What caused a generation of boys to have her as their first waifu?

What caused a generation of boys to have her as their first waifu?

>Implying that was anybodies waifu, ever

She filled out nicely though


shut your whore mouth


demetra>spic bitch

Its a pile of waifus for you. They're your type.

Top tier bants

she had smelly feet

Frig off you know-nothing troublemaker.

What happened to them now anyways?

>Robert Rodriguez makes a kid's film series with body horror motifs

They're probably getting fucked in the ass

I'm the guy.

The first one gave me dreams with that guy's face for years. I have his stupid grin ingrained in my head.

She's not even the best girl of the movie and you know it, and you know who it really is so post her already.

wtf was he thinking here

the scene where she says she has smelly feet, and then the running gag they used that as in the sequels


>I'm the guy

>Not Demetra
Alex Vega is best gal in the series in general but Courtney Jines takes the cake for SK3

Demetra is the real best girl