Is Europe lost? If not, how much longer will it take? I feel sorry for my euro brothers...

Is Europe lost? If not, how much longer will it take? I feel sorry for my euro brothers, it seems that at this point the whole continent is just one continuous terrorist attack

>55% white
>90% white

Yeah but your whites are some of the whiniest betas on the planet. I've never seen such a congregation of degenerate, limp wristed, hipster babies walking around in one place.

America has a lot more whites than any European country, even if it's just 55%

Sweden, france, and germany looks fucked to me, but estern europe is fine. I can't even name a single mudslime attack here, feels bretty good

>%95 percent of fighting age european men are absolute hopeless, treason-tier nu male sjws

it still has much higher quality of life than your negroid shithole and your mass shooters are just as bad as designated terrorism countries, if anything, you should feel sorry for yourself...

>95% of fighting age americans have diabetes and cant climb the stairs without farting

Your perception of Europe as a homogeneous cultural area would be as mistaken as saying similar things about the USA.

Why do other nations insist on highlighting nationhood over class as the divider?

I feel pretty comfy even though caliphate is forming 40 kilometers away from me

Americans can just avoid bad neighborhoods or not become cops if they dont want to die. Europeans are often now seen offering their wives and daughters to encampents of refugees to avoid being called racist.

>be European
>watch millenia old civilization crumble within a matter of months

Europe is not nearly lost. France, Sweden and Germany probably are though.

As for rest of Europe, especially Eastern with less then 1% of Muslims and no blacks, its much better then USA.



>I've never traveled

Lol. Americans are far more cucked. You are the centre of SJWism, only in America do women hate "white males", and care about "sexist microagressions" and "rape culture" etc, even in leftist circles in mainland European countries you'd be laughed at for talking about this stuff.

Europeans are dumb and naive and think the whole world is like them, but Americans actively hate white people and males. No where else is white guilt encouraged as much with the exception of Germany and holohoax. Every single American male below 30 I've met has been a nu-male stereotype, and every single female has been a hypersensitive, PC indoctrinated liberal who spouts buzzwords. I've literally never met a European female like this, I even some hippie leftist types from Sweden but I didn't get the same feeling of SJWism and white male hatred that 80% American girls express. Utopian idealism and naive retardation sure but not the buzzword laden, identity politics, Twitter bullsht that is the norm amongst Americans.

[source needed] tho
while you are being ruled by a literal nigger, there has not been a single sexual assault, regular assault, robbery, not a single violent crime or any other kind of crime committed by rapefugees.. now what?

so get off your high horse or you might get hit by stray bullets tyrone and tyreese keep shooting, united states cant even be considered a first world country

why wouldn't you?
czechs make the best guns

Eastern europe is 50% muslim. Remember croatia vs serbia?

>it seems that at this point the whole continent is just one continuous terrorist attack

Nah mostly just the countries that have participated and/or supported wars in middle east and Africa. Terrorist is just a fancy word for anyone who goes against the interests of the globalists.

>Is Europe lost? If not, how much longer will it take?
Depends on what comes out of the situation in Turkey.
Europe is literally bribing Turkey to act as a floodgate for refugees.

Once that floodgate opens they'll flood in to Europe whether we want them or not.

Again, MAYBEEE in Sweden. Everywhere else? Kek no.

Plenty of Germans and Baguettes would probably love to exterminate islamists, but cant. Moment is coming though I'm afraid where its going to be either US vs THEM in these states.

As for literally everyone else (Europe is 500+ million), no muslims and no blacks. No ghettos and no PC bullshit. Only right wing on rise....

Kek. Well said

Why is everyone acting like action in Europe will never happen? I can see the political climate changing before my very eyes.

People are posting "deport all muslims" in threads on Sup Forums now. They sure as fuck never cared a few years ago. I know i didn't

There is 1% of Muslims in Croatia. These are few Bosniak refugees from 90s. As for Serbia, there is more but they are mainly stationed in one part of Serbia.

