>tfw no netflix to watch it on
Tfw no netflix to watch it on
When reddit debuts its streaming service I expect this will be front and center, along with Rick and Morty, Adventure Time, and Stranger Things.
>denies the existence of DNA
>Bill Nye the """Science""" Guy
In the meantime you enjoy your cucked and blacked threads in the catalog, along with all of your favorite generals and forced memes
>things that never happened
heres your (You)
Karlie Kloss is really tall.
Carl Sagan is a better Bill Nye
Bill Nye the "Blames climate change for Islamism" guy.
He's a 'scientist' for normies.
better at being obnoxious?
>Carl Sagan
Really nigga?
Save your goodboy bux. Even a worthless smelly neet such as yourself can afford $9 / month. Just buy one less wall scroll than you were planning.
I am an actual scientist, I study pancreatic and Breast cancer and I have never heard Bill Nye state an incorrect fact or make an illogical scientific argument. He may not be a nobel prize winner, but I dont see why he gets so much flack for trying to introduce basic science to the general public, half of them have no clue how baseline biology or chemistry actually works and they should. I would bet a majority of people on this board couldn't explain half the shit he could.
So do you agree with his assertion that Islamism and Islamic Terrorism is caused primarily by climate change?
"from a scientific standpoint there’s no such thing as race"
Bill, yes!
You might be conflating the discoveries of the Human Genome Project with something else.
Post your email, and I'll send the login info so you can mooch off my account. No skin off my back
Bill Nye is a moron
>I have never heard Bill Nye state an incorrect fact or make an illogical scientific argument.
Somebody post that quote from the college commencement where he insists that human race and genetic diversity doesn't exist.
I seriously hate celebrity scientists
all of them, they're all asshats
>the evidence of common sense
He's literally right about all of that, Google the Human Genome Project.
>Work as a suit at Boeing
>Get a gig teaching five-year-olds a Cliff-Notes version of a lesson about air-pressure on public television
>Suddenly you're treated like an "authority" on scientific issues
You idiots realize that Bill Nye isn't some fucking modern-day Isaac Newton, right?
He's literally famous because he had a show where he taught kitchen science-experiments to babies and it became a pop-culture element of the 90's.
Now both he and media-corporations exploit that to add some supposed legitimacy to when he goes on CNN and barks his progressivist political dogma about how we need higher taxes and "wealth redistribution".
If you took this faggot seriously as some sort of authority on anything, you're pretending the Emperor is fully clothed when he's standing their naked. You only did it because everyone else was doing it and never questioned why.
And people like you are EXACTLY why media corporations do just that.
Is it actually a decent show or is it just a cash in on the meme appeal
Yes actually from that very talk he states.."If you were to have sex with a woman from China — southern China, western China — all you’re going to get’s a human"
He is 100% correct race is what we have used to describe the nuances in the human genome,its our way of describing the contrast in individual genes. race is not a BIOLOGICAL concept, species are the product of evolution not race, the differences we see in race are micro scale adaptations based on factors such as diet and region but at the end of the day when you look at the human genome polymorphisms within the sequences are too minor to consider them as something that completely redefines the organism. This concept was taught to me in several courses in my career from developmental biology to human evolution, and even ecology. Stop googling shit and read peer reviewed articles and accredited textbooks on science.
Yeah, I looked up BN's height because she's a full head over him. Google says he's 6'1" but that's gotta be bullshit.
>that left wing defeatist attitude
>Bill Nye the literally fascist Guy
Who is more reddit? This cuck or le black scientist?
So you do agree that the primary cause of Islamic Extremistm is Global Warming.
Just want to clarify that.
I'm not the asshat talking about the race thing btw.
It's kinda like BNTSG via Top Gear. Not super heavy or anything, but entertaining.
I can't wait for the episode where he and his entourage of YouTube celebrities educate me on how it's scientifically proven that there are 47 separate genders, Bruce Jenner is actually a woman and always has been, and how black over-representation in criminality is exclusively due to my white privilege.
