>main character is a black male
>love interest is a white female
why can't the races at least be reversed for once
>main character is a black male
>love interest is a white female
why can't the races at least be reversed for once
>realness image of pepe
>has blue eyes
Black women go crazy for WMBF pairings on tv. BMWF makes most normal people feel indifferent or slightly uncomfortable. Of course the cucks love it and stormcucks hate it.
Name 3 Jewish funded subversive leftist propoganda films with this trope
Let's be honest, white "men" are done. White women were made for black cock and our only purpose was to assist in bringing the two together. Now that white women have been united with their superior African suitors it's time for us to step aside and let the real men get to work
Star Wars 7, Star Wars 8, Star Wars 9
what is
>Boy Meets World
>The Flash
>The Vampire Diaries
Lakeview Terrace
Guess Who
Strange Days
Monsters Ball
Watch my movies you fucking white turd
There are countless WM/AF couples, those are just as common if not more
>average IQ of 80
Only one from those lists i've seen is Lakeview Terrace which was great.
I also watched The Words, which is one of my favorite movies.
Asians aren't going extinct in all their own countries
Oh no
Two people with different shades of skin, thats blasphemy! My space space at Sup Forums must be alerted, da joos are at work again!
>Watching Magicians
>black male shows up as antagonist. Suddenly his love interest is one of the main white males. He cucks white protag's white wife
I really wonder what the writers think of themselves. There is no escape.
>my space space
what did he mean by this?
Leftists are literally restarted
she's an alien
Nothing to see here everyone, just move on, you're all being paranoid
you dump cunt
If I get asian women instead I will gladly accept this fate.
Fuck off mayoshit "women". All hail the new half-elf race.
name ten shows where this is the case
The black guy in the first season is a total asshole. Didn't like any of the characters really so I quit watching the show.
Shit!! Google is fucking rigged!
>doesn't understand how google works
Carry on, Sup Forumstard
Is this true?
even the joos can't damage control black women as being attractive
Also Sasha and Abraham on this show.
>da joos
Damn, Sup Forums eternally btfo I guess. Pack it up, boys, we're all going back to the cuckshed.
You've never gotten laid, have you?
why did you guys ever think this thing you made up would offend anyone?
Imagine this individual, even if it's baiting for (You)s. Just imagine it.
Imagine all of the self loathing and self hatred, for good reasons, no doubt about that.
It's pain will not end as long as it is alive.
I'm glad.
Why does it matter? Asking unironically.
Kalergi never said that the European race would be destroyed nor did he say they would be more easy to control.
What he "did" say was, that a selective breeding between the best of the negroid, asian and european races would create a better single European race, that would be united.
He wasn't anti-European, but a Darwinist pan-europeanist. And he was actually a great man.
yes i have, that must destroy you
>even if it's baiting for (You)s
they clearly are, Sup Forums, you might realize that if you had a 3 digit iq
>self loathing and self hatred, for good reasons, no doubt about that
lol is that what you have to tell yourself about the people who are laughing at you?
It doesn't, I just saw a bunch of frog threads and rick and morty threads, so I thought why not shit up the board even more?
I'll try your speech first time that it happens, reddit. You seem to get in that situation fairly often. Care to share your best one?
AM/WF are the rarest pairings of all.
jews have made clear that asian men are not allowed to love white women.
watch Columbiana if you wanna see strong independent latina friendzone white numale cop.
Seriously personal reply.
Because whites are dying everywhere. In their homeland in Europe, in the diaspora of North America, everywhere birth is below replacement level. Alone that's only an economic difficulty but combined with massive immigration that is above replacement level whites essentially get bred out of existence.
It's a very serious issue that isn't treated seriously at all. This kind of propaganda, charitably, is trying to fight racism but it also pushes against whites even preserving themselves by demonizing homogeneous coupling and glorifying interracial coupling.
To make this post more extreme, there is also the elephant in the room of genetic intelligence/IQ and genetic psychological behaviors. As Europe and America become less white, if race IQ correlations are true and there is a lot of disturbing evidence to point in that direction, they will lose the qualities of what made these nations great. This is permanent damage. You can't just undue racial mixing once it's happened, and if there are severe social consequences you are stuck with them - forever.
White women are dumb animals that are easily brainwashed.
Talking to a wall, nonwhites only have race specific empathy(or none at all in the case of niggers), if you aint them they just done care.
>White males are ALWAYS the default standard for attractiveness no matter the race of the female in media. (Chads aren't black are they?)
