>So who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?
What was this moment about
>So who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?
What was this moment about
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They needed a quip early on
It's supposed to establish Poe as a wise cracking smartass like Han Solo but the joke is so lame it falls flat.
Nothing, don't worry about it.
Showing that heroes laugh in the face of danger. Are you not a hero OP?
it's a terrible line because it's supposed to be this awkward self-conscious wisecrack but he's just watched his friend and an entire village get slaughtered so he just sounds like an idiot
Nah, first is the murder of defenseless Max von Sydow, then the wisecrack, to lighten the mood, THEN Ren orders the rest of the villagers be gunned down.
Nah, he just knows his situation is pretty much hopeless and that he's most likely going to die. It's just him being defiant and trying not to give his captors the satisfaction of him being a little bitch.
>we want the marvel audience
the line
>showing remorse and respect for an old man who was just murdered is being a little bitch
Imagine being this autistic.
It's like he's literally autistic. Even Han had to intervene and tell him to tone it down.
Did you want him to quiver, cry and shit his pants?
Why do so many people have this mindset? You think it has to be one of the 2 extremes? You think his only 2 options are
>cry and whimper for his life
>crack a joke like an asshole
That's not how this shit works, retard. A cliched "you'll never get away with this" interaction would have been better than this bullshit.
This so much
When Finn barked "DROID PLEASE" was anyone thinking what I was thinking? NIGGA PLEASE. No one in Star Wars spoke like that before. Just saying he had some nigger moments.
Its a movie aimed at manchildren of all ages. especially the ones who have fantasies of making a badass quip in the face of danger, use the force to do cool shit, fight with lightsabers, lasers and cool shit, because their life is so dull and bereft of meaning. There is no other way to write these lines to satisy them and the nitpicky spergs like yourself. The former is the audience they cater to, mostly because they actually pay to see the films, but thats a story for anudda time.
>showing weakness to your enemy
Imagine being this out of touch with your masculine nature
Agreed. Rick > Teleporting Beaner Pilot
Who the fuck says nigga please? I thought the expression was bitch please.
Look at those goalposts move.
>Twins, one male, one female
>Just like Luke and Leia
>The female "discovers" the Force at a place that becomes known as the "Force Tree"
>The female twin founds the Jedi Order
>The male twin is evil and kills the female.
>Before she dies she makes a prophecy that she will return as The One
>Meanwhile Darth Sidious creates Anakin Skywalker to be a false prophet / golem type creation
>The Jedi are fooled into thinking he's The One
>The Jedi only realize their mistake too late.
>Anakin destroys almost all the Jedi
>Luke tries to redeem his evil father who literally slaughtered children.
>Rey is born and she is the perfect reincarnation of The One. Flawless in every way.
>She finds Luke Skywalker, who now just like his evil father, wants to destroy the Jedi Order
Rey will stop Luke's plans, restore order to the galaxy, and will destroy the dark side. She will also bring about the rise of the new Jedi order as predicted by Supreme Leader Snoke in TFA.
Rey being the reincarnation of The One explains why she is such a Mary Sue in TFA. She's literally a perfect super being.
The entire Star Wars saga is now about how women are good and men are evil.
The women are all leaders (Padme, Leia, Rey, Mon Mothma)
The men are all drawn to the dark side (Anakin, Palpatine, Snoke, Kylo)
tl: dr = Men are bad, women are good. Thanks Kathleen Kennedy!
"Nigga please" works sometimes but for the most part its cumbersome as hell, better to say "bitch please" or simply tell them to shut up
T. Nigga
a common interrogation technique is to start the session by not saying anything to the subject so that they feel the urge to talk first or sit there in silence feeling uncomfortable and this gets the ball rolling where they start off ill-footed and confused, intimidated and most of all wanting to talk to you, Poe makes fun of the awkward silence in the situation to show he's brave and won't be messed with easily
Quipping in the face of certain death is the most obvious way of showing weakness and fear though. It shows you're trying to hide it.
>feeling remorse for a murdered old man is weakness
F*cking epic XD
>reylos have been right about everything since TFA came out
how do they do it????