Nice meme image with cherry picked data, I checked out that article from numer 1 btw, you know it was retracted by several journals? Are you also aware it was mainly published in journals with impact factor 4-6? Do you even know what im talking about right now? Its not enough to say "Hey look this one science journal said this thing".As someone who actually works in the field you would be amazed at the garbage that gets published, seriously look through some pubmed someday youll find professional articles with 3rd grade grammar mistakes. Your image has no substance and is compiled of data from scattered poor quality publications that support your opinion.
Carl Sagan is better than everyone.
Why don't "science guys" ever talk about the Rind et al controversy? Congress passed a resolution condemning a scientific paper, it was a pretty big deal.
what's your field of expertise
>I've heard some bad stories about Bill Nye. Basically that he's been kind of jerk to people he feels are intellectually beneath him (fans who were cashiers or something), and back when he was still doing Science Guy that he hated kids to the point of being a jerk about it.
Please don't mention Sagan alongside Bill Nye
could be decent, the "saves the world" part makes me wary though
>Are you also aware it was mainly published in journals with impact factor 4-6? Do you even know what im talking about right now? Its not enough to say "Hey look this one science journal said this thing".As someone who actually works in the field you would be amazed at the garbage that gets published, seriously look through some pubmed someday youll find professional articles with 3rd grade grammar mistakes.
So now people with internet-credentials in science are now ADMITTING that their feild and academia is full of horse-shit?
>Why don't "science guys" ever talk about the Rind et al controversy?
Because they don't want their field associated with anything socially unfashionable.
If that were to happen, that could mean less grant money and government subsidies.
>Global Warming
poverty and uneducation is the primary cause. But Global Warming can have an effect on the first one.
Hey no one is perfect. Maybe you would be a bigger fan of Freeman Dyson, who thinks there needs to be more study into whether Global Warming is primarily human driven. He's a brilliant scientists who has gotten many things wrong in his life too.
>q-quips are kinda like counter arguments, right?
Every field of Acadaemia has bullshitters, what you thought science is a never expanding tautology of consensus?
>>q-quips are kinda like counter arguments, right?
yeah, Sagan was the OG pusher of Global Warming
Funny how you didn't mention Islam or religiousity in general.
>explains that some journals are better peer reviewed
lern to /sci/ Sup Forumstard
Him and black science man are like this Reddit tag team Champions
I'd like to see them do a dragon ball z fusion
this guy loves le science
>outright says the majority of academic papers are bullshit and shouldn't be trusted
>gets triggered when someone repeats this
Yep, makes a whole lot of sense.
>tries to turn science into a 9gag meme
Nice try shitter.
le march for science and justice!
The only time atheist """"scientists"""" don't rag on religion is when Islam has been mentioned recently.
Usually it's open fucking season, but in any situation where you could be potentially misconstrued as being """""Islamophobic""""", that burning Dawkinite hatred for religion just suddenly seems to shrivel away.
He never said majority, learn to read past your confirmation bias you dyslexic fuck.
>thinks using le ironically makes him look clever.
>Le science march
>Official PR account for organizers tweet that ISIS isn't really bad, just oppressed minorities like in the US
wew, they 9gagged themselves without our help.
actually, I know that there are HUGE problems in academic research and one of the main problems are the gatekeeper journals. Some fields like nuclear/particle physics has taken the step to publish most of their stuff outside of journals FIRST on arXiv, allowing for the greater community to review it, instead of a few hand picked people. before it's published in a major journal.
Science is a human process, thus is has flaws. But it is one of the best error checking processes we have ever discovered, probably THE best
did you ever look at the list of organizations on that, it's like a communist dance party
>more liberal biased reddit science men
I miss Almost Live
Requesting a chans edit of the Popsicle logo that reads "If it's popular, it's Reddit!"
>All humans are equal.
>Some groups if people are not genetically inclined to certain behavior.
>Biology ends at the neck
Blacks are more likely to be violent retards. Deal with it.
