What was his endgame?
What was his endgame?
Other urls found in this thread:
>dude tentacles lmao
>uuuhhh...And then he uhhh... he saw the spoopy monster and went INSANE xD
Complete shit
To monetize his fear of niggers, women and seafood.
was it autism?
Propagating the Cat Master Race.
He was an unironic autist.
Power metal
things of indescribable horror
unironically making people abandon religion and killing themselves
>he had gf and u will die alone
Warning us
Aryan Mysticism.
yeah, autism kills. check your kids before its too late.
>implying he had an endgame
>being this assblasted
t. autistic cukc
Making facebook.
Using as many adjectives as he can without actually showing anything.
What a hack.
Can you actually show/describe things in fiction that don't exist?
Lovecraft just had terrible literary skills.
>nothing about cats
No you can't. You can only compound already existing images and ideas that are widely known in our language/culture. Which is exactly what he did, albeit with purple prose, and with a lot of adjectives.
Yes you can, retard.
Describe something that doesn't exist then
Your gf lol
Fuck you
>writing an essay on the difference between people who prefer cats or dogs
Was it autism
This is what people still do nowadays on chirpy buzzfeed and guardian articles
he looks like adam sandler
kill all niggers
Literally anything in sci-fi
haha you sure showed him, what a loser am i right haha
I like the story were the nigga is using a diary format to tell the horrible stuff and when the thing thats chasing him finds him and starts to eat him...he writes his screams...
Those huge spaceships and amazing space aliens still don't exist. They're simply fabrications in your head built up by the previous experiences of your senses
BTFO so hard the elders gods woke up to lol
only Sup Forumsedittors like lovecraft.
>Sup Forumsedittors
What the FUCK does that even mean? You stink of new and underage.
Honestly just make some money. Which is sad when you think he was a pulp writer and was paid cents.
I'd like to come in his defense and say he is a perfectly fine writer, influential, unique and all that, but his fanbase turned him into a parody of himself that's just "muh worthlessness in the universe, muh going insane".
He was fucking wierd, amazing and terrible at the same time.
He's a terrible writer, but the world, gods, and overall motifs he created are still great, and still spawns exellent stories.
A clusterfuck of a writer, racist and autist, but the importance of his legacy cannot be understated.
back to Sup Forumseddit with you
who is more assblasted when it comes to lovecraft?
>"way too many adjectives and le tentacles xD" fags
or the
>"lovecraft was racist so he was a bad writer as well"
these threads are cancerous
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
also Bloodborne is 100% Lovecraft.
riceniggers didn't even try with originality.
fortunately for now.
>omg le lovecraft is a genius fags
poor brainlets
le tentacles xD fags
>Dank Souls>>>>>>Memeborne
t. Autistic space squid
Jesus Christ.
is he /ourguy/?
he is -LITERALLY- pol and r9k all rolled together
>doesnt like coloured people
>gifted autistic
>a beta with social problems (but he did get married)
>broke as fuck
supreme kek
He is too good for this shitty board
cats on the moon
To warn the Anglos about women and foreigners.
Fucking hell, I haven't seen that image in over a decade.
What are Sup Forums and /sci/ doing here?