I really liked that line.
And this movie.
Fuck the contrarian cucks.
I remember when I saw this in the theater and that happened I was like oh fuck we're in for one of these.
But then the rest of the movie didn't have tonebreaking cringe quips.
It's literally the moment that Star Wars, for better or worse, died.
its supposed to establish that JJ is a fucking hack
We literally just watched an old man get beheaded and an entire village fucking massacred
But no, this is a perfect time for a quip
Finn and Han's relationship was fucking hilarious in TFA. Such a shame we won't get anymore scenes of Han trying to tell Finn to calm the fuck down.
What's even more hilarious is that Boyega actually invited Ford to his neighborhood.
>mfw Ford when he's walking down an alley
>"I have a bad feeling about this"
Joking, Boyega is actually a really nice guy
>But then the rest of the movie didn't have tonebreaking cringe quips.
I quit the movie at
>the garbage will do
to the millenium falcon.
Fucking nostalgia grab bullshit movie.
no, he's right, though
showing weakness of any kind vs your enemy is the stupidest move possible and the fact that you're trying to argue it's fine tells me you're either a limp-wristed faggot or a woman
Why the fuck was finn a janitor? Why even include that line? It just makes you wonder why a janitor has this much knowledge of a star base..
God this movie sucks so much
they literally made that up to move the plot along/humor
if he was trained to be a stormtrooper from childhood theres no reason to keep him as a jantior, put a fucking droid on that job
What do you think I'm suggesting exactly? You can't meme your way out of danger. It would have been cooler for Poe to have a direct, no bullshit interaction with Kylo about what he had just done, not le epic quip and jerk him around like a faggot.
>The trooper who wipes blood on Finn's helmet was one of Finn's best friends (and probably only friend) so him dying caused a grave stress on Finn that when he begins to run from the battle, he is confronted with a poor innocent woman from the village. He decides to let her go and live after aiming his gun at her for a few moments
>Rey used flight simulators on Jakku hence why she is able to fly the falcon so well
>Snoke slowly seduces Kylo to the dark side, first getting into Kylo's mind while he is training at Luke's Academy
>When Kylo meets Rey for the first time. He senses something that makes him think he knows her very well
>Finn is forced to chuck his gun aside when storm troopers ambush him, Chewie, Han and Maz down under Maz's Castle, thus explaining the plot hole in the next scene why he asks Maz for a weapon when they reach the surface
WHY are these scenes deleted and not in the movie? You can find these in the novel i.e. screenplay yet JJ decides to cut these out...
Deleted village scene
Deleted Maz Castle scene
I liked TFA but I have to admit this was pretty lame.
>Decides to cut out lots of Leia scenes
>Decides to keep this joke in
I do not understand JJ
btw pic related is the woman who dies on the city planet when Kylo orders the new order to use starkiller base to destroy a star system.
and btw: Leia trusted this woman so much and they were very good friends (as the novel states).
that isn't what you were saying in your initial reply
you argued for the case of "showing remorse and respect for an old man who was just murdered" and (if this is also you) it was supposed to be an "awkward self-conscious wisecrack" during a moment of weakness
so either stop moving the goal posts or learn how to formulate an argument, little dude
>introduce a character in a scene, establish friendship with Leia
>later show her in her final moments as her planet is destroyed
>go back and cut out her introductory scene, so the audience has no idea who this lady that is about to die is
Is JJ actually retarded? He traded an important character moment for an unfunny joke.
I really have no idea what is wrong with JJ... seriously what the fuck is wrong with him
does palblo hidalgo lurk here?
why does lucasfilm let him get away with going around debunking rey skywalker theories?
true but hey, marvel disney audiences love quips.
>no, her family.
rey skywalker autists BTFO
An interaction that wouldn't make sane people roll their eyes would involve Poe being angry but collected and making some kind of comment about Kylo being a sociopathic murderer that will not get away with what he just did and whatever he plans to do afterward. Maybe he could spit in his face or something like that. Hell, even just making his joke funny would have been acceptable.
