Working on notes for my OT Plinkett reviews.
Any comments?
Working on notes for my OT Plinkett reviews.
Any comments?
Star Wars is garbage and the fact that you would devote any amount of energy towards being 190,273,102,983,123,123 person to ""review""" them is pathetic.
Do you really think that watching 40 year old children's movies is a good way to spend your life?
rude desu
Mildly expanded edition.
Another minor tweak.
Make sure to post them a lot here, our community would love to see your reviews
This is so mundane it actually hurts to read it.
what does Sup Forums think?
Be sure to read the Yoda point I added to this one.
Basically ruins Yoda's character.
>Be sure to read the Yoda point I added to this one.
I think you should.
kys op. there is nothing new to be said about these movies, and your sperg-ridden "analysis", whether ironic or not, isn't funny or enlightening. Fuck Plinkett/RLM for making plebs like you think anyone cares about your nitpicks of THE plebbiest film trilogy in existence
It's impossible to tell what the quality of the review will be so far. If you got good comedy and produce it well (you won't, you're a loser) it might be decent. I also don't think you can be too nitpicky with these movies, you need to actually dislike them and have a good reason to do so or you're just another cinemasins.
>you're a loser
And you're not?
I've never seen your trip before this year.
I'm the only one giving you real advice.
You need to learn respect.