What is the "Finnegans Wake" by James Joyce of film?
What is the "Finnegans Wake" by James Joyce of film?
Boondock Saints
>call it literature
>Brekkek Kekkek Kekkek Kekkek! Koax Koax Koax! Ualu Ualu Ualu! Ouoyauh!
On the scale of surrealism, I don't think Eraserhead is even close to Finnegans Wake
I'd venture some Stan Brakhage type shit like Mothlight
Batman vs Superman Ultimate edition
ITT: People who haven't read it and think it's complete nonsense because they read a fucking cracked.com article
It's an amazing book. I can't think of any movie I've seen that accurately matches its style
what's the film equivalent of James Joyce's BRAAAAP letters
Batman v Superman
The only person who seems to think it's bad is I'd hope anyone who actually takes the time to click a thread like this is aware that Joyce is perhaps the greatest prose author in the English language
>I studied burger flipping so I have to give myself some value by pretending that reading nonsense has some sense
Looking at A Portrait of the Artist or Ulysses should prove beyond reasonable doubt that Joyce isn't trying to slip something past his audience. In fact, he worked on Finnegans Wake for many years, all the way up until his death, revising it along the way. It's basically a neverending stream of multilingual jokes and wordplay, in which English is deconstructed and rebuilt in new combinations.
For example, look at the part on the bottom left where it says
>like Haroun Childeric Eggeberth he would...
It may seem like random nonsense, but the choice of those names is quite intentional - the initials 'H C E' are a recurring motif in the book to represent Finnegan (you can find them in the opening line in "Howth Castle & Environs").
By choosing Haroun (al-Rashid), the Abbasid king; Childeric the Frankish king; and Eggeberth the Saxon king, he is emphasizing a domineering quality in Finnegan, bolstered by the fictional word 'caligulate' (which is obviously a riff of Roman emperor Caligula)
Every clause in the book, no matter how absurd and nonsensical, had a distinct meaning to Joyce - even the crazy 'thunderwords' like
Haven't read it, but Last Year At Marienbad, maybe?
Inland empire?
> greatest author
> stories are about nothing
You have to be braindead to believe this
Eraserhead is, like, Kafka tier.
>It's an amazing book
No it's not.
Ask me how I'm 100% certain you haven't read it
Passages from James Joyce's Finnegans Wake by Mary Ellen Bute
People who write in books should be shot.
Wow, I thought I could read but I guess I'm illiterate.
>English language
Youtube poop
Waking Life?
>Every clause in the book, no matter how absurd and nonsensical, had a distinct meaning to Joyce
Yep, that's autism.
Jean Luc Godard and Ann-Marie Mieville's
H I S T O I R E (S) D U C I N E M A
Dogshit that means something is still dogshit, you know
I haven't read Finnegans Wake. Is Inland Empire close to the scale of surrealism?
No, dogshit that means something is Art.
>The only person who seems to think it's bad is #
And ezra pound.
Whats the quote? It wouldn't be worth reading even if it had the cure to syphilis.
this looks like a college freshman is taking their first literature analysis class and they think everything suddenly has meaning. lmao
Problem Child 2
I didn't realize Dr. Seuss wrote prose.
Ulysses and portrait of an artist are great. Memeagain's Wake is trash.
Was it Ulysses or Finnegan's Wake that was written with the intent to troll literary critics? I forget which.
Nah. People used to have Joyce parties where they would sit around and dissect Finnegans Wake for fun.
Its the literary equivalent of the plane scene.
too high brow for me i guess
its like the equivalent of highlighting important parts and suddenly the entire page is yellow lol
>It had been a stretch a-time since anyone in Hazzard County used their brains.
Omg le epic one day where man goes to funeral and jerks off on beach
Omg le epic night where family dreams
>memeing the greatest work of English prose
Abstracting things until they're absurd and then attacking how absurd they are doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look like a teenager, which I'm willing to bet you are
Wow, did you learn those fancy words from Joyce?
So what are the stories of Ulysses and Finnegan's Wake?