This pasta is stale user. It's fake fan fiction made to seem plausible from a leaked set photo of the tree where Luke lives on Ach-to.
>she thinks luke skywalker is a myth
... what? Han told her it's all true in an earlier scene and btw what's that got to do with people asking why a scene was cut (we do all know there was a massive Maz and Rey scene that got cut)
Fucking JJ only caring about action scenes and not wanting any dialogue scenes that actually explain stuff...
Daisy Ridley said in an interview that she felt that TFA answered questions but after she saw it she was like "wait no it didnt".
So is Daisy going insane or was there many scenes that JJ deleted because he wanted to keep everyone guessing about her?
>no, her family. she thinks Luke Skywalker is a myth
The fact that he had to explain this to him/her is pure proof of how fucking retarded nu-Wars fans can be.
>Luke lives in a tree
>Yoda lives in a tree
OMFG please enough with the re hash
>but Han told her it was true!
And she was hanging out on Jakku for many years before that, thinking her family (not Luke) would come back for her.
JJ said to some kid that asked that Rey's parents are NOT in episode 7. then the skywalker legacy nuts started to go crazy so he "clarified" his statement by saying "u-um rey's parents COULD have been in episode 7! i just mispoke before!"
and pablo responded "lulz" bc JJ is full of shit.
It's pretty obvious from the movie and everything that has come out since. Some people just don't want to accept it because they want her to be Luke's daughter so bad.
sane people know to turn their brain off when watching drivel made by jj abrams
there's no saving this movie, but this quip was hardly an issue, and the quip made sense with poe's character
dude is the devil may care ace pilot who laughs in the face of danger; why would he show his enemy he's mad? control your emotions and stop projecting yourself onto the characters
That's the "Yeah, it's _that_ kind of movie" moment
It was a weak joke and a bit cringy but surprisingly he was still a good character.
sorry but they're full of shit if they're claiming kylo's design wasn't even partially based on revan.
>the people who work on star wars don't know about one of the most popular SW games of all time
kek. fuck off.
i'm honestly cracking up thinking about all the people who are going to be butthurt when she turns out not to be a skywalker.
Maybe you should stop being so meta
Tb completely h I'll be kind of butthurt if she turns out not to be Luke's daughter.
She's not. Start preparing yourself now, user.
>why would a hero character be likable and human?
gee, I don't know, man...
i was a skywalkerfag too but i honestly don't think it's happening anymore. sorry. :(
This was the first thing that made me think "uh oh"
>one single not-that-bad quip is enough to destroy an entire character for you
knew i was arguing with a dude who just wanted (You)s
What about when Poe was handing BB-8 the plans to Luke? That was my first uh oh
Disney can't have a serious moment without a quip right after so the moronic audience can feel safe
Kylo/First Order on Jakku was really good. The movie went to shit as soon as Rey popped up on the screen to be honest.
The quip is still shit no matter what
rey is the absolute worst. i liked jyn a lot better, i hope rey dies or gets lost.
I love Jyn. By far a miles better written female character than Rey
Jynn was dogshit as well, even more so than Rey. Rey was an unstoppable competence force Chosen One but she had a personality at least. Jynn was literally a blank slate of disinteresting behaviour, lines, and actions.
Leading up to the release of TFA the consensus was that the OT was great and the prequels were shit (excluding Sup Forums). Everyone talked about how they wanted adventure and fun back into the series which Disney/JJ interprets as "have them burn down a village in the opening (like ANH) but also have them quip". I hate fun. The only true pleasure in life comes from hatred and destruction. That is why III is the best star wars for me.
Great character? These are the types of posts that convince me viral marketers frequent star wars/MCU threads.
Sup Forums HATED the prequels before TFA. Idk how long you've been tripping here but you still must be new, friend
This. Sup Forums is 4chans Reddit, a place full of contrarian Hipster who finds something shit the one day and the same stuff awesome the other day if something more popular come up.
Not really. I honestly don't think Sup Forums likes the prequels now.
I posted in pro prequel threads before you were born kiddo