>Women IRL start to believe this standard
You're just upset they aren't showing pimply, fat, neckbearded losers as the standard of attraction
Um, racist and sexist much?
Have you guys noticed a change on Sup Forums recently? This guy is from /leftypol/:
>Wins Nobel peace prize
>bombs 7 countries
>t. racist
>going extinct
you really think white people are "going extinct"? fucking lel go outside
>implying the nobel peace price and most attractive woman in america werent simply handed
>implying neil degrase tyson is the smartest man in america
leftypol is a spook
No white man wants a black woman
mixed chicks can be hot
just searched for myself..fucking lol it's true
Theres a coordinated effort on reddit to shitpost against the "right"
If you're so intent on saving the white race and care so much about this "issue" then why not get a white gf and eventually have kids or are too ugly and poor to accomplish that
Great argument. Why not try engaging your brain next time?
how about people have kids with whoever the fuck they want? if the white race dies out, that's white men's fault for treating white women like shit and becoming repulsive in their eyes.
you want a white woman? try not being an asshole, shave off the neckbeard, and do something other than shitpost on Sup Forums and cry about reverse racism all day.
white women don't want you. even if they went for a white guy, it's going to be chad, not you autistic basement dwellers.
>be mixed race
>dad white, mom black
>be in PhD program
>scored highest on PhD qualifiers this january.
feels fucking good, mate.
In regards to your hypothesis, you're mostly incorrect.
>there is also the elephant in the room of genetic intelligence/IQ and genetic psychological behaviors. As Europe and America become less white, if race IQ correlations are true and there is a lot of disturbing evidence to point in that direction, they will lose the qualities of what made these nations great.
The cream of the crop will inevitably rise to positions of power in a relatively fair/democratic society. Those who don't necessarily have high IQs can work diligently, whereas those with absurdly high IQs but no work ethic, will be middling or at the bottom of the heap with those with low/middling IQ. In other words, those of mixed race with high IQ/work ethic will tend to acquire positions of their successful forefathers. Given the American meritocracy and American work ethics, people who are eligible will naturally find their place.
In regards to the other part of your post, I agree/disagree. I think there is clear propaganda, but I don't think it's having a massive effect on the general populace. If we look at BM/WF statistics, they're statistically the least likely to get together, stay together or even have children. Those who do are usually higher up in the food chain. For example, my father is an architect and my mother is an electrical engineer. Clearly, they were within the same socioeconomic region and the same could be said with respect to their individual IQs.
like in the flash or almost human?
The only thing that can stop white genocide is genocide of the non white people in our countries.
It is not bad at all because non white people have no issue killing off whites once they become the majority.
Why couldnt your mother fuck a white architect or a arab architect or a mexican architect.
You have genes that create civilization destroying monsters in you that is the reason why we dont want people to mix with blacks.
The Black American negro is 30% European yet one of the most cancerous groups of humans in recent history.
>shitposts all day rating women's attractiveness
>attacks them for minor imperfections when they're 300lbs and covered with acne and greasy hair
>"holy shit she's fat MAN THE HARPOONS KEK"
>"why do all women look like shit after age 15???"
Honestly there is a good reason for that though. When the caucasoid man exterminated the Native Americans and enslaved the African Americans you merely said "We are the superior race." But, now that society and the government treats all humans equally a clear superior has emerged thanks to no systematic bias.
what people don't understand is that interracial dating is part of the shrinking white birth rate, and Jews are trying to make it a bigger factor, but it's just one aspect. women being pushed to work means there less likely to have many kids. a lot of women don't want to have kids period because of the culture's propaganda. so simply finding a white gf doesn't guarantee you'd have kids.
this guy explains it well.
>black male/white female hardcore sex scene
>all of Sup Forums unzips their trousers
i think you missed the joke, user
When you stupid niggers post your HURR WE BETTER THAN YOU SHIT, please select AN AVERAGE AFRICAN not some gym monkey American nigger mongrel.
>Because whites are dying everywhere.
Ok. I'll repeat the question - why does it matter? I know I'll get a lot of (You) with "U KEK", but seriously, who cares? To paraphrase your sentence
>a shade of skin is 'dying' everywhere because people make different choices
People change, societies change, cultures change, it happened hundreds of times throughout history. It's not like anybody hunts people down based on their whiteness, if somebody chooses to intermarry, thats their choice. You're upset because an entirely superfluous trait is on a downswing at the moment.
The remainder of your post just make some ridiculous eugenic claims that are unsubstantiated at best. But even if thats true, and white race has few points over black race in terms of IQ, does it change anything? Shouldn't education and culture matter more? Also, if IQ is such a decisive factor, you should really abandon white race and look for an asian wife.
