Honest question I see it a lot but for some reason black people are allowed by white or asian people are not.
Why are black people allowed to culturally appropriate but no one else is?
shit thread, shit bait, kys
Because black people bite back while white and Asians don't. Look at rap music and videos. You don't see SJWs getting mad at them often and if they do they get a whole bunch of blacks threatening the SJW. Meanwhile Asians and whites barely do shit. What I'm saying is whites and Asians are easy targets while you don't fuck with blacks and their animalistic behavior.
You cannot "culturally appropriate" if you're not priviledged, only priviledged people- i.e. whites, can culturally appropriate. Likewise there was Yasuke, the BLACK Samurai. There has never been a white Samurai.
That and Japanese and African culture is very similar, both were oppressed and defeated by white men, so there is a spiritual connection.
actually not bait, honest question. stay mad triggered nigger.
Nice bait. 10/10
Go back to Sup Forums, you faggots are fucking boring.
Because blacks being inferior need our help as whites to help them improve their image artificially since they can't do it themselves. Aren't progressive whites good and magnanimous ?
Because sub-saharan african culture is absolute dogshit. It's easier just to pretend they wuz kangs and kung fu pandas.
You forgot that most SJWs are white. SJWs are extremely afraid of blacks.
Because otherwise they'd partake in their own culture, and would run around half naked cutting the limbs off children and engaging in cannibalism while sucking the shit out of cows.
Let them appropriate. Otherwise they remain niggers.
>go back to Sup Forums
>assumes im fucking Sup Forums
im an asian you fucking moron, wtf would i go there you triggered nigger.
dont indians do that too?
The fact that lefties even bitch about "cultural appropriation" doesn't make any sense
>all cultures should mix together. YAY MULTICULTURALISM!
>what the fuck!? You can't do that it's appropriation, cultures need to be separated REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
It's just another excuse for them to complain about white people
Yes, which is why encouraging them to act like whites is the best option.
If you dont do that you are making a stereotype black character
Which law says you can't appropriate culture?
see heres the thing, i just dont like the hyprocrisy. dont scream about white people "appropriating" various asian cultures and then let black people do it. Like my culture (korea) has always borrowed from other cultures but we have been called racist because some of our pop stars immitate rap music. black people are not sacred cows, if its ok for them then it should be for the rest of us too.
but what i find is when black characters are included or replace other ethnicities in other franchises, they end up being black racist stereotypes.
i dont see anyone calling out fast and furious for stereotyping black people.
>Why are black people allowed to culturally appropriate but no one else is?
Says who? Do you have proof of this being true?
>but no one else is?
Stop talking out of your ass.
No one complained about cultural appropriation when The Last Airbender or Dark Souls were made.
im not talking about laws im talking about outrage
dont tell me you are sjw's too.
Blacks are some of the biggest closet weebs out there. Stop trying to bait with bullshit.
-5/10 troll post
maybe because black characters are kinda rare in some works and they need to force the diversity in those.
Jews. Every slight against a white person right now in the 21st century can be traced back to some kind of Jewish idea or plan. They came en masse after WW2 and invented Hollywood, ever since then we've been being fed images they deemed important. Most of your ideas and the entertainment you consume are hand selected by our kike overlords. Now go out and take some BBC, cut your dick off, and apologize.
they are violent apes who need to be coddled
not really. africa is a huge fucking continent, are you seriously telling me they have no original stories to tell?
this is bait right?
>Black person shirt: statistically, I am more likely to murder and rape
this is fact
The people who care about "cultural appropriation" are a small vocal minority similar to the KKK
What they say doesn't matter
no i meant the jews bit. idgi
Because cultural appropriation is a meme created by mentally ill leftist. No one really cares about. I don't think you can appropriate an art style either.
this is what i also thought, because most cultures tend to mix throughout history anyway.
low effort
it's almost like they're neurotic or something....wild.
Because asians and whites are successful. And Blacks are not.
Typically. It's honestly very racist.
With asian action cinema it's actually quite weird, it has to do with them being schlock shown at even trash theaters and them starring people who weren't white. It really resonated with black people in a very surprising way.
Cultural appropriation was a positive thing up until a bout 5 years ago. The Japanese ministry of culture has spent millions of dollars creating weeaboos just to have SJWs try and shut down their plans.
Asians get a pass with black American culture. With hip-hop, and "urban" culture, no one cares if Asians adopt it.
I would be more convinced that you are a white user pretending to be Asian. Because I don't see why Asians would feel there is a doublestandard between Black/Asian appropriation. When in fact, there is even give and take between groups.
why are people still talking about the fucking "sjw" meme from 2014?
What did reddit mean by this?
wtf i love sjws now
Sudoku yourself if you like African culture so much