 10 is pretty good so far. This comes from a man who didnt like late Matt aswell.

Series 6 and 7 were my least fav of NewWho. Series 8 and 9 are my favourites. They are very different. Try it out.

>reminder that the finale title 'the doctor falls' is a placeholder title

I'd be okay with this, it would at the very least be hilarious and cause tons of tumblr drama

Happy Tennant Best Tennant

>yfw the chrissy special is called "No More"

>The Doctor Falls
>No More

Last time I checked it was called "TBA". What is that supposed to mean? "The Boctor Alls"?





>yfw an user doesn't understand "yfw"

Cool. That tweet made her sound like kind of a bitch anyways.

>reminder that lifelong fan chris chibnall would never cast a woman as the doctor

She sounds... eloquent.

>The Boctor Alls

This is how I know you haven't seen Broadchurch S3.

>LE FEMINIST MEME!!!!!! HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How long do you think Chibs will last?

You mean, in the bedroom?

What meme? He's obviously a feminist. Nothing wrong with that. Pretty clearly precludes him from having some obsession with the Doctor always being a man though.

If you like.

Also as showrunner, I suppose.

Him being a feminist has fuck all to do with whether he believes The Doctor should or should not be a woman.

Reminder that Chris Chibnall went on TV to slag off Pip and Jane Baker and when he's showrunner of Doctor Who he will bring back the Rani just to rub it in even more.

you do realise literally nobody here wants to get into this sort of debate right. nobody is enjoying what youre bringing to the thread. literally no one here is going "great, this discussion again". youre just being a pest.

Its about the return of classic series cybermen and their planet.

Telos Back Again.

Torchwood's back, Asians!

She liked it:

>I really liked you

This line made me sad. Both Bill and Water Heather sounded quite emotional, especially Heather. I hope Bill finds her again.

I can see Heather being Moffat's reserved get out of jail card for when he has to write Bill out at the end of the season. It would be like him to deliberately write in a potential exit clause that can be used or forgotten about depending on actor contracts.

I can't care about a character that appeared for a scene and died.

>Bill's story ends with her finding Waterfu again and happily merging with her after her adventures make her unable to return to normal life

Anyone find Catherine Tate pretty attractive when in a good shape?

Heather will get her own Big Finish spin-off.

But hasn't it been heavily speculated on that Pearl Mackie was only ever signed up for one year? So it would make sense if Moffat has already planned to bring Heather back for the finale, if that is going to be how Bill leaves.

She just has huge tits user, you're blinded by the mammaries

i like her but the wart is far too distracting

rash b syka blyat.

They can literally call it The Pilot's original name too

"A Star In Her Eye: Volume 1"


"The Girl With the Star in her Eye: Volume 1"

Notice how Hot Davison basically looks the same

>final mins of the doctor falls
>bill is about to die and Doctor is almost dead, he's about to regenerate
>THAT music starts playing
>a drops of water unite into a figure
>it's Heather
>she kills Mondasian cybermen with flood powers
>I missed you, Bill.
>Bill and Heather leave Doctor in the same manner Doctor and Rose left Jack in parting of the ways


If Heather got saved somehow, I'd be happy to see Bill settle down with her.

I hate that the new series has pushed the idea so much that most companions will only leave the Doctor if its against their will, so I'm hoping for Bill to leave the Tardis of her own volition and in one piece.

>ywn stick your pipe up her jeans

I actually want this to happen.


>Bill and Heather leave Doctor in the same manner Doctor and Rose left Jack in parting of the ways

Oh shit, after revising the ending of Journey's End twice (Hell Bent, The Pilot), I could actually see Moff doing this.

>ywn be with Heather as a comfy lesbian puddle together in harmony

>ywn live to see Heather die in your lifetime

the pilot was great
best opener since eleventh hour

I agree

Does anyone have higher-res copies of the alternate Project Lazarus covers, like pic related?

Here's the other one, also awfully tiny-res

>tfw series 10 will be the best of nuwho

nvm I found slightly higher ones on the site, still pretty small though

>What may surprise most is that for the majority of the runtime, it’s largely a two-hander between Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie. Sans the pre-title sequence, the first guest actor doesn’t appear until around 30 minutes in. This means the episode doesn’t feel massively eventful and is more of a slower, character-building exercise. With Bill and the Doctor only just getting to know each other, this allows plenty of time for a more in-depth look at their early Doctor/companion relationship and brings out more good work from Capaldi and Mackie.

sounds kino desu

Hype for this episode. I like the idea that it's a utopian future instead of the gritty miserable looking worlds we usually get.

Some of the cinematography and visuals are looking GOAT.

>that blue lining
his costumes are GOAT this year

>it's a "you just paid Capaldi and Mackie's trip to Spain with your tv license" kind of episode

I'm OK with this.

Yeah I think its going to be good.

They probably traveled down there in Business Class and stayed in 5-star hotels...how does that feel now?

Don't you think she looks tired?

What's with all the filming in Spain recently? It seems like they go all the time now.

Because Spanish fans just love Doctor Who and they have to pander to them and not only those in Britain. I remember I watched the premiere of Deep Breath in a Spanish cinema and my goodness, it was fucking packed but people were incredibly excited. It was actually rather endearing if you think about it.

Nice locations and probably convenient.

See, I don't wanna get exited for an episode that has a 90% chance of being shit but wherever they filmed this looks really good like and

It's nice just to have an episode that looks completely different visually and isn't just that one fucking corridor that appears every week.

I guess. I just wondered why they haven't done anywhere else like France or something.

Blame the move to Roath Lock.

Why did some stories have alternate covers?

I think Series 9 taught us that having a dark two-parter every week wasn't the best idea. A lot of the stories in my head feel all the same.

This series looks a lot more colourful and fun in comparison. But I reckon by the later half of the series it will get darker again once Bill has been set up and established.

Getting all the exotic locations in while we don't need a visa to leave the country. Fucking Brexit

Some multi-Doctor stories work in both Doctor's timelines, so if you're listening to just 6 and hearing the story from his end you might use his cover, likewise for 7.

Will 'Extremis' be Moffkino?


t. Gallifrey Base.

Please go back.

Rank the new series.

The Pilot - 8/10



Stop it Cloister, it's fun when we do it ironically mentioning you not you non ironically mentioning yourself

Series 5
Series 3
Series 9
Series 1
Series 8
Series 4
Series 6
Series 7
Series 2

Fucking fight me.

t. reddit

>series 8/9 not being #1 makes me reddit


7 > 5 > 1 > 3 > 8 > 4 > 6 > 9 > 2

>Series 3
>Series 9


1. Extremis
2. Knock Knock
3. The Eaters of Light
4. World Enough and Time
5. Oxygen
6. Thin Ice
7. The Lie of the Land
8. The Pilot
9. The Doctor Falls
10. The Empress of Mars
11. Smile
12. The Pyramid at the End of the World

Better than those "You just paid for JNT's trip to Spain/Holland/Canary Islands/etc. with your TV license" episodes

Series 8 and 9 are shite. I meant having Series 9 anywhere near the top.

Series 3 is the patrician's series.

all Moffat episodes are automatically kino

so yes

>implying Brexit won't fuck up massively with the UK's economy

The economic divide that exists between the North and the South of England (and can be even extrapolated to Wales) is extremely problematic because without EU money coming in, parts of the North will go to shit.