Reddit saves the world
Why don't kids today have a science show?
cause kids are too stupid to be bothered with and in another three generations they won't be able to feed themselves. Humanity is going extinct, find a cult and worship it now
So, did he save the world yet?
stop calling him out! you cant do that! REDDITREDDITREDDIREDDITREDDIT
Fuck Bill Nye. He's a glorified mechanic who thinks he's a climatologist. Also fuck reddit and their faux outrage every time Bill goes on tv and the host doesn't suck his balls dry. They need to learn not everyone is a faggot millennial who grew up with le science guy and f*cking loves science.
Who needs science when you can learn how to twerk
SOciety is fucked.
kill yourself
Reddit fuck off and start a rick and morty marathon.
>reddit "nothing other than science matters" fedoraism in television form
And here I thought reddit and memey were bad, this will be even worse
>tfw no netflix usa
why do i have to wait months if im already paying
I just got through watching the first episode and it was the most patronizing thing that I've watched all year. It's not so much that I disagree with what he's saying but the fact that he's riding on the nostalgia of a kid's show from over 20 years ago to go over boilerplate talking points and rigid solutions about issues like everyone watching is five years old. I wouldn't even mind that if the show were obviously aimed at a younger audience, but he's trying to appeal to people you grew up watching him, but thinks and acts like they're still in class watching it on the TV on a cart on days where the teacher doesn't feel like doing anything, but trying to remain "hip".
The panel was the liberal equivalent of the typical Fox firing squad of the 00's where there's an obvious "right" point of view, the poor schmuck in the middle who got baited to appear on the show as a scapegoat opinion piece, and the dickriding third wheel who doesn't really know anything but goes along with Bill and the right guy.
All this wouldn't feel anywhere half as bad if he would actually discuss other things related to Climate change in more depth and didn't try to permanently stand on a soapbox for thirty minutes yelling lazy platitudes while the audience reaffirms the Millennial stereotype of manchildren who guzzle down whatever the fuck they're told because of some kid's entertainer told them to.
Seriously, if every episode is like that, than it's a fucking waste of your time regardless of what you think.
Also, Karlie da Koder is a commentator, so that should be enough of a warning sign.
>Why don't kids today have a science show?
he was the no talking display monkey on beakmans world before his own show.
and he smokes like a chimney
we have as much variation in humanity as the domesticated dog.
breed is just another word for race.
get fucked leftfag. im not even a stormfag or a Sup Forumstard, but him and le black science man are mouthpieces for someone else with a bigger agenda.
theyre afraid of getting MUHAMMADED or funding cut by CAIR.
i guess it is stupid to think that murdering babies is bad
but then again, niggers get abortions so i guess i'm okay with it from that aspect
The future genocide will be scientifically backed.
>Not a Sup Forumstard
>Spew bunch of stormfag nonsense and consider leftist an insult
Dog "breeds" are not considered separate species and cannot be compared to human evolution because their differences are the result of artificial selection. Even if you wanted to categorizes people by "breeds". The stormfag categories have absolute no basis in reality. Africa is home to the most genetic diversity on the planet. Various African groups have more in common with whites then they do each other.
>A children's show host is the leading authority on """"""science"""""" according to liberals
Unwanted Children put a huge strain on society and the economy. Abortion has a positive effect on society like all forms of birth control.
Homeless and poor people are a burden on society and the economy too, let's kill them!
you HAVE TO go back
you have no idea what you're talking about
There would be a lot more homeless and poor people without abortion. A lot more crime too. Fetuses are not children. I have zero qualms with getting rid of one.
Homeless are not people.
Now help me grind this hobo up with an eggbeater.
Oh yeah? Prove me wrong stromnigger. Black, White, and Asian would not be legitimate categories if you were tying to organize people by "breeds".
> i dont want to solve the problem, only kill it before it becomes one
the modern progressive
If you've got a time machine. I'd be happy to knock his pregnant mom down a flight of stairs.
We're in agreement, then. Homeless are not human therefore we should kill them to save money.
> I want to depreciate what other people can do with their bodies and cause massive society problems that are easily preventable
I bet you hate welfare and medicate. I'm not a "progressive' by the way. I can't stand liberals.