Do you own a Drive jacket?

Do you own a Drive jacket?


i want one but people will be dicks about it

Might as well wear an autism badge with it

Was my haloween costume. People dug it. Then I spilled half a handle of fireball on it and it reeks of the stuff months later so I keep it in my trunk. And its cool to wear when im driving alone at night.

Tunnel snakes rule

>Take the silk jacket Gosling wore in Drive (directed by Nicolas Winding Refn), which was then borrowed five years later by Louis Vuitton and Gucci. “Gosling became the pin-up boy for the bomber jacket,” says fashion writer Simon Chilvers, “and that look has become a symbol for the relaxed man.” Too studiedly insouciant to be edgy, too well dressed to wear a tracksuit, that’s Gosling: accessible, green, appealing to both men and women. As my hairdresser, who has Gosling hair, says, “It’s just easier to dress like him than not.”

Whoa, slow your driving buddy

Just get a fire jacket, that kind you wear to race, its the same style

I was very very close to buying one

me too, f a m, me too....

They look bogan as fuck

Look up Quilted Jacket.

Out of all of those guys the dog looks the best in that jacket

Poor dog.

i have 5 of them. i recently bought a similar car used in the movie.

i own both of those

Yes, how do I look in it?

what's the mather faggot? you don't own one? what a fucking faggot, we all have one. get a life, LOOSER, lmao

No but now I want a black one.

Asian guy on the bottom left is the only one who looks cool because he's smiling and not taking a selfie in his house.

Pic of car and jackets or fuck off

>there are gooks on Sup Forums
I hope this isn't true

I've literally never seen a cool asian

It's true. You are surrounded by gooks, chinks, niggers, kikes, spics, jiggaboo, cambodian jungle rats, vietcongs, poo in the loo, commies, rapefugees, mudslimes, religion of peace, and more. Maybe it's time we go back to our safe space Sup Forums.

You look like Kojima-san

>Not recognizing based Kojima

He makes the best vidya kino around. Shame on you.

>Be edge lord
>Tell me people to fuck off
>Hates gooks, chinks, and kikes

actually yes, he kinda looks like a character from a kung fu movie


Kawaii uguu, senpai


Reminder that you have a 1 in 7.5 billion chance of being Ryan Gosling. If you're not Ryan Gosling and you choose to wear this jacket you're going to look like a low-functioning autist and a fancy boy.

about as mature as this

Almost bought one. I was going to wear it while playing video games alone with the ac up. I'd never wear it outdoors.

You made the right choice user. You need to get fit and have the right look for the jacket.