It should also be mentioned that whites are not having as many kids, not necessarily because of propaganda or immigration entirely, but because the nuclear family structure has been devalued to a degree due to feminism/female entrepreneurship. Women now more than ever want to have careers and are willing to put children on the back burner, with some inevitably not giving a shit about having kids altogether. Feminism has largely affected the affluent and those who are affluent are typically, well, white.
Secondly, those who are affluent/wealthy/moderately successful delay having children for the most part (unless they inherit wealth; see British royal line) and those people typically happen to be-- you guessed it! -- white. Poorer and uneducated people tend to have more children.
These things are also affecting the birthrate:
>Crippling student loan debt.
>Expensive cost of living in almost everywhere.
>Technological progress.
There are a variety of factors here at play that Sup Forums refuses to acknowledge.
REALLY makes me think
>non white people have no issue killing off whites once they become the majority.
>this is what people who have no non-white friends really believe
I dont think you fully understand, nonwhites have race specific empathy you are nothing more than a murder practice dummy when nonwhites become the majority. There will be no racial equality you fucking moron because that is a white concept, the arabs would rather swallow cow shit than ever see black people as their equals and blacks are racial supremacist lunatics who think anything that isnt black is shit.
>average white man coming through
Outliers dont count for the average.
>this impotent Sup Forums rage
Kek, they're not being systematically killed in Europe. The reason why the white population is getting lower is because they're not having kids anymore. They have no one to blame but themselves. Again, if you care so much about this, then Why not have kids yourself or are You too
Ugly to accomplish that
Not even close, you can tell these niggers are so dumb they actually believe the racist memes they say about white people. Most white males dont look like spergs.
Genetically they are being destroyed, and nonwhites in Europe do murder white people specifically because they are white all the time in current Europe.
>an educated, well informed post on Sup Forums
is this real life???
Neo Ned.
Post pictures of cute actresses.
>Why couldnt your mother fuck a white architect or a arab architect or a mexican architect.
Try reading again, famalam. My mom is black (born in Jamaica) and did indeed fuck a white architect.
It's not just a question of genealogy, but upbringing and environment. These factors play into it.
There are a multitude of reasons why the "Black American negro" is one of the most cancerous groups in recent history, but this has been dug up and discussed over and over. Sowell and others have discussed the general degradation of Black Americans, the lack of a nuclear family structure and how the culture has been mostly obliterated.
If you look back, and not even too far back, into history you'd see decent, upstanding black men/women. They were products of their clustered environments which had a classic nuclear, familial structure that exhibited closeness.
About 85% of black households literally don't have a fucking father and a chunk of those people are poor as fuck. It's all gone down to Hell, senpai.
Then maybe whites should start having more kids then
mte. is japan commiting self genocide because women aren't having kids anymore and are choosing to keep working instead? top kek.
if you're worried about "white genocide" go have kids with a white woman.
you can't because ALL women find you repulsive, including white ones. so you blame other factors for why you can't get laid. it's hilarious.
Shut up half nigger I dont wanna hear your excuses for why your american half cousins are piece of shit.
I am done trying to see blacks are humans at all, seeing these uncivilized savages as people is the very reason they are destroying everything we have built. Already have ruined beautiful colonies in the West Indies, and Africa. Your half race is shit because they are jungle savages from the paleolithic era that is why. While romans had civilization, the blacks of West Africa were stupid dumb animals like they are today as a majority.
Have you ever wondered why not only whites, but arabs, jews, turks, indians have considered your half race nonhuman?
Oh its racist oppression my bad.
Fucking nigger.
Pretty grand claim, do you have a single fact to back that up?
instead of a black male they should start showing azn guys
You live in your own world because you think nonwhite people are kombaya peace of earth like your white ass, they are not like us at all besides being human. Arabs have no problems seeing non arabs as nonhumans even if they are intelligent and have had civilizations. Blacks treat anything like absolute shit even their own people back in Africa.
It's a "Sup Forums spergs autistically all over my kino board" episode, again
The Flash, although the blondie with the booty was a definitely more interesting fit
>Because whites are dying everywhere. In their homeland in Europe, in the diaspora of North America
>this meme again
No they are not.
100% this except the white genocide part. I'll be dead by then, who cares if the world gets taken over by ugly people?
Are the people who always sperg out over interracial relationships or go
>god, why are blacks stealing our women, I hate those whores they're all coal burning whores
Virgins or people that got rejected