Can they just cut out the Saul storyline?
Mike's arc is much more interesting.
Better Call Mike
>its a Mike waits in his car for someome for 20 minutes
how is mike still alive in better call saul?
>its a saul rolls tape off the wall for 10 minutes episode
i like to think i started this meme
No because I wanna see Franchesca bootay
you didn't
Who's saul?
What do we think was going on in that last scene? To me, Jimmy kind of seemed like he was putting on a show, kicking down the door and saying stuff like "YOU RUINED OUR FAMILY FOR A TAPE!??"
Is it possible that he knew Howard was there?
Season 2 really shows how fucking pointless Better Call Saul is. At this point I'm more interested in Saul's Cinnabun career than the predictable bullshit stuff that has no effect on the Breaking Bad story.
that is not how you punch
Never seen BB but Ive spoiled pretty much the whole show for myself so I know who the characters are and such.
Should I watch Better call Saul?
>fav characters from Breaking Bad were Saul and Mike
>they get they're own show
>never watch it
>hear Saul is boring and Mike gets a lot of spotlight
I watched the very first episode and Saul (Jimmy) runs into Mike in the parking lot.
Should I catch up?
I never finished Breaking Bad.
I got to when Hank found out Walt was Heisenberg and gave up the last season.
Does Better Call Saul have to do with anything of the end of BB?
Hola Reddit!
Go back to Rick and Morty.
>if you like Mike's storyline than Jimmy's you're a pleb
I'm glad this show is such a great pleb identifier
BCS >>> BB
Warmer white
from the preview of next episode no
show not as good as justise leege or batman in my opinin
Banks is /ourguy/.
I like the show better than breaking bad so go for it. It's a slow burner but I like that kind of shit as long as the writings good. And goddamn it is
yeah you should although whether or not you like it depends if you like watching paint dry. There are references to breaking bad but its literally just fanservice and not integral to the plot to know about these things.
the first season is really good, season 2 is like a build up season though for season 3 which only just started though
There should be more slow shows like this one and breaking bad. The fact that they take their time to show you mundane things with excellent cinematography creates a bigger connection with the world than most shows. But you need patience or the ability to apreciate good photography and direction to like shows or movies like these.
Wait, retards watch BCS hoping it enlightens them on the past of breaking bad, instead of watching it in its own right?
Last episode was really good imo. Did Chuck let Ernesto hear the tape knowing he'd tell Jimmy? Is Chuck playing 4D chess?
This show would be better if Breaking Bad never existed. I still think it's pretty cool though, aestethic as fuck.
>Did Chuck let Ernesto hear the tape knowing he'd tell Jimmy?
Last horse finishes the fucking race
This shot was absolutely kino
Chuck knew that the tape wasn't enough to convict Jimmy of a crime.
However, destruction of evidence/obstruction of justice is a pretty big crime. That Jimmy committed when he went in and destroyed it in front of Hamlin and the other guy. Not to mention breaking in.
Yes, Chuck played some 4d chess. Jimmy got baited.
Some do. Personally I don't really give a shit. They could replace cartel members from BrBa with randos, Gus with rando and I'd still enjoy it.
Although Gus brings an overall feeling to the show, since we know what he's capable of.
why does this look like mr roger's neighborhood?
I love how flustered he was though, he expected a keikaku turn the lights on as Jimmy sneaks in, not a full on Berserker assault in broad day light.
Things worked out better than expected but he had to have felt something when Jimmy finally exploded at him, if not he's just a robotic asshole.
A part of me wants Jimmy to just accept the consequences but the idea of Jimmy just unlocking his limiters to crush Chuck sounds good too.
I disagree, scenes like when Saul is in the Los Pollos Hermanos and Gus is out of focus behind him really make the show IMHO.
I think they're using that same technique they use when filming the construction site where the world Trade Center used to be.
> it's a looking through a mirror with a pair of binoculars and somehow working episode
I still believe AMC's prequel should've been about Mike,fuck Saul
I'm pretty sure they would have done that 100% if Mike's actor was younger
yeah it's called tilt-shift photography
makes things looks miniature
Am I the only one who has trouble enjoying prequels? The fact that I already know how everything is eventually going to turn out kills my enthusiasm. I really wish Vince would have just moved on.
>I am a mental midget
Your life is pointless but you still haven't kill yourself, so you have no room to cry.
Poor Chuck, I hope he didn't hurt himself
Learn to care more about character interactions, dialogue, production design, etc. When people overvalue spoilers and basic plot points, I get the feeling they're missing other aspects of the show/film.
Not him but its hard for me to pick up on the subtleties of a show when I stare at a monitor all day and can't remember what I had for lunch. What makes good dialogue? In deadwood I can barely understand the gravity behind the words used in interactions but in Justified I can't help but grin when boyd, raylan or any other character goes on at length.
But I still don't know what makes good dialogue compared to other shows
Gomorrah for one had great visuals, amazing production quality for a european show but do I understand what makes the Young Pope so good? no, absolutely not I have no idea I only enjoyed Gomorrah because it had German cars gliding through urban areas of napoli. I've watched so much I barely notice what the characters are feeling or how they have progressed all I'm entertained by is something happening every other scene e.g. into the badlands
I don't even give a shit about the plot, it's literally GOAT Cinematogaphy: The show