We are all one race, the human race

Try to disprove me.

>Protip: You can't.

Other urls found in this thread:


Chinks aren't human.


>Try to disprove me.


India is all one toilet, the public toilet. Try to disprove me.

You're absolutely right
We need to kill all elves

Do you have even one of those which isn't a black male with a white female?

I am a shitskin and I dont consider myself human.
> proved.

Sickle cell anemia.

literal shithole of country, where 600 million people don't use a toilet




Labrador and Pitbull are both dogs.And they are still different in every aspect thanks to natural selection.Same with humans.Just think of factors that influenced whites and blacks and understand why racism is objective truth.Good luck.

Africans can only receive bone marrow transfusions from other Africans.

>human is a race and not a species

Different sub species (phenotypes) among the same race doesn't make them the same Pajeet

India is proof that not all things on this earth are human

to be a human you need to have brains and common sense
white people don't have these, y'all just white trash


>human poo in loo
>indians don't
do i need to explain it again ?

Get enriched, Eurotrash.


EVERY TIME, and she's always a blonde

Thank you based Ahmed.


How dare you define me as Human! I identify myself as Krogan you fucking intolerable cunt!



Well, no.. We split a long time ago.

I'm not related to these ugly animals

I AM the enricher you mayo cracker

Yeah OP, and there's only one gender. The human gender. Bigots BTFO

I just can't OP

You're right, I can't even tell the difference between the one on the left and the one on the right!

yeah you are you fucking noong


Homo sapiens is a specie, not a race. It's like saying that all wolves are chihuahuas.

>This is what americans actually believe.



>Try to disprove me.

Human isnt a race, its a species.

Whites and niggers are a race.


Do you even know what makes 2 things the same species. Has nothing to do with looks or culture it's all about babies. If the 2 can have a fertile child they are the same species. That's the reason donkeys and horses aren't classed as the same species, because mules can't make babies with other mules, donkeys or horses. the same with tigers and lions and a shit load of other things. If we went by the logic of half the people here the male and females of some species wouldn't even be considered the same species because they look different and not the same.

my sides are more evolved and fit for space exploration than SpaceX

Your picture alone proves it.

Why is it always a white girl with a black boy and not the other way around?

1. Copy paste this
«Dans le numéro d’octobre 2012 de Sciences et Avenir, Evelyne Heyer, professeur au Muséum national d’histoire naturelle en anthropologie génétique, expliquait que des différences existent, différences qu’il ne faut pas nier comme on a pu le faire dans les années 1990. « En réalité, à cette époque, disait-elle, nous n’avions pas assez de marqueurs génétiques pour pouvoir tirer des conclusions. »

Elle ajoutait que les groupes humains se distinguent par des profils génétiques particuliers. « On retrouve tout simplement les populations des cinq continents », quand on regarde les cinq principaux groupes génétiques.

Mais elle prévenait, connaissant la hargne niveleuse de la caste : « Attention : dans la notion de race telle qu’on l’utilise dans le langage courant, il y a une notion d’inégalité. La génétique n’est peut-être pas toujours politiquement correcte et révèle l’existence de groupes humains, seulement elle n’apporte en aucun cas une vision figée et hiérarchisée de l’humanité. »

Doit-on comprendre que si l’on enlève la notion d’inégalité, si l’on refuse toute vision figée et hiérarchisée de l’humanité, les races existent? Et que je suis, n’en déplaise aux antiracistes professionnelles, de race blanche?

Nous appartenons à une race, un peuple, une culture donnée avant d’appartenir au genre humain. L’appartenance raciale, culturelle, nationale, conditionne notre rapport au reste de l’humanité, et non l’inverse.

Mais cela n’occultera pas que les races existent parce qu’elles sont une représentation intellectuelle basée sur des réalités comme la couleur de la peau, les traits physiques.



2. Translate
«Un exemple: « Il faut savoir que les greffes de moelle osseuse ne sont compatibles qu’entre races, disait en 2011, Chantal Valay, présidente de l’ADOT 47 (Association des dons d’organes et de tissus humain du Lot-et-Garonne). Un Européen ne peut donner à un Africain, et un Africain à un Asiatique pour la simple et bonne raison que nous sommes différents« .

(ladepeche.fr/article/2011/03/10/1031464-don-de-moelle-osseuse-la-france-manque-de-donneurs.html#AUcDVtbezRzZi1Zt.99) »

3. Congrats, you now know why there are multiple human races

For as much as i want to agree that's called racialism.

Blacks are not different from whites in term of race

Since they ca reproduce with white women and vice versa.

BUT that doesn't mean they don't carry violent traits more than whites.

There are difference but they are unfortunately the same race

>Phenotype correlation
>No genotype studies.

HEH you tried.


>What is a species?

>What are phenotypes

We are all part of the human SPECIES. Capable of interbreeding with other races. That doesn't cancel out that there are several subspecies/races. Each with their own perks and weaknesses.

Niggers are not humans.

We only have one race.

The race to the bottom.

