Daily reminder that he was not convicted

Daily reminder that he was not convicted.

Entrapment doesn't stand in a court of law.

Other urls found in this thread:


no way

>Entrapment doesn't stand in a court of law.
Weird how most were convicted then.

He's cute though. Built good.

what are you talking about? he just wanted to go to the beath

>Entrapment doesn't stand in a court of law.
>to catch a predator
lol what TTT did you go to you fucking retard

I'm sure that's comforting to the pedos who are taking it up the ass from Jamal. If only they had some NEET on Sup Forums for their legal counsel.

Considering TCAP has never featured entrapment it makes sense even if OP's premise was true.

No one forced them to drive to the house

good that that's not what entrapment is, genius

>Entrapment doesn't stand in a court of law

Why do you always come to TCAP threads to say the same thing? Nobody ever agrees with you

Well of course, why would they arrest him for going to the beach?

More importantly

Episode 10 when?!

What? No way!


ain't a TCAP thread without them.

what the show does isn't entrapment, guy in the OP pic just had an extremely good lawyer. that's why 9/10ths of the guys on the show get absolutely fucked.

It's not entrapment you butt hurt pedophile.


>Entrapment doesn't stand in a court of law.
I want to know more about how hew wasn't convicted

TCAP threads are reddit culture. If you unironically post in these threads you are part of 4chans problems.

good post
i read it

His lawyer demanded to see the chatlogs and CP evidence that PervertedJustice group acquired. They wanted to dig into their computers. PJ refused and he was released.


Shut up pedo

Hook line and stinker

You redditors sure are insecure.

I'm feeling generous today so have another (You)
You earned it m80

are you retarded?

If you travel to the location, you've proved intent.

If you sign away your right to remain silent, guess what, you should've kept your fucking lawyer.

What if he was just trying to get to the beach.

Well he's handsome, built well

why stop at the house then?

I miss tcap threads. its a shame that the pedofags got it taken down.

Feels bad, doesn't it?