Joyce was a fucking hack
people who do this to books should be shot in the street
I'm willing to bet you didn't understand most of Joyce's work and are just parroting what you've read in literary criticisms to seem like an intellectual.
>abstract and absurd are fancy words
Did you drop out of high school or are you just planning on it?
Ulysses takes place in one day in Dublin following the perspectives of multiple people going about their day-to-day activities. It is an ode to the beauty of small minute details in life.
Finnegans Wake (there's no apostrophe) doesn't have so much of a single plot as it is a series of short vignettes, typically one or two pages long, with a series of significant characters connecting multiple of them. The point of the book isn't plot, it's the humor and playfulness of the prose, and the fun of puzzling out all of the portmanteaus and other forms of wordplay.
Except I've never seen a single critique of Finnegans Wake I agree with. They all claim that it has extremely poignant meanings and that every allusion and reference is crucial to understanding it, when I think Joyce was just a good old boy who loved language and wordplay and wanted to give the reader some massive and fun to chew on
Greetings from /lit/
>"It's so dense": The Book
Dog shit
So in other words, stories about nothing.
>thinking Joyce gave a fuck about the reader
You need to go back
Ulysses is about day to day life (something)
Dubliners is about day to day life (something)
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is about growing up and spiritual awakening (something)
Finnegans Wake is about nothing or many things depending on who you ask (up to you)
The reddit opinion is "THIS BOOK (see: a screenshot of a page or two) IS SOOO CRAZY XDDD WTF WAS HE ON WHEN HE WROTE THIS??"
Is he right?
But only YA plebs and genreshit fans read for plot anyways. It's all about prose, baby
And how do you know what Reddits opinion would be, redditor?
Finn again wake
Wild guess
How did you?
>*tilts fedora*
Joyce freed his mind and became a sceptic.
Perhaps Begotten, though I think that's not quite right.
This is book kino, isn't it?
Good authors write great prose. Great writers tell great stories with great prose.
>Kekkek Kekkek Kekkek
More like Finnegans Woke
Life as a pseudo intellectual must fucking suck.
not him but you are such a retard holy hell
>when I think Joyce was just a good old boy who loved language and wordplay and wanted to give the reader some massive and fun to chew on
The notes are more confusing and harder to read than the book.
Wow user
Not him but you sure showed him!
Joyce's earlier works are on point, but around Ulysses he became a meme god and couldn't stop himself.
Highlighting is nowhere near the same thing as writing notes you complete utter pleb
Before the internet.
>hurtleturtled out of heaven
You are joking right?
Ive read Ulysses and that was shit; this looks to be in the same vein
Sup Forums is just full of plebs my dude
I haven't even read the book and yet I don't think that I'm smarter than the hundreds of thousands of academics over the last hundred years who think that it has value so I'm not going to just dismiss it outright because I think it looks weird and hard to read.
An appeal to authority is not a good argument.
Read it and get back to us.
Are you a scholar? I think not. Your opinion counts for nothing against someone who knows what they're talking about.
Go back to shilling DC
An appeal to authority is a fine argument in this case. I can't say that it's a good or bad book, but I can't say that it's retarded to dismiss it unless you know a fuckton about literature.
you dont seem to understand a simple fallacy, so your IQ is probably too low to even have a conversation with you
Even among academics Joyce is controversial, nevermind among writers in his own time. Virginia Woolf straight up said his work was shit.
And what qualifies as a "fuckton of knowledge"
Ive read a fuckton of books (joyce included) and i say it was shit
>An appeal to authority
is a logical fallacy, and not an argument
>what is the "overrated le intentional incomprehensible trash" of film?
Sucker Punch
Surely BvS
is this bait?
fuck off back to you nerds
That's me being a literary genius, every letter has a meaning
You're a fucking idiot, appeal to authority is a fine argument. It's only a logical fallacy if the authority isn't an actual expert.
Also I'm not even saying that it PROVES the book is valuable, I'm just saying that it means there's a good chance the book is actually valuable and unless you are highly knowledgable you shouldn't shit on it.