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Genuinely can't stand her

lol. i thought brexit meant britcucks were starting to wake the fuck up. guess not.


but is she transgender?


The real cucks are those who get intimidated by women

>falling for a murdoch meme means waking up
based retardbro

They should just hire Danny John-Jules and call it a day already.

A female doctor could be ok,but lets face it black women cannot act.

i.e. literally nobody.

Who gives a fuck?
The franchise is dead anyway.

If they see their progressive reasons as valid a south asian should still become doctor before an african.

I thought the real cucks are people who give a fuck about Dr. Who.

>the absolute state of the waterlogged bog known as england

Black... BLACK? That's an African-European you racist shitlords! How fucking dare you say black!

And ONLY BLACK AND FEMALE? Where is my Trans-African demisexual kin pseudo-tranny pedophile lesbian doctor? Fucking discriminating racists.

That could actually get me to start watching it again.

>tfw Bob Peck is dead and he can't play the part of an old doctor

>getting angry about a kid's tv show

Will she use the power of SASS to defeat white nazis?

Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people

of course it's the darkest ugly nigger they could find

I would be ok with a thicc DSL black girl

Better than another generic black male recast. Black women need to be plentiful, black men are everywhere in media.

BBC is cucked beyond salvation.
Bongs should have an other referendum to cut the obligatory TV license.

Holy shit, I might even vote for once.

Trouble is, the BBC has achieved sacred cow status, largely because of it's own self-promotion. How do you dismantle a planet-crushing propaganda machine that will fight you every step of the way? It would be politically costly to any government that proposes it.

You do realise you're like the 8174957th person to make a "joke" like this, right? It's like entry-level edgelord.

>create a franchise that acually is popular with RL females
>recast cute male lead as an ugly black female
Nah, they're not that stupid.

The BBC is far from representing the average working-class shmuck.
It's composed of out-of-touch, brain-dead champagne-socialists that get paid by the government to make thinly-veiled propaganda rewriting Queen Anne as a proud black woman.

She's infuriatingly ugly. Whenever I browse netflix I see her Chewing Gum show and her disgusting face pisses me off.

Who is intimidated by women?

They're physically weak, spastic children in adult bodies whose only tool for inflicting actual change in the world is complaining.

Not much to be "intimidated" by.

Doctor Who has been a cuck show since season eight. Not merely because she had a black boyfriend but because she literally slapped the doctor three times. He's a fucking cuck now. I'm not watching this Jew shit anymore.

i should pretend to be liberal and cash in

>we need ideas people!
>lets make the character black/gay/woman
>GENIUS, promotion!

>Doctor Who

Nothing of value will be lost.

The thing is nobody likes black women, not even black men. They're loud, rude, and uneducated. They also think they're the hottest of shit and you should be graced to be in their presence. I'd rather have anybody of any race or gender combo play Dr Who than a black woman

every day i wish i could cast my humanity aside and just fuck people over for money

Why do lefties want to tank this show? He's a man. He is white. Get over it. Its like they want to make the market for Who even smaller.

TAJIS: Time & Aunt Jemima In Space. Wheres my sonic syrup bitch?

Its not like the public choose who the next dr is you daft cunt

Also, dr who is awful

I feel you bruh

I think you're mistaking "intimidated" for "sick of your passive-aggressive bullshit."

Who cares? The show has been utter shit since Tennant left.

>Why do lefties want to tank this show?

Lefties want to tank literally EVERYTHING they get their hands on.
It's this bizarre psychological compulsion that they have that nobody really understands.

My theory is that it is born out of their own seething self-hatred.

I hope they do cast her so people stop watching this shit and then it can get cancelled again and my fucking license fee can go towards a show that doesn't make me want to cull all of mankind

seriously I've never met a person that likes doctor who wasn't also seriously damaged or retarded

Feh. They already made Dr Who Scottish. You can't get worse than that.


They tried this shit last time and got Capaldi.

Another major rumor would be that the series got canceled.

>Dr. Who
>not cucked from start
Have you ever take a look at the fanbase? That shit is cringier than MLP fucks.

>going towards anything good

>hard: make a new character
>easy: change character to black

no one would watch it so who cares, no one watches it now

delete this, Capaldi is GOAT

They used to make good shit - life on mars/ashes to ashes, peaky blinders, taboo was alright

it's a theocratic monarchy
they will always be cucks

>average working-class shmuck.
There is no working class anymore.

>Doctor Pooface


Don't these people find is condescending that producers/casting agents are just like "look, we just need to get someone that's the most opposite of a straight white male."


It's like when QI decided they had to have at least 1 female comedian every episode, at which point they became the token female not there because of merit but because they needed to condescendingly tick the diversity box



>links facebook clickbait
>gets btfo
Real tired of all the clickbait on here.


Yes, please kill nu-who

Strange, I heard Kris Marshall was suppose to be the frontrunner.

>the king/queen in charge is also the leader of the church appointed by God himself
>not a theocracy

An immortal alien life form that has always taken on the body and identify of a human males suddenly reemerges as a female. You better believe people are going to try to describe her as transgender.

The UK is run by Liberalism.

Liberalism is literally a religion.

Will she also be trans, mentally disabled and also a fire truck?

Introverted/nerdy black girls are an absolute joy to be around. Shame I've only met 2

My entire town of 30k pop is full of working class people, theres a very distinct difference between the dole scrounging lower class and the self employed/warehouse working class

why do they always chose the most ogga booga looking ones? I wouldn't mind if if it was a qt black girl.



Theocracies are generally countries where religious leaders hold the government. The UK monarchy and the church doesn't do any of the governing, that's left up to the elected party that has a majority in the parliament.

that nigger is so fucking ugly

Sorry those facts triggered you.

To me, to you.

Even young attractive girls would rather fuck an old man than you.

A black female Doctor should be someone like Sophie Okonedo.

Yeah, she was on the show before but so were Karen and Capaldi.

wow, he isn't even one of the proper chuckle brothers - he's the retarded brother they invite cause mum says they have to include him and he still gets laid

I'd say gold digger but he can't even be that rich

I want a Downs Doctor then the Tardis will truly be Retardis.

wasn't the 13th doctor announced a few days ago?

Ride my wrinkly old cock AND NO SLACKING

a t t r a c t i v e

wew lad

We all know who the next Doctor should be.

I know nothing about this show but I'd start watching if she became the doctor.

>13th Doctor Could Be Black & Female

It's happening. Now we just need Kim Kardashian confirmed as the companion.

Put your tongue in my ass And nooo slacking!

I really hope you are like 10

Cause that wasn't funny or edgy it was cringe

Brexit just means the same old pakis will keep coming while white Europeans will be kept out.

If the show ever does that, I'm never watching that shit again and deleting every Doctor Who item I have on my computer, and selling all my Doctor Who media.

Fuck the literal kuck BBC.

see this is why it needs to happen, it's the only way Doctor Who fans can get the push they need to become real people

>Doctor Who

>Original Sin
White Privilege
Being multicultural
"Decent person"
World with white people in it
Full equality
News anchors/Bloggers/Journalists

miss me yet?

He is. He has the job.

aka male feminists

>this is an attractive girl in Britain

ive always missed you