Do you realise that if we remove the non blue/green whites ameirca is less than 20% white also
>America has a lot more whites than any European country
top kek this what monkeys think

This is true. But there will be a backlash

>50% muslim
Nice meme. Try 63% white... Oh wait, that's you.

Half of Europe is *completely* uncucked, so is Russia. That's maybe 500,000 million completely uncucked white people, maybe more. As for Western Europe, sure we are more influenced by you and have intenalised the Americuck mentality (it literally all comes down to American influence which is why former commie areas aren't affected) but there are far more guys who enjoy fighting in Europe. Martial arts and boxing (amongst white people, name one good white American boxer lmao) is bigger here on average, and we have football hooligans who are generally nationalistic and racist.

Americans have guns and you don't even use them. You could actually make day off the rope a reality, but you don't. Literally just penis extensions.

>there has not been a single sexual assault, regular assault, robbery, not a single violent crime or any other kind of crime committed by rapefugees..

in my country, where i live
literally every single one of them passed trough here, and since hungary put barbed wire on the border there have been plenty of them over here staying for some time, and not a single one managed to do a single crime
now what?
serbia is on european continent therefore there has been found a counter example to your claim and your claim is logically false

West Europe is dead. The USA is also dead.

I keep waking up and surfing Sup Forums waiting to hear about a nationalist electoral win or nationalist attack, anything to point out that there's still life there.


Jihadi attacks daily and no response.

Austria got close with Hofer, but I doubt the elites will let it repeat. I bet he actually won by 5% and the margin they rigged it by was only just enough to lose. They won't repeat the error. There will be a false flag days out from the vote.

West Europe will see Nationalism stall at 30-40% with the other +60% trained to hate them at all costs. East Europe is already a safe nationalist majority and will probably go true fascist within 10 years.

A new Iron curtain is forming, but this time it will be nationalism vs. globalism.

30-40% nationalist population is 8-10x more willing to fight to the death for their cause than 60% of SJW numale globalist faggots

no, not really

>there has not been a single sexual assault, regular assault, robbery, not a single violent crime or any other kind of crime committed by rapefugees..
guess even muslims have limits to what they would fuck

Doesn't matter when the 60% controls the state. The only hope is if they go too far crushing the Nationalists and cause mass desertions in the military, which I guarantee is more nationalist.

The EU keeps a deliberately weak US-dependent army exactly to prevent a repeat of WW2. They know that the armed forces will always be more nationalist than the rest of the state.

I hope those bullets are indestructible, I would expect nothing less from Nokia.

>Nokia ammunition

Dude what

Well, i think everyone should enjoy his last times before WWIII starts. Hide your gold!

What will be left in the EU when Brits leave? Think about it with a carefully conniving manner.

they also made rubber boots back in the day

>Nokia bullets

shit must be unbreakable

Sako rifles and ammo are actually brilliant

America is right Britain. If you try to mention that immigrants rape people you're a racist. The police wont even show the numbers because it might create "xenophobia". If you try to say that perhaps we should help refugees where they are you're a racist. Almost everything you try to say about immigrants will label you as a racist.

In Norway there was an suggestion that the health service should check school-girls that came from regions where mutilation of sex organs were practiced to uncover and help those who had been mutilated. This was deemed racist and stigmatizing because it only covered on group, e.g. the group who practice this shit. So I think it was scrapped and nothing is done.

We are under the whip of the left, and if you try to speak out you're ostracized.

In america you can proudly say USA, USA, USA and not be labeled racist. This is not possible in most European countries. The only time we're allowed to do it is during World-Cup or Euro-Cup.

You have freedom of speech in America that is why you find both extremes, and both extremes are allowed to express their views. We lack this freedom in Europe. We might have that freedom in theory on paper, but not in practice.

>but then again I have never been to USA and can only go by the little tidbits of information I have accumulated here and there.

>tfw I'm thin as a rail and still fart going upstairs


>the whole continent

New Turkey and Northern Morroco aren't the whole continent bud

People exaggerate the importance of the whole
Thing. Parts of America are as white as the whitest parts of Europe and other parts of America have as many shitskins as London and Paris.

>murica safe

>murica white

>people caring about skin color instead of freedom